
Tensei Slime: The First Otherworlder

Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken: This is the story of the first human summoned on the cardinal world of Tensura. Follow Lucius on his adventures and discover what the cardinal world was like in the past, not to mention the personalities and dangers that lurked around every corner.

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12 Chs

The Mission (1)

Hello, it's been a while. Sorry for the delay, but I've been a little busy, but also, I confess that creativity is a little lacking.

Not the ideas for the story, I have plenty of that, the real problem is bringing those ideas to life, it's been difficult to write in a way that pleases me.

I confess that the way the last chapter ended left me a little cornered, describing the fight is a little difficult, very involved. Not to mention the different suggestions they are presenting in the comments.

But I realize that the current chapters are almost irrelevant, so I'll present them in a simpler way.

The current chapter is in the form of ideas, or it's more like spoilers about what happens. Well, what I'm trying to say is that this chapter was very lazily worked on.

But that's not a problem, because I consider one chapter irrelevant to all of this, besides, this is a fanfic, there's no reason to take it so seriously.

PS: The chapters that are relevant, or that create a certain Hype, I can say that I will develop it as it should be, I'm just rushing to write what I really want to write.

Thank you and that's all.



<<Hostility Detected!>>

Lucius suffered a sudden attack after he destroyed Mira's quarters.

He felt a kind of shiver run down his spine, as if for a second death spoke to him.

This triggered his instincts and made him quickly dodge to the side, without even knowing why.

That's how he dodged the deadly spear that nearly pierced his heart from behind, would the perpetrator of that act be a coward?

Who knows.

But when the dust settled, Lucius saw the one who had the gall to try to take his life.

<<Hostility Detected!>>

He realized the situation in an instant, danger screamed and a solution was needed, how would he get out of such a situation?!

As the blue-haired spearman approached, he wore a smile typical of the characters who used to steal the spotlight whenever they appeared.

But in addition, there was information that appeared over him, identity and attributes, as if the spearman was a video game character or enemy.


Name: Lakyus

EP: 427 690 (S-)

Race: High Human

Class: [Lancer]

Title: Lightning Spear







From the information revealed, it didn't seem like the type of enemy found in the early stages of a game.

Well, his name was Lakyus. He was the supreme general of the Vanir army, moreover, he was one of the five guardians, who were the most powerful individuals of the same.

When he noticed the breaking of the special barrier that covered the upper wing of the palace, he immediately went upstairs to check what it was, but then he saw an intruder who seemed to have been responsible for it all.

He got carried away by his duty as a guardian and quickly set his sights on eradicating the Intruder, but as it turned out, the Intruder wasn't as simple as he thought.

Not only did he notice, he deflected his spear attack, the man's attack known as "Lightning Spear".

Which ignited his blood as a warrior and army general, a fight he hadn't had in a long time. Then he advanced with an excited smile towards Lucius.

"Try to resist as long as you can.

…Here I go!!!"

The spearman, or Lakyus, launched a surprise attack before Lucius had any opportunity to explain.

He held the spear in his right arm and like the first time, he seemed to be aiming for Lucius's heart, the speed was superior to the previous attack.

From the lesser distance, it seemed that the attack would arrive sooner, it was practically impossible to dodge it.

Such an attack was supposed to hit Lucius before he could even reason, but instinctively he ended up using {Thought Acceleration}. This allowed him to see Lakyus' every move and predict the attack's trajectory, allowing him to dodge and prepare a counterattack.

Or at least that's what he thought...

When he tried to react to Lakyus, Lucius realized something terrible... His body just wouldn't move.

It was normal to think that it was the case where bodily agility couldn't keep up with {Thought Acceleration}'s mental agility. But that wasn't it, everything, absolutely everything had stopped at that moment.

Not a single sound was audible and Lakyus' attack never arrived. Even though he was restricted in movement, Lucius was fully awake and could see Lakyus' situation, he was also restricted in movement, but right in the air and in the middle of his attack.

Well, that made it all the more obvious, somehow, time had stopped…

Lucius was awake in what was called the {suspended world}, a realm in which few could access and move without problems, it was a miracle that Lucius was able to perceive what was happening while time did not flow.

But it had nothing to do with luck or a miracle actually, as this was an event indirectly caused by him.

By one of his skills to say the least.

Lucius only realized this when the voice he called his guide came up and became the only noise in that void.

<<Mission Started>>

Yeah, all that about the time freeze was caused by the {Quest} sub-skill. It wasn't something that would happen often but it was likely to happen if the mission was of the main type.

