
Tensura: Broken Heart

Love, love, love, love who? "... That one person." Who is that person? Tell me who? "The one whose destiny entangled with mine to the point of existing as one." Existing as one? Is this even possible? But who will love you that much other than me? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! "Fufu is this even a question, My wife..." Wife? You have gotten married even though you have me? I will kill her? I will drive her into madness. "You can't, she is already mad... Madly is in love with me..." Madly in love for... For what? "For love..." Why? Why? What is the reason? "To be loved..." By whom permission? "By love..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits to Rimuru6360, link for original on Wattpad -> https://www.wattpad.com/story/295691257

GodOfPeacefulDeath · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 12 - Bravest

It's been a month since I started to teach here. The children slowly but surely opened their hearts to me. I'm not good at socializing and it made it even harder for me, but there is no need to think about these problems. Because today it's a holiday and I decided to visit the city today with the children.

There is one more thing that I want to ask but I'm forgetting every time because it's not that big of a deal but this is weird.

"Hey, Ciel-San can you tell me why my magicules are not increasing more than 80%"

It's been a whole month since my magicules stopped at 80%. At first, I didn't give it any thought but now I can not ignore this problem.

<<Answer. Individual Veldora is taking master energy to recover. I think he will recover his full strength in a week>>

What! Why didn't you tell me this sooner? I was freaking out for nothing. It's good if he uses the energy properly.

"Sensei let's go we are ready"

All the children shouted happily as they came out of their dorm room completely ready to go to market. I also wear a casual dress, a plain black shirt with grey pants and white shoes.

I'm not wearing my mask because Ciel is controlling my energy quite well. At first, she has some problems but now she has taken full control. She said that but I'm sure she was busy meddling with my skills or maybe with Veldora's skills.

<<Master is not entirely wrong>>

What! So I'm right what are you doing with my skills. Tell me.

<<Wrong. I'm working on individual Veldora skills. The work is nearly done>>

What..!! Did he even know about this?

<<Yes. He is the one who asks me to upgrade his skills>>

So he already knew about your existence.

<<Yes and individuals Shizu and Ifrit also know about my existence>>

Really. This is not a big deal but...nothing let's enjoy the day.

As we enter the market like always the market was full of people. Busy as always, this city is very advanced I have to say. I think Geld is also making this type of shop in Tempest.

"Sensei!! Let's visit the candy shop first"

"Ok. Let's have fun!!"

Seeing them so cheerful makes me feel excited as I became a child again. We visit the sweatshop, eat many types of sweats and then we visit the museum. The museum is not that great, to be honest.

After that Chloe and Alice decided to visit a clothes shop. We enter the shop after that... the real hell started...

They bought a lot of clothes, they also purchase some clothes for the boys and me.

They wasted a lot of time in the cloth shop but nobody dares to say that out loud. I put all the things into my imaginary space.

The clothes shopping was done and now we are just wondering aimlessly going from one stall to another.

There are too many shops and stalls. I'm happy about it though, because of this, I was able to get a little close to the children.

As we are purchasing some accessories. I notice a crowd murmuring about something. Let's increase my hearing capabilities.

"Huh! Who is she"

"She is dead"

"Really how dare she block Hari's path"

"But isn't it's Hari fault"

"What did you even know. He is an A-rank adventurer keep your voice down"

I heard from many people that he is even comparable to some A-rank adventurer

I can not able to grasp the situation just by listening so I decided to go there. The children also followed me. They didn't have any idea what I'm going through, but soon they realise.

"Hello, mister can you please tell me what happened h-"

But before I can complete my sentence I saw a woman in her twenties, she has brown hair, black eyes, and average looks. But she is wearing a worn-out dress. A bagger! That was the first thought that come to my mind. But soon my eyes landed on the kid who looked no more than five years old. Shee is hiding behind the woman as I saw a little piece of bread in her hand.

The woman looked pale and weak. She is too thin, but she is standing in front of her kid bravely saving her from any harm.

Like an unshakable mountain.

Unknowingly to me, a warm spark appeared in my always cold eyes... I looked toward the children as they looked at me.

"Always remember that, regardless of species. There is nothing more dangerous than a mother protecting her child"

I said with a smile. They looked confused but nodded nevertheless, they will understand soon what I mean. Because in my previous world there was a very famous line-

"A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity. It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path."

And of course, these lines are no joke. There is an eternal truth hiding in this line. I gesture to the children to look at the scene again. I'm pretty sure nobody here will dare to butt in. He is an A-rank adventurer after all.

If I'm not mistaken I think the child stole the bread and while chasing him, the Hari guy get crashed into her mother and the child hid behind her mother.

"I said, to move aside"

"I'm sorry for what my child did but if you want me to give my child to you then I'm sorry"

So that's all started because of the bread just as I think.


The Hari guy tried to push her to the side but she bites his hand and kicked at the man's weak point. Ouch! that must have hurt. All the people around me looked shocked and the kids look like they understand what I said to them a while ago.

Seeing her protecting her child a chuckle escaped from my mouth, as all the attention shifted towards me. All the people and children are looking at me like they saw a mad person. Even the lady protecting her child looked at me with confused eyes.

"Hehe sorry, but I'm not laughing at him, nor at you," I said as I looked at the lady and pointed towards the Hari.

"I always thought that a knight who fights to protect his nation is the bravest and the greatest worrier in the world"

I said to her softly unknowingly to me, all the people started to listen to my words carefully. I started to move toward the lady as she looked at me confused.

"But today I understand that 'there is no greater worrier than a mother protecting her child' thank you"

I said to her as she looked embarrassed. I crouch down to pat her child's head.

"It is not right to steal other's things. Did you understand because of you your mother suffer?"

I said to her as he nodded. I bring out some food from my «Imaginary Space» and some gold coins as I give them to the little kid.

Now that I have a closer on the kid, she is kinda cute. Golden brownish hair like honey-smooth and silky, two crystal clear blue eyes burning with curiosity. A cute and soft smile on a little chubby face.

She is cute.

I stood up and turn around to look at the Hari. Who looked perfectly fine. Did someone heal him?

"Please forgive her. She is just a child who steals your food because of hunger. I can pay for her"

I said to him as I looked at him. The lady looked shocked and tried to stop me but I reassure her. But for some reason, he didn't back down. It is because of his pride. What a shallow man. I looked at him disappointed.

"Oh. It is because of your pride. If you have any guts then I dare to even touch a hair of the child's head"

I snapped at him. I didn't take it anymore. The people looked surprised but I didn't give them a single glance. He got provoked pretty soon.

He unsheathed his sword and pointed at me and tried to slash my hand. So he didn't have enough guts to kill me in the city.

I just grabbed his sword with my two fingers and shattered it into small pieces. The crowd looked shocked and the kids started to cheer for me.

With that done, I gave him a throughout beating, I made sure that he didn't harass the woman and her child after I leave. And then, I leave the scene with the children.

"Sensei you looked so cool earlier"

"Yeah sensei is very strong"

"I agree with Kyoto"

I just smugly looked at them. Fufu you can praise me more—

How could I possibly forget tomorrow I have to go back to the Tempest because of the embassy of the Eurazania.

Back at the scene

"He didn't look that bad as the letter said," A person wearing a cloak murmur to itself. This person was also present at the scene. Watching Rimuru as he handled the situation.

"But he does look like her" The person was conflicted for a second but without any delay made the decision.

"He didn't have any right to live. I will kill him next time" With that said the person leaves the scene.