
Tensura Alteration: The Forgotten One

When asked "What does it mean to be forgotten?", you will most likely answer with "It means to be completely erased and/or unmemorable to anyone.", read the journey of Satoru Mikami, who was just stabbed and is on the edge of death, who meets a certain figure that embodies the word "Forgotten", and how this figure will play a key role in Satoru's new life.

Iudex_Banshoman · Fantasy
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28 Chs

He Who Leads

"Alright Rimuru, it's time for your analysis, not that you've gotten much stronger yet have you? You're still not a demon lord." Guy went to Rimuru's temporary room in the Ice Castle just to find him talking to himeslf.

"You alright? You're losing your sanity already? We haven't even started."

"Eh?- No I'm just checking my skills, you guys don't do this?" Rimuru replied in a confused way, he thought everyone had an assistant like Great Sage.

"No? We don't talk to ourselves, we use analysis, or we memorize them, that's the easier way.

How the hell does talking to yourself do anything?"

"I have this skill called Great Sage, it's basically a super genius that keeps track of everything for me, skills, memories, and the like, I'm just reciting what it's telling me, and it's telling me my skills, you guys don't have assistants like this?" Rimuru replied in good detail, causing Guy to develop a sort of envy and jealousy towards Rimuru for having such an overpowered ability.

"Why the hell would the Voice Of The World give such an ability to a lowly slime?! You know what, forget it, tell me your skills." Guy said in dismay, earning a laugh from Rimuru.

"After the fight with the Orc Lord I evolved my Apex Predator into Unending Gluttony, which has these sub-skills I guess:

Devour - I consume the target, if the target is conscious the chance of consumption is reduced but not by as large a margin as Predation which is the origin of this subskill, still needs analysis to guarantee.

Abyssal Stomach - A much larger version of Stomach.

Combining Abyssal Stomach and Contain I got the sub-skill Graveyard, which would basically send enemies to my stomach and try to overpower them through usage of magicules and haki there, if they don't get defeated, they will be released immediately, and all the magicules I lost are gone forever.

Rot - Evolution of Corrode, it sends out tendrils that latch onto a body, when they do, the connected parts will immediately infect and rot, rendering them useless.

I have Receive and Provide, which basically let me give skills and take skills from subordinates without us losing said skills." Rimuru explained his first skill.

"Wait what? That last one is downright bullshit, who the hell decided to give you all this?"

Guy asked, even more annoyed at how good Rimuru's skills are.

Rimuru began explaining his other skills, sound wave tracing, air blade and the like, then he got to Supercharge.

"And then there's Supercharge, I haven't used it yet but it sounds absolutely amazing, I can use magicules with any ability to multiply it's effect by double, triple or even higher.

I haven't tested how many magicules I need, but this can be really good in crucial moments."

Guy lost his words for a second, thinking what would happen if he had Milim's Infinite Magicule Reactor, he could literally make a skill seemingly infinite in power..

"Okay that's enough for now, so you're a demon lord seed now right?"

"Yeah? What does that have to.. do..." Rimuru slowly stopped talking noticing the massive shit eating grin on Guy's face, he immediately began running away trying to leave the castle.

"Come back here Rimuru~! You're not leaving! You can't escape this! You know you want it!"

Guy chased after Rimuru, he obviously could just knock him down if he wanted to, but he was enjoying this.

Rimuru was cursing the day he met Guy and the day he reincarnated.

Eventually Rimuru thought he lost track of Guy in the storming weather, until an even more terrifying voice appeared right beside him.

"Why hello there Rimuru~, why are you running?" A devious Velzard said this from behind Rimuru, as he felt his soul leave his body for the second time since he met them.

'Gods, please make them have mercy on me...

Any gods that can hear me... please..'

Guy soon appeared, imagine a scene where 2 bullies are standing over the class nerd who's down on the ground.