As for the content of the quest, the voice {Guide} simply said.

<<You have aroused the wrath of one of the guardians by disturbing the peace of Vanir's heart. Get ready to face it...

Title: First Battle

Type: Main

Rank: S-

Objective: Fight and Survive.

Reward: ???

Starting in 3...2...1...0 >>

Lucius is in awe of all of this at first, it was insane that the goal of the mission was to survive and not triumph. Did that mean the Enemy was unstoppable?

Lucius sure as hell didn't want to know the truth behind that.

His fighting experience wasn't the best, but he hoped that his gaming experience would help him in some way.

A rather ridiculous thought to want to apply in such a situation, but would it be of any use?!

Well, the answer would soon be given.

For as soon as the timer reached zero, time began to flow again. Returning all mobility and laws in the world, but also all problems. For as soon as he regained his body's mobility, he was forced to deal with Lakyus' attack.

As stated earlier, Lucius was able to use {Thought Acceleration} and managed to dodge Lakyus's attack once more. It was a surprise for Lakyus, he didn't expect Lucius to be able to dodge at that distance and speed.

But it only served to make him more excited, it meant he wasn't wrong about his opponent, it was then that he decided to take things a little more seriously.

Without giving Lucius room to adapt, Lakyus performed a spinning move with his spear and almost hit Lucius, his speed was increasing, but the effect of Lucius's {Thought Acceleration} was still noticeable.

Lakyus was more agile than Lucius, but it was as if Lucius had better reflexes and time to react to everything, so the initial exchanges were evenly matched.

When they both stopped for a brief moment, they looked at each other warily, this was more about Lucius really.

His mind was racing and processing what to do, that's when he thought of using the class skills, but the pressure of the moment simply wouldn't allow it.

Lucius tried again to say something, but again Lakyus wouldn't allow it, this one was thirsty for battles.

Lakyus increased his speed even more and in moments crossed the space between them, his smile was noticeable, it was as if he said "Come on, this is just beginning."

Lucius relied on thought acceleration as usual, but when he thought he had dodged it again, he realized it was a naive act on his part.

Lakyus was a trained and experienced warrior, Lucius's movements were becoming obvious, Lakyus changed the trajectory of the attack to the place Lucius intended to dodge, a calculated move.

By the time Lucius realised, it was too late, his brusque attempt to avoid the spear at the last second prevented it from hitting a vital spot, but he wasn't unharmed. The spear superficially pierced the abdomen area.

He grabbed the area by instinct, but the lack of pain made him not pay as much attention to the damage he had suffered, so his focus went back to his main task, surviving!

For the first time, Lucius was confident in his abilities and advanced on Lakyus, this with footwork and feints he had learned from one of his favorite characters in the games.

Lakyus also advanced, but with caution as he had never seen such movements before. When they both collided in the center, he thought he had hit Lucius again, but even he didn't realize what happened.

Lucius just dropped out of sight, no, that was another feint.

Lakyus was sure that Lucius was powerful, but his instincts and experience told him that Lucius was a novice, which was why his subconscious led him to underestimate him.

But when he saw Lucius performing moves he was unfamiliar with, his subconscious kind of froze for a second.

Lakyus was more agile than Lucius, but taking advantage of that one second of surprise, Lucius managed to avoid the spear by lowering it sharply, it was an instinctive feint and even he didn't know why he was risking his life in such a way.

But in that moment, he saw an opening, it was as if a voice was whispering in the depths of his being "hit it right there".

From his position, Lucius' fist radiated a deep crimson, that's when he looked up and with all his might, he landed a mighty blow on Lakyus's chin, that's when he said.


{Oppress} was strangely combined with a famous video game move, but somehow it was extremely effective as Lakyus was sent flying away as a result, which destroyed the ceiling.

Lucius realizes for the first time the damage that the two caused to the Palace, he doesn't care that much because he doesn't consider himself to be responsible for everything, but then, he processes quickly and jumps out of a window in order to escape not only from the palace but also from the lunatic who intended to kill him.

Something told him that he must meet the mission's goal and survive.

But right in the air after jumping out the window, he realized he had done something stupid, as the height was simply abysmal.

It was a silly concern since his body was extremely strong, nothing would happen if he landed in that area, but then he noticed that there were several armored men down there, it looked like he had jumped to some kind of training ground.

As if that wasn't enough, that annoying spear came again and hit him in the right lung area, which helped him to descend faster, but the impact when falling caused very considerable damage.

