
Tenno in the Chat

This is my new story that I'm making, this one is for me mainly because there are hardly any warframe fan-fics out there but I won't be updating this till I'm 20 or 30 chapters into my first one so no chapters yet I'll let you know when a chapter is coming out in my first book.

Suzaku22 · Video Games
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19 Chs

Cleaning House

While Jasmin and Takashi was watching the people putting the supplies into the bus I started Talking to Saeko about what she was doing while we was preparing to come here.

Dion: So what did you get while we was waiting to come here from the store

Seako: I bought a swordsman talent and a sword that is very hard to break, apparently the first time rewards for opening the store and what we need at that moment and time for me it was the Chat Point so I can buy these

Dion: So it give's you a strong recommendation that everyone gets when they try to buy something for the first time

Anko jumped off the roof of a nearby store and walked up to us after scouting the area in case there was some zombies or people coming our way.

Dion: Anko what did you get from your Chat points

Anko: I got a manual to help me increase my chakra faster and make it more pure, I also got the stronger version of the curse mark without the draw backs and it not connected to Orochimaru, in only a day my chakra got to the level of a Hokage.

Dion: So it really dose give you a recommendation on something that you need at the moment

Tier: So that's why I got information on how to become an Arrancar and how to stop the mental degradation if I don't fast enough and I was able to share it with them

Dion: That's great I don't want my new allies to go back to being a Minos to never return.

While we was talking Jasmine and Takashi walked back to the bus with kids following behind them with box's of food and water.

Jasmine: Ok you brats load everything up and let's get a move on I don't feel like becoming zombie food because your to slow

Rai: Did you guys find anything in there that can get us more information if this is just happaning in Japan

Takashi: No there are not channels available every news station is down

Takashi and Rei are talking about how they can get in contact with there family and a way to get more information about what's going on in the world, mean while the little cult got done putting everything into the bus.

Seeing that everyone and everything on the bus is loaded up Shizuka started driving the bus heading to the apartment that Shizuka's friend owns, the bus was quite everyone still trying to process what was going on and what's going to happen next, if this is a nightmare will they wake up back at school living a normal life that they knew before.

Jasmine: Saya why are you looking at me like that


Saya kneels down on the floor of the bus with a dark cloud over her head drawing circles with her finger. Jasmine go's over to Saya and puts a hand on her shoulder making Saya look up at her, while looking at Saya Jasmine make's her tits stick out even more.

Jasmine: Don't cry Saya you can have a body like mine once you grow up

Saya gets a tick mark on her head and attacks Jasmine's boobs while screaming.


Jasmine some how gets away from Saya and puts Saya one her lap while sitting on my lap and starts rubbing Saya's head and holds her head into her chest.

Jasmine: Saya don't worry I have a way for your tit's to get bigger

Saya: If you tell me its those stupid oils and breast pump I'm throwing you at the zombies and letting them have there way with you

Jasmine: It's not any of those I'll give it to you after we get to where we're going

Dion: As much as I love having to beauties all over me but I would very much love it if you two would get off my lap

Saya blushed yelled and walked over and sat next to Kohta making him get up so she can sit next to the window, but Jasmine just moves around on my lap so my hard on bulge is in between her ass cheeks. I wrap my arms around Jasmines waist holding her in place Jasmine is 5'5 while im 5'8 so while she is sitting on my lap my chin is on the top of her head, Anko walks over and sits next to us while Saeko sits behind me and Tire next to her.

Anko: So when are we going to do the quest that the Chat gave to us

Jasmine: We'll do after we get to the apartment so we can have a place to come back to

Dion: It shouldn't take us long to do so and I'm very tired of holding back so we don't get swarmed and have to protect people, if I had Trinity, Inaros, Garuda, Frost, Khora, or Gara so we dont have to worry about them

Jasmine: We could have gotten them straight out but we don't have enough Chat Points so now we have to save up

Dion: By the way Tier how's the spirit cuff's working out for you

Tier: I haven't put them on yet I'm going to wait until we are in Hueco Mundo to use them

Saeko: Why wait till you get back

Tier: Cause thanks to the manga that I got I was able to make Baraggan believe that I will join him in three years time, cause according to the manga and my back story I knew that I was two years away from the main story

Dion: So you made that self pro-claimed king believe he's getting a lapdog but really he was giving one's of his biggest enemies time to get stronger

Jasmine: By the way are you going to help Nell before her mask get's broken or after when she has her friends with her

IM SO SORRY I LEFT EVERYONE HANG life decided to take a dump in my ceral so im looking for a job right now and I forgot about my stories that I was wirting but

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