Feeling like I'm in a small void, I was wondering where the hell I am. Suddenly, It felt like I was being squeezed and pushed out of something. Arghh, this shit's really painful though, the fuck is happening to me... Feeling like an eternity passed by, I finally got out and I was held by two soft pair of arms that were gently caressing me. Trying to open my eyes, I looked up to see a beautiful young woman holding me in her arm's, while gently whispering something to me. "#%$%#%#^$..." Hearing a completely unfamiliar language, feeling really confused about this whole situation, and realizing that my whole body didn't feel right, actually not that it doesn't feel right, but that it's actually the body of a baby, I did the only natural thing that any sensible being would do, I cried.
-- 2 Years Later... --
Siting in front a small river, I raised my hand and shot a few small bolts of lightning across the river, hitting the targets that have been set up before hand.
* whooshzzzz * * Boom *
Looking forward, the few targets were completely charred from the small bolts I sent. Nodding to myself in satisfaction, I began to reflect on the past 2 years.
-- Flashback --
After I stopped crying, I realized that I was most likely reincarnated, and that I was no longer a human, considering that on my 'mother's forehead were two decently sized horns. Looking at my 'mother' though, she really was pretty, with silver hair and red eyes, the two horns that are white colored, small nose and lip, and her seemingly flawless skin. She looked at me gently then looked to the side where there was a man, maybe my father? She started to speak to him in that unknown language and suddenly the rough arms belonging to my 'father' took me. Looking at him, I could see that he had black hair and piercing black eyes, thick black horns, and a body that was definitely on the bulkier side, wearing a gentle expression looking at me and then my 'mother'. He started to talk to me and as a good 'child', I decided to completely ignore him and look around at my surroundings.
We were in a small wooden room that looked extremely simple, but seemingly big and sturdy enough to house my mother and 2 other women that might be the midwives who helped give birth to me, and yes of course they were ogres as well. But they were pretty though and they had huge brea*cough*. Anyways, ignoring my perversion, there were 2 other people in this room and there were some simple furniture but nothing too excessive. Facing back towards my 'father', he finally stopped talking and put me right into my mother's arms. Looking towards my 'parents' who were looking at me with loving expressions, I couldn't help but wonder if in this life, I might be able to know how it's like to feel parental love. Suddenly feeling a wave of exhaustion from everything that's happened, I fell back asleep.
-- End of flashback --
Over the past 2 years, I gotten used to my new life. In the first few months though, I realized that I was reincarnated into the Tensura world. How I know you might ask, well it's simple. A few different people came to visit me and among them, there was one huge ogre with red hair and crimson eyes, wearing a samurai's armor and holding a katana, who looked like a much older version of Benimaru, and beside him was a short old man with white hair and two long white horns, wearing a white outfit and a brown scarf that covered one forth of his face, who I instantly realized was 'Hakuro' who was still an ogre. From the few things I managed to pick up, I learned that they were the village chief and elder. With the information finally settling in my puny brain, I realized that I was in the ogre village that would later be slaughtered in the Forest Disturbance Arc by invading orcs numbering 10000. Starting to panic because of the imminent destruction my village is facing, I started to think of the few things that I could do to prevent that for days...
But then, I realized that I was actually an idiot, when I died, I had gained a unique skill "lightning's personification", that skill was actually extremely powerful if it was based off of the fruit that bitch Enel ate, the "Goro Goro no Mi". Meaning that as long as I could learn to wield it well enough, I on my own could probably defend the village, and that's not including the 100 combatants that my village has, alongside the powerful figures that would rise in the future such as Benimaru, Shion, Soei and so on... With this in mind, I could finally relax a bit. But that didn't mean that I could become complacent considering there were still 10000 orcs that would invade with their powerful figures such as the fat clown and the orc lord. So, I needed to train, but let's not forget that my body is still that of a baby's, so I needed to wait. In the meanwhile though, I spent most of my time being spoiled by my mother and father. ( In the beginning of the the flashback, I put these symbols ' because the mc hasn't completely accepted everything, including his new parents, but after 2 years he's finally accepted his whole situation. )
Recently, I finally grew old enough to go outside since my body was growing at an extremely rapid rate. By the time I was 2, my body had grown to look like the age of 5, must be a monster thing that I could grow so fast. I spent the majority of my time learning to sense the Magicules in the air, considering the fact that that would help me to acquire an extremely powerful skill "magic sense". And it wasn't that hard, so after a few days of effort, I finally did it.
{ Confirmed, attempting to acquire skill "magic sense"
Successful }
Acquiring the skill wasn't too bad but suddenly though, my head felt like it would explode with all the additional information entering my brain at all times, from the sounds of nature all around me, all the way to the small insects crawling in the earth, I could see, hear and smell everything that held even the tiniest amount of magicules in them. You have to remember that when Rimuru acquired this skill, he had the "Great Sage" to help him process all the information the skill was providing, and I don't have that. So this led to a piercing headache that made me drop down on my knees while clutching my head and finally passing out. It was only around evening when the sun was setting that I finally woke up and managed to adjust myself to the skill. But it was extremely worth it thanks to all the benefits this gave me.
Anyways, I also did a few other things such as sneaking into the village armory to steal a sword, which led me to get caught by 'Hakurou' ( I'm putting this ' cause technically his not named yet ), which led me to being questioned and utilizing my child like mentality, I decided to just say I saw some villagers using swords for spars and found it cool, so I wanted to try it myself. And boy that was the worse and best decision I ever made, since that led to 'Hakurou' talking to my parents about training me, which led to an earful from mom for sneaking off into a restricted area, and ending with me needing to use the ultimate skill "Puppy eyes" to escape and get her to agree with me training. And obviously it succeeded, cause duh, it's the most powerful skill when used by a child or a loli or a cute girl. And finally that led to me being tortu*coughh* trained by 'Hakurou'.
So now I can say I'm decentish at using the sword, still can't beat any of the trained villagers but eventually I'll get there. Oh, but that's without me using my unique skill though, cause using that I could probably beat everyone except the chief and my master. And all those events lead to here, sitting in front of the small river near the village. Currently I'm training controlling my lightning, hence the target practices. Feeling satisfied, I decide to start heading back home to spend some time with my family, before father needs to go out tomorrow to help the villagers hunt for food.
Heyy!! Go vote for the love interest at the auxiliary volume!!
Also, enjoy!!