Lucius spat blood as soon as he hit his back on the floor, again, the lack of pain made him not give much importance to the damage suffered, but he could feel that something was wrong with his body.

When he got up, he removed the spear without too much care, which caused even more damage, but then he noticed that the men in armor were closing in on him.

<<Hostility Detected>>

As usual, those who approached him were not carrying friendly intentions.

But when he thought he would have to face a crowd, a voice came from heaven that relieved him of that situation but also reminded him of another.

"Stay back everyone, this is my fight!!!"

That was Lakyus, like a hungry beast he said.

He was floating and lightning was appearing all over his body. Lakyus was born compatible with the element of lightning, after fusing with a certain spirit of lightning, he unlocked powers that allowed him to do everything, including flying.

His face had suffered severe damage and teeth appeared to be missing, that's how dangerous {Oppress} could be. It was like Qi attacks that destroyed the opponent from within, but higher levels, on account of {Oppress}, regeneration techniques were useless.

Lakyus didn't seem annoyed by this, he just gestured and the spear came back at him.

The lightning covering his body became more visible as soon as he picked up the spear, so for the first time he decided to charge Lucius with a serious attack.

Lucius sensed that something bad was coming, so the power of thought acceleration increased and for the first time he was able to use {Oppress} of his own free will. His two fists covered by the deep crimson aura, he opted to wait in a counterattack stance this time.

When he felt he was ready, Lakyus started testing Lucius with more sophisticated moves and techniques than the previous ones, this at an even higher speed, Lucius was starting to sweat there.

Exchange after exchange, Lakyus noticed something troubling.

If he used the same attack on Lucius, his efficiency was lost more and more, it was like he was adapting extremely fast.

But no, Lakyus thought that Lucius, or someone with an absurd talent, or an experienced warrior who pretended to be a novice, he preferred to believe in the first option, even though he himself refused to believe in the existence of such talent.

But as he continued to attack, this pattern was repeated until Lakyus felt threatened, it started with the basic techniques, but when Lucius also began to adapt to the patterns of his confidence techniques, he felt like he was falling into a trap.

This individual was able to break through his highness' special barrier, I should have noticed that earlier, he is dangerous. Such thoughts flashed through Lakyus as Lucius adjusted to his attacks. Both spear techniques and energy attacks, it was just ridiculous!

As the battle became fiercer, those around became more and more incredulous.

"Who is this that is managing to accompany General Lakyus in combat?"

Well, they wondered. There were few who could do this, even in the Vanir, it was safe to say that Lakyus was one of the three most powerful individuals. With the threat of the neighboring nation, Lakyus had single-handedly driven back hordes and faced true monsters in war, reaping their lives before they knew it.

So, it was a bit unusual for someone to be facing that man. In fact, hardly anyone could see what was going on, only the flashes and waves of collision surged across the training ground.

Recognizing that this was a kill zone, the soldiers moved as far away as possible and began war chants to support and bolster their general.


With thought acceleration still active, Lucius realized that what had previously felt like suffocating combat was becoming smoother and smoother, he could predict Lakyus' movements and keep damage to a minimum, it was as if his body was moving on its own.

This was caused by the sub-skill {Adaptation}, the pace of battle was no longer enough to defeat Lucius, but unknowingly, he ended up making things worse for himself.

Lakyus grew suspicious of his true nature as a warrior. A gifted genius or seasoned warrior pretending to be a novice, waiting for an opening to reveal his true colors. Lakyus chose not to bet and decided to eliminate Lucius before he caused any problems.

"Lightning God Release."

Without any kind of warning, Lakyus changed the pace of the battle by invoking his most powerful technique.

Spiritual armor emerged to protect his body, they were like lightning bolts displaying high power. His hair changed to a luminous blue, customized in the form of lightning bolts, his eyes became more serious, and with the invocation of this technique, it seems that {Oppress}'s energy was countered and allowed his face to slowly regenerate.

Even more notable, was his spear that had changed shape, its energy was greater than before.

Upon seeing Lakyus in that form, his combat form, Lucius realized that the {Lightning God Release} wasn't just for show. His gaze was superb, as if his prey had already reached the end just by seeing him in that form. Lightning escaped his body and caused damage around him.

When the soldiers caught a glimpse of Lakyus in that form, they all fled the training ground as soon as possible, as they knew what was coming. Another thought was that if their general recognized an opponent to the point of using his Triumph, it meant the enemy was dangerous, there was no reason for them to risk their lives needlessly.

So, after some time on that battlefield, only Lucius and Lakyus were left.

