
Tensura: Golden Goddess

you are reborn but instead of purgatory or heaven you are given the chance to to take the place of End and Origin. as both you are now wandering the multiverse and it takes you awhile but eventually you find what you where looking for friends. hi I’m Jessica Verde or was I am now Lady Reine Humninon The True God. at first I thought it was impossible but I've come to realize it isn't a joke. I am basically omnipotence's embodiment "The god above gods." anyway I am currently in my human form because it is more flexible. I am also looking for something. A companion on this lonely journey maybe even multiple I just don't want to be alone. I reside in the universe of tensura I want rimuru I want him to be my child a soft, cute, strong, smart child. I also want to meet veldanava he should be residing in the voids gates somewhere right?

MeiQiao · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Final Wish

-??? POV-

'Its 2 p.m.'

I said loudly in my mind

'its almost 3 the time they left..'

I need to get it together mum wouldn't have wanted this neither would claire.

Hi I am Jess a woman that is only 36 years old

And today is the day everyone I loved died.

Ironically I was the only survivor and my two kids,lover, and mother all passed away.

I get up and walk to the kitchen to make tea.

I am a elegant woman if I must say but ever since the incident 4 years ago I haven't been the same. I am a bit off is what Ray my best friend says, Sofia my other friend thinks I should just get over it.

I am currently walking to a tea gathering with Sofia and Ray. It's currently 2:59

"Ah one more minute…"

I quietly mutter

"Huh? What the hell are you talking about Jess?"

"Ah nothing"

I quickly respond to Sofia

"Hey Sofi why so harsh?"

Ray joins in

"She really doesn't listen like before!"

"But it's been so long haven't you gotten over that?"

That's right ever since 'the incident' Sofia has been acting a little harsh towards me unlike before her sweet and nice self. She was so nice before they left we met in high school and she was the nicest in the class room.

Trying to avoid the conversation I point out we reached the train station.

The train is a little late but that's alright the gathering doesn't start too soon.

The train is zooming close and we're are walking to the waiting area, from the corner of my eye I see the train approaching quickly and then I look again and see Sofia with a smirk on her face push me onto the tracks

Wide eyed is how I look and shocked is the only thing to describe how I feel.

Surprised? No, I expected her to hate me to this extent but I never would have thought she would actually kill me.

It seems that everything has frozen and I see Ray turned away and Sofia hands over her mouth and screaming. The only word I can use to describe her is Confusing, what was she trying to gain? I had lost everything. Even Claire my only love.My Wife.

I closed my eyes and accepted death not that I had much to live for.

'I Curse you Sofia in this life and others to come, you shall be punished with a miserable death'

I whispered a terrible curse in my mind that I hope will come true but while doing that I also thought of a wish

'I wish to be able to protect everything dear to me in my next life.'

{"Confirmation. Obtaining 'Queen of life : genesis"}


Is the last thing I remember before it all went blank


I woke up in a forest full of strange flowers surrounding me,I touched them and then information flooded my mind giving the description, makeup, and origin of the flower before absorbing it into my body. I felt my body become healthier and

sores healed .

Speaking of my body I see a river and look in it. When I look in the river I see a mature woman with beautiful blue silver hair, what was the color called? Oh yes it was indicolite a variation of sky blue it's very pretty. Her hair is long and almost touch's the ground, when I keep looking I see the woman's beautiful structure her body looks to be full of no mistakes and her skin holds no blemishes she is wearing a all white outfit that includes a white split thigh maxi dress, I owned one similar to these in my last life.taking one last look,I notice her beautiful golden eyes staring at me.

This woman is now me and suddenly I feel a sudden surge of information flow through my mind. I am Lady Idomia Hunnimon the Creator or CEO of this universe basically Veldanava's

Older sister

I have been asleep for 2000 years and I'm just now waking.about 300 years ago Veldanava "died". Fooling everyone he knows, he is just locked away in the void. I can free him but it is not time for that yet plus he has been a bad child and he deserves his punishment.

I get up from where I'm standing and suddenly from about 4 meters away on a trail I see a cute blue slime bouncing about in some direction while also releasing his aura,

Silly slime you'll attract monsters that way.

Wait. Why is a slimes aura so big and I am sensing Veldoras energy from it? Why?

Suddenly I find myself following this slime

It seems to have noticed me and turns around not as if I was hiding it looks at me and then say something

"Who're you?"

Hmm slimes shouldn't be this conscious..

"Hey lady answer me!"

"Hm? What a loud slime"


The slime quiets down and I begin to introduce myself

"Lady Idoma Hunnimon, Pleased to meet you

Cute slime"

The slime is still quiet and then finally speaks up

"…A-are you the mother Veldora was talking about…? Idomia, World creator…?"

A slight smile creeps to my lips as I reply

"Why yes I am-

The slime tenses up at that alone and I continue

-Did Veldora say anything about his dear mother?"

—-Cute slimes POV—-

I am Rimuru Tempest, a newly named slime and I've decided to explore out of the cave.

While going out I see some humans and realize the old dragons disappearance wasn't the best idea for the environment.

While I'm bouncing on a trail {Great Sage} detects something powerful behind me, I turn around and see a woman. A hot woman. But I don't feel attracted to her more life I want her affection.

I turn to her with a question in hand

"Who're you?"

I ask,she ignores me and keeps staring

"Hey lady answer me!"

"Hm? What a loud slime"

Wow.. her voice is like a soothing melody


She starts to introduce herself while I'm getting out of my daze

"Lady Idomia Hunnimon, pleased to meet you."

Hearing this I quite literally froze in fact I was scared for my life and I disrespected HER too

"…A-are you the mother Veldora was talking about…? Idomia, World creator…?"

Yeah this woman is a god

"Why yes I am-

The woman begins and I immediately tense up more and she continues

-Did Veldora say anything about his dear mother?"

She says with a threatening smile on her face

I got you man I'll put in a good word with your mom!

"Uh nope everything he said were compliments and praise's"

"Oh really? Seems he is still a good child unlike his brother."


"Well where are you headed sweetie?"

"Nowhere particular just looking for a place to settle down a village I guess."

"Alright I'll tag along"

We begin walking and she suddenly says something

"I never got your name sweetie"

Oh yeah I never did tell her my name

"Oh right it's Rimuru, Rimuru Tempest"

She smiles and then say something very unexpected

"Rimu I like you, call me mommy."

I stopped bouncing immediately.

She wants me to call her mom?

Not that I'm saying no but we just met

"Uh sure?"