
Tensura: A New Life

this is an alternate world I created based on Tensura, there may or may not be some things that are not at all related to Tensura. . . . I own nothing apart from the OC's, all the rights go the respective owners

Athena_122 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: Travel to New City (Edited)

I hopped into the carriage, and I sat beside the coachman, and the coachman tugged the reins then the carriage started to move, there were three people in the carriage excluding myself and the coachman,

As the carriage started moving, the coachman initiated the conversation. "Thank you kindly for your help back there," he said with a nod towards me. "We're fortunate you happened by when you did. Name's Marcus, by the way." He extended a hand in greeting.

I shook his hand warmly. "Pleasure to meet you, Marcus. I'm glad I could be of assistance. My name's Jugram Haschwalth."

Marcus smiled, then gestured towards the others in the carriage. "This here's my wife, Eliza," he said, indicating a woman seated across from me. She smiled and offered a polite nod. "And these are our children, Ethan and Lily." Two young children peered out from behind their parents, offering shy smiles.

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you," I replied, returning their smiles.

As the carriage rumbled along the road, Marcus continued the conversation. "We're on our way to Archenland to trade some goods. What brings you to these parts, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I'm a wanderer," I explained. "Traveling around, seeing different places, meeting different people. I happened to be passing through this area when I heard the commotion with your carriage."

Marcus nodded, seeming intrigued. "A wanderer, eh? Must be quite the adventurous life you lead, seeing the world like that."

"It has its moments," I replied with a smile.

Eliza chimed in, her voice warm and sympathetic. "It sounds like an exciting life indeed. We've always dreamed of seeing more of the world, but our trade keeps us mostly within the kingdom's borders."

Ethan, the young boy, leaned forward with wide eyes. "Have you seen huge monsters on your travels?" he asked eagerly. I chuckled. "Not yet, Ethan, but who knows what adventures the future holds?"

Lily, his sister, piped up with her question. "Do you have any stories to tell us?"

Just then we heard a roar, a monster appeared out of nowhere, and the horses started trembling,

"B-B-Blade Tiger!!!!!" Marcus screamed in fear, At the sight of the blade tiger, the carriage horses startled, their hooves thudding against the ground in a panicked rhythm. The carriage itself jostled and swayed as the horses leaped in fear.

"Marcus, control the horses, I will take care of that," I said


"Don't worry" I replied, "Please be safe" I said

I sprinted towards the monster, and It also ran towards me, and with a sudden burst of wind the monster threw its claw at my face blood spattered all around the place shocking the onlookers,

"Sir Jugram!!" Yelled Marcus.

In a span of a few milliseconds, all the wounds had been healed and my face had been regenerated. 『Ultraspeed Regeneration』

"Now then, want a taste of your own medicine?" I said and In an instant, I jumped and threw a punch to the monster's forehead, With a booming sound, the monster fell to the ground forming multi-layer craters

The monster's head had burst into pieces, Its two big teeth had also been destroyed along with its head after killing it I then dusted my hands and went back towards the carriage.

Seeing me Marcus spoke "Sir Jugram, I'm glad that you are safe", he then asked about the monster and I replied "It is dead"

"How are the kids, are they okay?" I asked worrying about the kids "Yes, My wife put them to sleep" Marcus replied,

"All right, shall we go now?" I asked, "Are you going to leave it right there?" He asked, "Hmm.." I replied.

"The Blade tiger's tail blade and claw blades are really valuable you know?" He replied.

He then went towards the monster with a dagger and some knives, and I also followed him, I keenly observed what he was doing, he deskinned the Blade Tiger, and removed its claw blades, and tail blade.

"Sir Jugram, what do you want to do with its meat? Are we going to eat it? Or you are planning to sell it when we reach the Archenland?" He asked,

"Eat it?" I questioned

"Ho, you didn't know? the meat of the blade tiger is rare and it is a delicacy, it is a good nourishment for your body" He replied

"If it is rare, then it fetches for a good price, doesn't it? I asked

"Yes, 1 portion of this meat fetches around 10 gold coins, not to mention this is a B+ rank monster" He replied.

"In case I want to sell it, but wouldn't the meat rot by the time we get there?" "if we cover the meat with its own skin, it wouldn't rot" He replied

"All right then, So considering this has around 10 portions of meat, it will fetch 100 gold coins, I think it would be best if we sell it, and after selling it I will give 20 gold coins for helping me butcher this meat, what do you say?"

