Lucifer Azoth, a genius among geniuses. He was known for his many talents. After some crazy things happening, he ended up dying and finding himself in the world of Tensura. He is bound to have the adventure of his life and to become the strongest while at it. _________________________________ I’m not sure if I’m gonna do harem or no harem yet. Toon In To Find Out!!
At the entrance of Tempest Rimuru and Lucifer could be seen entering with bodies being dragged behind them.
And one big cacoon with a head popping out was being carried over Lucifer's shoulder.
"Jeez this woman is heavy." Lucifer chuckled while looking around at the completely barren Tempest.
"Sometimes the peace and quiet like this is nice." Rimuru muttered with a slight smile.
"Yeah. You did a good job earlier." Lucifer patted Rimuru's shoulder with his unoccupied hand.
"I could say the same about you." Rimuru replied, playfully punching Lucifer's shoulder but suddenly stopped walking.
"Lucifer when I killed those people, I felt nothing, even now I don't feel a speck of remorse. Have I truly gone numb? Have I become a monster at heart too?" Rimuru questioned looking down, Lucifer stopped walking and turned around.
"100%. Your definitely a monster at heart, we all are Rimuru. But is being a monster really as bad as it sounds? Look at Benimaru, Shuna, Shion, Gobta, and Ranga. All of them are monsters but their all great people, Including myself. As for you being numb, if you actually were numb, you wouldn't be asking such questions and wouldn't feel this flick." Lucifer flicked Rimuru's head, using a bit of his Magicules.
"Ouch! That actually hurt!" Rimuru painfully rubbed his forehead.
"You get my point?" Lucifer questioned with a smug smile.
"Yeah! Thanks!" Rimuru smiled at the support.
"What about you? You doing alright?" Rimuru suddenly questioned with a worried face.
"Me? I'll be fine, I have experience in killing. But never something on this scale, I worry I might lose myself. I'm not sure why I suddenly went on a killing spree but I'm worried that I could lose control again and hurt our citizens." Lucifer ended it with a painful smile.
"We've always got each other's back right?" Rimuru questioned with his fist out.
"Do you even have to ask?" Lucifer questioned, bumping it back, they resumed their pace.
"Why don't you tell me why your so familiar with killing? If you don't want to it's fine." Rimuru questioned curiously.
"Hmm. You could say at one point in my life, I was desperate for money so I had to do some killings to support me and my mother." Lucifer smiled sadly while aiming his hand as if he would a gun and shooting.
"What!?" Rimuru's eye's widened in surprise.
"That's the past now, I could care less, but if you choose to date me, I can tell you more." Lucifer playfully wiggled his eyebrows.
"*Sigh*, stop trying to change the topic." Rimuru sighed, ignoring Lucifer's previous antics.
"Well long story, short. I never met my father and it was just my mom who took care of me but she was a drug addict. She had a job as a waiter but it wasn't enough to support both of us, so I became a mercenary at a young age. And surprisingly I was good at fighting, I was also smart. So using the money I earned, I started a business, and wallah, here we are now." Lucifer seemed to have no qualms with his life or regrets.
"Wow, that's a lot to take in. How come you seem completely content with it?" Rimuru questioned confusedly.
"Like I always say, life is life. I always did what I wanted to, when I wanted to. Without such a shitty past, I wouldn't be the Lucifer you currently know, would I?" Lucifer questioned with a mysterious smile.
"I gu-"
"Lord Lucifer, Lord Rimuru!"
Rimuru was suddenly interrupted by a certain purple-haired Kijin.
"Oh we seemed to have reached City Hall." Lucifer muttered.
In front of him, Shion, Benimaru, Diablo, and Souei were waiting for their arrival in front of the City Hall door.
Suddenly Shion ran up to them.
Lucifer and Rimuru were about to protest but Shion was faster and squeezed them into a hug.
"We were so worried! I-i mean I wasn't w-worried or anything, I knew you guys would kick their butts! Our Lords are way too awesome to lose to anyone!" Shion went from worried to proud immediately.
"O-okay l-let us go!"
"W-we can't b-breathe!"
Lucifer and Rimuru muffled while being hugged to death.
Shion immediately let go and looked at them apologetically.
"Sorry!Hehe!" Shion nervously chuckled.
Lucifer and Rimuru just helplessly smiled after being released.
"Benimaru, tell Ramiris she and all the citizens can relax in the Labyrinth now. Souei do a perimeter check around Tempest, I also want to know as soon as you see the 300,000 army. Diablo and Shion your with us." Lucifer stretched while giving orders.
"Oh and-" While Lucifer was talking, he pointed towards the bodies behind him.
"Take care of those bodies for us, put them somewhere safe."
Souei nodded and disappeared with the bodies.
Benimaru also bowed and nodded.
"Rest easy, I will protect the citizens with my life." Benimaru disappeared into flames after his statement.
Lucifer looked at the cocoon over his shoulder and suddenly tossed it towards Diablo who was caught off guard but caught it nonetheless.
"That's Hinata the Chief of The Holy Knights. Be careful, if she wakes up she can probably kick all our asses at the same time." Lucifer chuckled.
'Hehe, bastard you can't act so tough now that Rimuru is right here.' Behind Rimuru's back, Lucifer was sticking his tongue out at Diablo.
"O-of course." Diablo's brows creased into annoyance but stayed silent nonetheless.
"Lord Lucifer! It would be impossible for you to lose, nonetheless with Lord Rimuru!" Shion exclaimed with starry eyes.