"Now, let's have some fun, Rimuru~"

"Yes, let's have quite a good amount of it, Rimuru~" 

The way they both say Rimuru in such an extending manner would rattle any bone, innocent at first but as they prolong the mu-ru you realize how evil their intent is.

"Have mercy, please! I will do anything you want!" Rimuru pleaded out.

"Oh, you will regardless, Rimuru~" Guy answered.

"....." Rimuru just gave up and let his body go.

"Now now, let's get this started!" Velzard said in a cheerful tone.

They all teleported into a strange part of the continent, in case you haven't caught up yet, they're going to train, that is why they sound so cheerful and pleasant meanwhile Rimuru sounds so full of despair and grief, he knows they will torture him to no ends.

Just a few minutes after they started, Rimuru who was forced to be in human form for better training, had to regenerate a limb every few seconds, they were flying off him like he was target practice, he wasn't the one training, it was Velzard and Guy, their normal punches and kicks sent Rimuru flying.

All of this was a warmup for them, as it was now Rimuru's turn.

"Alright, your turn." Guy just stood with open arms, Velzard just stood from the sidelines watching.

"What the hell would I even do to hurt you..?" Rimuru just stared at him.

Guy shrugged.

"Sigh... Hm..wait.." Velzard and Guy could see a lightbulb appear above Rimuru's head, not that they know what a lightbulb is.

Rimuru took a stance and began charging an attack with a manifested sword, he just had a weird idea, Rimuru had quite a good amount of magicule reserve at the moment.

Then Guy noticed what was going on, Velzard took notice after a few seconds.

"Oh? You're using that charging ability to generate a sword, how intriguing." Velzard commented.

The sword now in Rimuru's hand was equivalent to a legendary grade, his magicules were about to die out.

"Good, at least you can go to Unique-Grade." Guy praised Rimuru.

"But I don't think you should waste your magicules on this, rather, charge your abilities, since you aren't the greatest of close combat fighters are you?"

 Rimuru could only nod as he consumed the sword restoring his magicules.

Then he began preparing a supercharged air blade, using wind manipulation he tried to make it as fast as possible, he shot it at guy at a third of the speed of sound, although nothing happened, Guy was knocked and fell on his back since he didn't expect that with his arms open, which made Rimuru and Velzard laugh non stop.

"Shut up! That was pathetic! Let's see if you can handle this!"

"We have to meet Iudex now don't we? We'll continue training later Guy and Rimuru~"

"Please stop saying my name like that.."

They all took a seat at the balcony, last time they sat after Guy sent Rain and Mizery away, they ended up straying from the main point which is to relax so Iudex can set them to sleep.

After letting themselves go on the chairs the first one out was Guy, then Velzard, Rimuru could only think:

'Ha..ah.. Children..'

Iudex was waiting for them to wake up here, which they all did the next moment simultaneously.

"You guys are getting good at sleeping, I'm proud." Iudex decided to start it off with a little teasing.

"It's stupid.. I should be the best at sleeping first, I was literally a human who needs sleep, how do these children stuck in adult bodies full of energy sleep before me?"

That earned a laugh from everyone, then Iudex began talking.

"So, now we begin the most crucial part of this entire plan, Rimuru's evolution into a Demon Lord, what we will do is wait for now, and wait for Charybdis."

"Charybdis? Ho? Who's gonna summon it?" Guy asked in an interested tone.

"Well let's say a certain someone doesn't like how Rimuru stopped his plans, and wants to get back at him, so they find a suitable candidate and revive Charybdis, to wipe out Rimuru and get souls from humans."

"Alright I get it, but I'm guessing you want Guy and Velzard to just destroy it and leave it to me?"

"No, that won't be necessary."

"Ha? Really? No more grunt work?" Guy asked as if he was doing the heavylifting for years now.

Velzard just stared waiting for him to continue.

"In fact, you might not even be needed to kill Charybdis, you'll have other goals, I'll fill you in a second, but for Charybdis, a certain 'Bestie' will do the heavylifting, all that matters is the core.

