
Tenno in the Chat

This is my new story that I'm making, this one is for me mainly because there are hardly any warframe fan-fics out there but I won't be updating this till I'm 20 or 30 chapters into my first one so no chapters yet I'll let you know when a chapter is coming out in my first book.

Suzaku22 · Video Games
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19 Chs

First Mission Start

After seeing that We had 30 minutes to get ready I told Jasmine to bring out her frame so I can put it into the chat storage, I don't know if it will come with us I'm also glade that I had us train to control the frames without us needing to be in the somatic link just like in the second dream quest but now we don't need to touch our frames to control but the farthest we can control them is 10 feet away from us or we lose the connection.

Dion: Ordis do you have any old weapons in the Orbiter inventory we can use

Ordis: Why yes operator I'm so ~ Sad ~ happy you asked I have transferred them into the foundry

Me and Jasmine went to go look at which weapons we can use.

Jasmine: I call the fist, shotgun, and the pistol

Dion: they're called the MK1 series and you got the Furax, Furis, and Strun

Jasmine: are they good

Dion: For now yes, that leaves me with the MK1 Bo, Paris, and Kunai, Ordis you wouldn't happen to have any mods would you

Ordis: Sorry Operator but there are no available mods

Dion: Its ok just wanted to be sure before we went on a mission

Ordis: But you do have a color palette now you can make your frames more ~ terrible ~ intimidating to all who see's you

Dion: Thank you Ordis but we will do that when we come back

I put all of our weapons into the chat storage, I grabbed Jasmine and hit the ready button on the chat before Jasmine could ask me to recolor her weapons and frame.

Before we knew it me and Jasmine was standing at the back entrance of fujimi academy, before I could say any thing I put up a void shield infront of me and Jasmine, a kuni hit it then the tag on the end of it exploded into a smoke screen.

Dion: I would very much appreciate it if the first thing that happens to me isn't an attack

I waved my hand with a little void energy causing some wind to blow away the smoke, I look around to see Anko on the wall looking happy that her prank worked until the smoke cleared and saw me and Jasmine without a scratch on us.

Jasmine: Was that ink that just exploded almost hitting us

Anko: Yep I got the idea from Naruto the kid is a genius if you teach him properly

Jasmine: Of course he is I mean look at what he did to the hokage stone face's and the only one that caught him was Iruka

Dion: If Naruto wanted he could have hid away and no one would be able to find him

Anko: I know the brat gots talent and skill

???: I would very much appreciate if you kept your loud mouth shut Mila but what do I expect from a wild beast

Mila Rose: Apacci you better watch your mouth or ill rip it off

Emilou Apacci: Really I would love to see you try it Mila

???: You both are wild beast your acting so shameful in front of Harribel-sama

Mila: Do you wanna fight Sung-Sun

Sung-Sun: Sorry but I don't talk to people with low intelligence

Me and Jasmine look over to the four standing under a tree one is a yellow Lion with Emerald green eyes, the other is a cyan snake with like purple eyes, the last one is a gray doe ( female deer in case anyone doesn't know ) with light amber eyes.

Dion: Hey Tier why are you standing over there come and introduce us to your friends

Anko: Tier where is she I don't see her

Jasmine: Because she is a soul and your a human humans can't see souls unless they have a high enough strength

Anko: Then how come you can see them

Dion: Because we are Tenno and Tenno are that bullshit


Me, Jasmine, and Anko looked over to them due to the energy they are letting off.

Tier: Its ok you three they are my teammates

Jasmine: What the hell was that I felt my soul tremble for a moment

Relay Chat: ( Due to the fact that two of the chat members are unable to see one of the members the chat is now giving chat members Anko, and Seako the ability to see souls )

Anko: huh hey I can see Tier but what's with the animals and the beautiful snake


Jasmine/Sung-Sun: HAHAHAHAHA

Dion: Anko imma send you the Bleach manga after this is all over but for now everyone this is Jasmine my sister and wife

Jasmine: I need a ring made out of a piece of Neptune's moon

Dion: Still not happening

Jasmine jumped on my back pressing her tits on to my back.

Jasmine: I know I hate weddings let's just sign the paper when we get back

Dion: alright we'll do that

Tier: Hello

Anko: Nice to meet you wanna go out for dangos later

Jasmine: Sure

Tier: Everyone these are my Adjuchas Mila Rose, Emilou Apacci, And Sung-Sun

Mila: I'm the strongest of the three

Emilou: Like hell you are bitch

Sung-Sun: Hello its nice to meet you I'm sorry about the two beast next to me

Dion: Now that we got introducing each other out the way let's go find Seako

After saying that I pulled Volt and Mag out of the Chat storage with our weapons me and Jasmine controlled the frames to equip the MK1 weapons.

Jasmine: Dion when are we going to let the frames move on their own

Dion: As soon as we awaken there conscious that's inside of them or we get Excalibur Umbra

Anko: What are those

Dion: These are Orkin biomechanical peace keepers, or we can call them by a better name guardians of the downtrodden Warframes, and yes the come in many sizes with each having a different ability

Jasmine: You can tell her about them as we move

Anko: Alright let's go find our last member

Mission start imma have a lot of fun writing the next chapters while they are in Highschool of The dead anyway thanks for reading

Suzaku22creators' thoughts