A bunch of random Tensura things I write some will be short stories some will be only 1 chapter if you have any recommendations say it in the chapter comments
Rimuru POV
One day was in his office relaxing suddenly I felt a strange energy surround me. I could have stopped it but I decided not to because I want to see what it was.
Once I to opened my eyes all I saw was white and a couple other figures i then heard a voice
??? You 9 are going to be the original gods you each posses a divinity my name is Gaea and and I am the mother of this planet and you guys are also my children
???:What will are names and divinity be then?
She then started naming us from left to right and I heard her say names that I recognized like Zeus Odin and shiva and they they got there divinity they have in the mythologies back on Earth until it eventually came to me.
Gaea: Hmmm your the strongest out of all of you but anyways your name shall be Rimuru and you shall be the god of creation and knowledge.
Hmm how interesting I probably got that because of my Ahura Mazda and wisdom because of Ciel speaker of her where is she
Ciel: Don't worry master I am here and the reason you got creation and knowledge is because I decided to seal all of you skills except me and Ahura Mazda because I have calculated that it would the most fun for master if I only left those 2
Ehh why did you choose to leave Ahura Mazda
Ciel; Because it is the most conventional because of you need anything you can just create it
Huh I guess after I was done talking to Ciel I started paying attention again
Gaea: Later I will create other gods but you will be the strongest and all of the others will not be my direct children but merely my creations. Oh and also Rimuru come with me I need help with creating a dimension were all of us can stay as for the rest of you can talk to each other or do what ever you want
After she said that I started following her until we were a distance away from the other gods
Gaea: Ok I want there too be 3 layers the bottom layer will be were all the minor gods will stay the middle we're all the important gods will stay and the top layer were me and you and your siblings will stay I will leave all the design to you all I ask is that the higher you get the nicer it gets
Rimuru: Yes mother but may I ask if I can try creating a god after I'm done with this.
The real reason I asked to create gods is that I want to put my old subordinates and friends consciousness in them
Gaea: I am fine with that as long as I get to see the god after you create it
After she said that went away I started creating heaven first I started with the first layer and I decided to make it kind of similar to earth a made it around a fifth of the size of earth so that there would be enough space I made several different sections were the different type of gods will live I made a area with mountains with tallest one even being taller than Mount Everest then I made a flat plains which took up most of the space and I also made a couple forest and other stuff scattered around it like hill and small mountains then I made another space were all of the so called evil edgy gods could live where it was dark and there were things like a forest without any trees with leafs then I created the zone which would be the ocean I put a bunch of things like coral reefs and then as the final touch I put a bunch of random living creatures in it like animals.
The next thing I had to do was create the middle area which would be the same size as Earth O decided to something different with the middle area and I made it all somewhat Similar and let the gods themselves decide what the terrain looked like.
And for the top area where me and my siblings will live I made it a little smaller then the other area because it would be 10 of us in the middle area I created mothers area and I made a giant luxurious castle right in the center of the area and I made the rest of the area a forest.
I decided to ask my siblings what they want in their territories Zeus wanted an area that was constantly storming. Shiva said to make a territory that could regenerate so he could destroy anything he wants Odin wanted a floating island and he said he would do the rest.
I then went to ask my siblings Ra asked for a place that was a desert with it always being sunny. Jade Emperor who I would say is the third strongest after me and mother asked for a kingdom to be created for him and he made a bunch of other specifications and it ended up looking like heaven after I was done. Dagda wanted an area that was just a basic plains with some lakes and other things. Jupiter wanted a giant forest as his whole territory with lots of animals. Last was Marduk who just wanted a castle with nothing surround it.
Once I was done with that the only thing left was to create my area and I decided that I wanted a little bit of everything the other gods had I put a giant castle in the middle of my area but I put it on top of mountains then I made a forest surrounding the mountains after that I decided I would also put a couple of dragons inside my area then I just made the rest of the area a flat plains with lakes and a couple hills.
Odin is the leader of Norse mythology
Zeus is the leader of Greek mythology
Shiva is the leader of us one of the most important people in Hindu mythology
Ra is one of the oldest gods in Egyptian mythology
Jade emperor is the most important god of
Chinese mythology
Dagda is one of the leaders of Celtic mythology
Jupiter is the kind of god in Roman Mythology
Marduk is the patron god of Babylonian mythology
Please do not get mad at me for saying something wrong about the mythologies I only know about Greek and Norse for the rest of them I used google
Also if you could not tell Rimuru will be a god in the Danmachi world