
Tensura Guardian of Nature

Warning before you read: I do not own the cover, if the owner doesn't want me using it I will take it down. I do not own any of the characters that will be mentioned in the story there will be some OC like my MC but most of them will be credited to their respective creators. -- Synopsis: A boy who regrets not having the power to save his family when needed. After he dies he gets a chance to reincarnate and chooses to be a guardian. (simple right (⌒▽⌒))

DreamingOni · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Wishes (Edited)

A/N: This is my first time writing a book so I would love it if you guys criticize my writing style, grammar and spelling. English is my 2nd language so please don't expect perfect grammar I'm sorry if I'm not perfect ༼ಢ_ಢ༽

I make 1 chapter a day so if your reading this today don't expect a new chap later (>﹏<)

"Hello" - Talking

'Fuck you' - Thinking

" he said 'hello' " - a statement with in a statement

(Take note) - Notices / extra info

(A/N: Hello) - Author note



Darkness all I see is absolute darkness, 'wait aren't I dead, are dead people capable of thinking with out a brain? Wait, where am I going? will I finally meet my family again?.'

???: "That's where you are wrong little one."


???: "Congratulation for being the 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 soul to die! we are reaching a milestone!."

"Huh?" I shouted in surprise, a being that looks to be a shota standing in front of me calling me little and shouting like I won a grand event from a store.

'Aren't you the little one here' is what I wanted to say but decided against it

"I've always wanted to do that" the shota mumbled

"Anyways~ back to the main topic that's where you are wrong! you will not meet your family at least not yet, I guess?"

"Wait, not yet? those that mean I have a chance to do so?" I asked with high expectation

"Umu, you are right! let me explain why you see that fat rich guy you just killed was supposed to be the cause of your great japans nation's downfall in the future due to his greed If you were ever to fail in your revenge. I guess you can blame the goddess of fate, but that's all over now isn't it, we shouldn't blame anyone that happened in our life!." The shota said in a cute yet serious tone.

'Why do I feel like I missed a big info there'

suddenly as if the shota heard my thoughts he interrupted me and said "Anyways due to what you have done, though the gods and goddesses dislike how you killed him, we just deducted that to your karma but that deduction was measly compared to how much you earned. through your karma you can make wishes and reincarnate, I hope you understand what I mean when I said you can meet your family."

"Wait doesn't that mean!-" I clenched my fist with determination, 'Finally! I get to see you guys again!'

but before I made my wish I asked something "Did my family get to reincarnate?"

"Hmmm? yes, they did, I didn't actually need to think about that question since a Saintes from a world filled with magic with the highest karma ever existed wished everyone would have a chance to reincarnate in the multiverse. That includes that fat guy you just killed, but not everyone has a chance to reincarnate with their memory just like you, Only those with high karma can."

'Well I don't really care, I took care of my grudge against him till I was satisfied before I committed suicide anyways' I internally calmed myself since I might lash out knowing fact such heresy of a being actually reincarnated.

"Interesting fact actually" the shota broke me out of my trains of thoughts. "Your family all together reincarnated at least 1,245,692,756 times after their death and still counting. you see time doesn't exist here, what you think is the future can be present time here, and what you think is the past can also be present time here. The gods above told me this, and said they will do you a favor in exchange for a favor."

"Hoo.. so what is this favor they want from a mere mortal like me?"

"Since you have enough karma to make 3 wishes, and before you lash out saying 'why is the number of wishes so low when you said I saved japan'. You see wishes actually cost a lot of karma, though with limitations not everyone can enjoy these privilege's, they usually reincarnate without memory of their past life while you will, that's one of the boons if you accept the offer of the other gods above, you won't waste a wish just to keep your memory."

Continuing the shota said, "The favor the gods want you to do is protect one of the worlds they created for fun, those old geezers actually combined different types of Anime worlds into one and want you to protect it from those celestial rats from taking over it and using the world they created against them."

"What the heck is a celestial rat and anime worlds exist?" I asked with a confused face

"you actually know one of the celestial rat's species, the Otsutsuki from the anime Naruto, they are actually real also that Naruto world. You can say they are a fallen clan of celestials who stop at nothing to take over the universe under their ruling so we call them rats

And you actually fit the bill for protecting, you don't need to protect everyone in that world in general, you don't actually need to protect any living things there just protect the world from those rats. and yes anime world exist"

Knowing it's actually an anime world made me want to accept it already, I mean no matter what world it is I have 3 wishes to keep me safe if it's dangerous. but Then what he said next made me accept without hesitation.

"If you accept this offer the gods above will do a soul link with you and your family's soul and once their life is done in their current world they will go to the one you will protect, as same species or the species under you. as your souls are linked you will know when they arrive and which individual they are."

'Even if I won't be their son anymore, I will protect them no matter what.' I clenched my fist with resolve 'This time I will give you guys the happiest life you will ever have, I will not make you suffer.'

"I accept, may I know how the process will work before I make my wishes," I said with the fire of determination in my eyes

"You will be sent in one of the worlds before they started combining, they are all anime worlds so you don't have to worry. You will be sent in one of them at random in order for you to build power. One thing for sure is that you will be one of the primordial beings in that world."

After thinking about what he said I decided on my wishes. If shit didn't happen to me and my family in the past I would probably be an athletics weeb, since I love anime so ill just make a wish for stuff I imagined to have before.

"My first wish is to be anything but a human, I've had enough of humans if possible I would exterminate every single one of them if they decide to annoy me in my new life." (A/N: turns into a goblin)

"Mah~mah don't need to be so hot headed, and you cant exterminate them maybe massacre but please don't kill the innocent ones and if you cause genocide the world voice might decide to punish you. ( World voice is more like a manager so it cant protect the world only manage)" The shota said as if he expected me to say it.

"Tsk, Anyways. My second wish is to have a zanpakuto but a bow version of Byakuya from bleach, I want it a hundred times better and more lethal than the original. I always wanted to have a bow and use magic with it, I can already think of the skills I will make using a bow. Oh also I want it to be able to manifest it at will and it should reside inside me or my soul"

"That's easy, though this time it will be a Zanbowkuto. Hehehe"

Ignoring his joke I said, "Lastly I want to have a great sage with an ability to show me my skills since I might have a lot then forget about others, it's a good way to keep track of my skills."

"Okay that's done, well then I hope to wish you luck. just know you have a chance to be a God the requirements in simple actually. Bye-bye!" The little shota waved his hands signaling my time in here is done and the start of a new beginning

"Thank you for the chance! also, what do you mean I can be a God? also what anime worlds will be combined?" I said as I slowly turn into particles

"You will know eventually" he smiled as I disappeared completely from where I stood


(Shota POV)

*punches the air*

"Klyscha Nee-chan! why did you have to leave and make me do your job as you have sex with a mortal! am I not good enough!"


*wong wong wong*

"Hmm another one with high karma? why is there so many of them urghh!"


"Humph, ill do better job than nee-chan ever will! Umu, ill show you!." I mumbled as I notice the soul feeling confuse I started the usual


"Congratulation for being the 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 soul to die! we are reaching a milestone!."

"Nailed it." I was very happy it was better than last time!

"Ara~ you're a cute little fellow" A beautiful Milf said

'eh?! No isn't this the legendary Milf Shotacon! Nee-chan! Help!'

*Teary eyes*

(End of shota POV)


Next chapter ~ Beginning ~


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