"Ah, my cute subordinate, yes of course." Lucifer just started to pat Shion's head, who was smiling brightly at the sudden affection her Lord was showing her.
"*Cough* I think we should be back in the office." Rimuru's eyebrow twitched at situation.
Diablo himself seemed to be lost in thought.
"I suppose." Lucifer just shrugged.
They started to walk into the large building, and once they made it outside their office they stopped.
"Diablo put Hinata in our new Jail that is meant for individuals such as herself." Lucifer shooed Diablo away while snickering.
"Y-yes." Diablo momentarily frowned but immediately went back to his usual smile and went to carry off the task.
"Shion, I need you to get me the aftermath report and anything important that happened." Rimuru told Shion.
"Of course." Shion nodded but before she left, Lucifer put his hand out, seemingly waiting for something.
Rimuru himself seemed confused on what Lucifer was trying.
But it seemed Shion herself understood, her eyes started to sparkle once she and Lucifer started doing a series of handshakes.
They ended it off with wiggling their fingers together and Shion seemed giddy after doing it.
"Alright I will be going now!" Shion smiled brightly while skipping down the halls, to go carry off her tasks.
Rimuru himself frowned.
"What's with you? How are you going to say you like me and stuff when you and Shion are practically dating!?" Rimuru questioned slightly raising his voice.
"We are not dating, and neither are we even thinking of dating. Don't get me wrong, I think she's beautiful but she doesn't really have my heart. It's more or less a platonic relationship, currently at least." Lucifer muttered the last part but Rimuru heard it clearly.
Lucifer was joking but Rimuru more or less took it to heart.
"You-!" Rimuru was going to retort but just sighed.
He knew very well he has no right to act like a nagging girlfriend but he couldn't help it.
'Do I like him? I guess he's grown on me but still... Ughh! I guess I do kinda like him if I'm acting this way. Ah, fuck it! I'm just gonna be bashfully honest, I don't wanna be the same virgin I was in my past life.' Once Rimuru and Lucifer walked into the office, Rimuru suddenly stopped in the middle of the office.
Lucifer looked at him curiously.
"i like you." Rimuru whispered under his breath.
"What?" Lucifer questioned obliviously.
"I said I like you!" Rimuru turned around seemingly flustered but determined at the same time.
"Huh?" Lucifer seemed completely confused, his brain short-wired.
"After fighting against someone like Hinata, I realized I don't wanna die with regrets like I did in my life. I know, it's gay! I know it probably won't work! I know that you might feel uncomfortable! But I don't wanna be the same as my past life, I wanna live a daring and fun life!" Rimuru smiled.
"And I've realized that even though it's weird, I've come to have certain feelings toward you and it would be nice if we figured them out together!" Once Rimuru finished, he felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
Rimuru looked up nervously, wondering what Lucifer's reaction would be.
Even though Lucifer said he liked Rimuru, Rimuru knew that it could change at any time, especially with Lucifer's playfulness.
"Hmm?" Rimuru looked at Lucifer's face which was dyed in red and he was still as a stone.
"Wait a minute?" Rimuru rubbed his chin and stared at Lucifer inquisitively.
"Don't tell me this is your first time getting confessed too!?" Rimuru exclaimed with his mouth agape.
"W-what? O-of course not." Lucifer replied, coughing, regaining his composure.
"No I know that face, I've seen it far too much in anime. Don't underestimate a weeb such as myself." Rimuru replied with a smirk.
"Why are you acting like your experienced yourself?" Lucifer questioned with a raised eyebrow.
"Hmph shut up!" Rimuru retorted with a slight pout.
"But in all seriousness, I'm surprised you were not an experienced man who has gotten tons of confessions! For someone who is supposedly a rich celebrity." Rimuru pondered.
"Well don't get me wrong, I've gotten thousands of confessions but with the way I grew up, I was very distrustful. Plus most females only wanted my money. Anime was the only thing that I truly loved." Lucifer smiled sadly.
"But when I met you and started to understand you. I knew that you were someone I could trust, someone who I didn't have to be wary of. I guess when a confession comes from someone who you truly like, it hits differently." Lucifer smiled at his last words.
Once Rimuru heard Lucifer's last words, he felt embarrassed and remembered what he told him.
"Ah abou-" Before Rimuru could talk, Lucifer cut him off.
"As for trying us out? Why not." Lucifer shrugged nonchalantly.
"Really!?" Rimuru exclaimed.
"Yeah, first of all, why should we care what other people think? Second of all who said it was going to be gay? I'm not gay." Lucifer explained.
"What do you mea- Wait a minute! You don't mean?!-" Rimuru questioned confusedly until it dawned on him.
"Yup, shapeshifting!" Lucifer flamboyantly stated.
"Wha-!" Rimuru seemed flustered.
"Think on it. I don't want to put you in an uncomfortable situation." Lucifer didn't wanna force anything, if Rimuru didn't want to, then Lucifer would respect that.
Rimuru flusteredly nodded.
"We can decide this at the end of this. For now, we have to finish planning for the incoming battle." Lucifer dawned a serious expression.
"Yeah your right, let's start." Rimuru also got serious.
Both of them sat down on the couch and started coming up with new ideas that could be added to their plans.
I would appreciate it if you guys checked out my original book called, The Consigliere Of Magic!
This chapter could more or less backfire! Hehe, but please let me know your thoughts!