Rimuru, take the core of Charybdis and the person sacrificed for it, I know you might not like it, but you need everything for now."

Rimuru frowned a little, before wanting one piece of confirmation.

"Does this person harbor any grudge against me atleast?"

"He does, he quite literally will tell you that you will pay for something you said for him."

Rimuru nods.

"After consuming Charybdis, you should be entering the final stage, where Guy will come absolutely crucial, Guy, we need you to increase the pressure on the north of the continent, we need them to worsen their opinion of monsters and demons."

"Huh? What?!" Rimuru exclaimed.

"Interesting, very interesting plan I must say, you are quite good at planning Iudex-Sama." Velzard said in a teasing tone making Iudex fluster, although not visible.

"S-s-s-sama? D-drop it please, I'm not from.. where they use those honorifics! Just the name is fine!"

The trio laughed lightly at this before getting back into business.

"But seriously, what's up with ruining our reputation?

And how are Demons going to associate with monsters?" Rimuru asked in a more serious tone.

"You underestimate the power of the press and the public view, Rimuru, especially with the west absolutely despising monsters, and the church hating Veldora, which they might pin on you and all the monsters, Iudex's plan is quite clever I will not lie about that, I can provide monsters if need be." Guy told this to Rimuru, as Iudex affirmed this with the next sentence.

"Exactly, this is where Veldora comes in to play, you will be invaded, but rest assured that you will be able to kill them all, with the help of Velzard, can you not use Ice, Velzard?

If you can use anything else, let's say, Lightning, that would be extremely wonderful.

Because right after the invasion begins, you will massacre them, the souls will come to Rimuru, and you'll just blame it on the newly revived Veldora."

Velzard smiled, knowing what he implied about "reviving Veldora"

Rimuru dropped his jaw.

"Reviving Veldora? How?"

"Simple, after you evolve into a Demon Lord, releasing Veldora will be quite easy, you will get the means to."

Guy also smiled, realizing that Rimuru would grow quite a lot in the coming days..

"Can't wait to meet my little brother again! Oh how I missed disciplining him!"

Velzard said in a very sadistic and torturous tone.

"But isn't this quite dirty.. instigating humans to fight me..?"

"No not really, a certain kingdom has already been plotting to conquer your country, and they are trying to instigate other humans, such as the church, to come to your doorstep.

Rimuru, you must be very quick about your encounters, the second you feel weak, know that it is time, and that is Velzard's queue.

"Sadly, I can only use Ice, is that still fine?"

"Hm.. it should be fine, so long they ALL die, and Rimuru is the one who obtains the souls, which shouldn't be really difficult should it? Now Rimuru, go prepare, I have to talk to these two."

He snapped his finger and Rimuru was sent back to reality.

"Guy, Velzard, we need to make Rimuru see a tragic event, make him think it was too late, he needs a certain skill, in truth, I can't risk using Ice of such caliber, sorry Velzard, so you will let Rimuru feel worried, and when he returns, he will find one of his allies, no, a lot of his allies dead, then he will flare up, gaining a certain skill that will do the massacre for him.."

Velzard and Guy nod.

"Your plans are devilish, I assume you'll want to revive them afterwards?"

"Yes, I assume that Rimuru will choose to revive them using his newfound powers, and I hope he does, because those allies who die will be very powerful in the future...

Alright, that's it for now, if you need me in the future, just think of the void and relax, I'll be there to help.

Do not tell Rimuru that, I want him to feel stranded and alone, so he experiences grief."

They were then sent back, Guy and Velzard parted ways with Rimuru who went back to his country to prepare for Charybdis.

"..That plan sounds like it came straight out of hell, putting him through a wheel of emotions like that? If that isn't terrifying I don't know what is." Guy commented.

"Yeah, unlike the usual fun we hav

e, seeing an absolutely enraged Rimuru will be.. a sight to see, to say the least.."