"20 Gold coins you say?" He replied,

"What, is it too less?" I asked

"No-no, if you take it to the butcher shop in Archenland, they will do it for 2 gold coins, but you are saying you will give me 20 gold coins, I don't know what to say" He replied

"consider it as a parting gift from me," I said "If you say so" He replied

He covered the meat in the skin, made it like a pouch, and gave it to me, and he then also put the blades in a leather pouch and gave it to me and said "After we reach Archenland, I will take it to a friend of mine, he will make you good Armor and daggers using these.

"Thank you.." I said

"No, we are the ones who should thank you for saving us and our kids" His wife Eliza replied

"Blade Tiger huh... It shouldn't be here in the first place, they mostly live in the Great Forest of Jura, but that place is really far from here," Marcus said

"In this area, only E -Rank or below monsters exist, this is my first time seeing a Blade Tiger here" He continued

"Whatever let's continue traveling," He then said

We hopped back into the carriage and continued our travel, "So tell me about the Archenland Kingdom"

Marcus grinned, clearly pleased to have an audience. "Well, it's a big kingdom with lots of cities and lords and all that fancy stuff."

I nodded, and Marcus continued. "The capital city is called Archenburg," Marcus explained. "That's where the big shot, King William Archenland, lives with his family. He's got a queen named Victoria and a couple of kids, Prince Edward and Princess Amelia. They're next in line to rule."

"Oh…," I breathed, trying to picture the royal palace in my mind.

"And each city has its lord or lady," Marcus continued. "Like in Silvervale, there's Lady Isabelle and her husband Lord Willbert. They've got a bunch of kids too. The same goes for the other cities – Greenwood, Stonewall, Emberfall, Riverbrook, Cliffside, and Goldcrest. All with their lords and ladies, and families."

"Thanks for sharing, Marcus," I said. "Archenland sounds like a fascinating place. I can't wait to see it for myself." I said


"But...the current king has a twisted mentality," Marcus said, his voice dropping to a hushed tone as if sharing a secret.

"What do you mean?" I asked "Rumour has it that King William Archenland has some dark secrets. They say he dabbles in forbidden magic and consorts with shadowy creatures in the night."

"But why would he do such things?" I intrigued

Marcus shrugged, a troubled expression crossing his face. "No one knows for sure. Some say he's under a curse, others believe he's just power-hungry. Whatever the reason, it's not safe to speak ill of the king in Archenland."

"Thanks, I will keep that in mind, but are you okay with the king's secret, I might be a spy from a different kingdom you know?" I said with a chuckle he started sweating profusely "Marcus, don't fear I'm just joking around," I said with a chuckle

"Don't scare me like that Sir Jugram?" He said with an awkward laugh

"Marcus, I have a question though?" I said

"What might that be?" Marcus asked

"You guys don't seem to be the merchants who deal with Monster meat, based on the goods you carry, you are very proficient in deskinning the Blade tiger's skin also, and you have very good knowledge about the monsters, not to mention the dagger which you have tied on the back" I said slightly closing my eyes

"You got me there, sir Jugram, the truth is we are former adventurers we both hold C-Rank, and we quit adventuring after we had kids and became merchants, we actually planned to flee after we saw the blood spattering from your face" He continued "after seeing you healed instantly though we refrained from that thought we believed that you would win, but we never thought it would only take a single punch, are you really a human??"

"So are we going to the capital city now?" I asked changing the topic

"No sir, the capital city is in the center of the Kingdom, we are going to the City of Stonewall which is the kingdom border" Just as Marcus spoke about the City of Stonewall, a huge wall came into the sight of us "The walls are huge.." I said to Marcus

"Welcome to our Hometown, City of Stonewall," Said Marcus and his wife Eliza at the same time.










A/N: Readers I hope you like this chapter, please note that this is an alternate world I created based on Tensura, there may or may not be some things that are not at all related to Tensura.

Please note that this fanfic is a mix of slow and fast pace. Forgive me if there are any grammatical mistakes.

I hope you have liked this. Thanks to Creativityiskey for helping me in editing this chapter


Update Schedule -> 1 Chapter for every two days.