
Tenmaou: The Strongest Martial Artist (OLD VERSION)

Money, Power, and Glory. It is the unspoken truth that these pillars of life goes hand in hand in gifting a person the keys to the world. With these weapons wielded by someone capable enough, many problems if not all would soon fade away into nothingness, thus granting one true peace. Even law and morality sometimes bends its knee in the presence of these three. "Then, to stand at the top, I just have to become the strongest of them all huh?" The world is filled with the weak being stepped on by the strong, only to be stepped on by those who are stronger, but no matter what, I shall be the strongest. This is the story of an abandoned young man living within The Inside; A lawless land of pure unabashed debauchery and depravity whose goal is to stand at the pinnacle of the Martial Arts World and the world of The Common Man at the same time. To reign supreme in the world of the strong. To make all enemies submit. This is the story of the man known as The Heavenly Demon King (Tenmaou). The Strongest Martial Artist: Tenmaou. --------------------------------------------------------------- Release Schedule: Bi-Monthly to Monthly Chapter Release --------------------------------------------------------------- TAGS: --------------------------------------------------------------- -Anime-Crossover -AU -Martial-Arts -Slow-Release -Harem/ Late Harem -Action --------------------------------------------------------------- CROSSOVERS: --------------------------------------------------------------- Kengan Ashura Baki The Grappler History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi --------------------------------------------------------------- (Cross Posted On Fanfiction.net) https://www.fanfiction.net/~wingsofphantasy https://www.fanfiction.net/u/13922844/ --------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved for the respective creators The cover photo isn't mine This is a work of fiction.

WingsOfPhantasy · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

<3rd Fight: On The Way>



-HOP!, HOP!, HOP!-

Early in the morning at an abandoned building, there stood a brown-eyed boy shrouded in a grey cloak from head to toe, hopping up and down as he was murmuring and mumbling to himself, prepared to step out into streets to do one of what he considered 'His usual jobs' in which he made sure to plan accordingly for.

Repeatedly psyching himself up for his big 'job', he couldn't help but break into a large grin under his cloak.


"Fweeh! Now I'm completely prepared! 'Perfectly Ready' if you will, fufufu"

Dramatically copying a pose from one of his 'Mangoes' or Japanese comic books, the boy flipped the new switchblades he got from the old 'karate' man back and forth as for a few weeks he practiced day and night with these blades, incorporating them into his workouts as he raised the intensity higher by a tad bit.

The two switchblades were a sleek black, darker than night blade that seemed to be a 13-inch stiletto combat knife belonging to the Italian variant. Fitting in the boy's hands rather snuggly, he giggled as he slashed the air, over and over again as if in a trance.

"Yosh! The early bird gets the worm, or should I say the early worm gets the bird? After all, they're the ones going to be doing most of the chasing, after all..." The boy mused, shaking his head slowly.

Seeing the sun finally set in the sky as high and as bright as it could be in a warm sunny spring day, the brown-eyed boy in a cloak decided to finally get moving to his destination; The 'TTC', or The Takahiro Trade Center: A special one-for-all stop for buying, selling, or exchanging 'anything with value'.





On the main street within the Tokita Ward, while the brown-eyed boy in a cloak was sneaking towards the 'TTC', avoiding anyone that could possibly pose any needed problems or issues, he thought about what kind of place he was visiting.

It was a 'store' that had one 'rule'; 'Anything that has value can be bought.' This included drugs, weapons, food, living necessities, and even human life and organs.

Coming to view its 'wares' were several influential people within The Inside and even outside in Japan. CEO'S, gang leaders, yakuza, and even conglomerates would gather, in a special viewing with a front-row seat to the vice and immorality that existed within The Inside.

With price tags too!

And if his memory served him well, this place was owned by Atsushi Takahiro, the Don of the 'Takahiro Yakuza Group', one of the innumerable amount of 'bigshot' Yakuza trying to make it big within The Inside, however, this guy had decided that he wanted to take over the 'Tokita Ward', an area that even the other residents wouldn't aimlessly enter without proper reason nor protection.

'Wow, that's crazy...'- The 10-year-old's 'complex' opinion on the matter.


A few blocks away from the 'TTC' The shrouded boy snuck through the crowds as he tried to grasp a good look on the outside of the 'TTC' complex and the guards that stood outside.

'Three guards holding guns around the front and back of the perimeters, and three on each side wither holding a machete or a metal baseball bat...'

'I'll have to strike when they least expect it with the gunmen first or ill be seen through and riddled with bullet holes.'

"Let's begin" The boy mumbled as he ran around to the back of the building, careful not to be sighted by the other residents or the thugs that worked there.


Using several fist-sized rocks from within his garment, the boy had used all his might to send the rocks flying, crashing into the heads of the gunmen and goons who were holding blunt weapons as he flipped out the two pure black switchblades, bringing them on the trio in rapid succession.

While he used switchblades on and off, usually whenever he was lucky enough to find one before they start to rust or break, it had been quite a while since he had a pair of blades that were actually of a high standard of quality.

But in the end, weapons are weapons the boy thought, and these pairs of blades, were they good enough for him to do his job swiftly and smoothly?

And was he good enough at using them, that it would help his job go swiftly and smoothly?



Yes. It did, wonderfully.



Flipping to his two switchblades, the boy made impressively deep slash wounds on the man's face and legs before sending to a heavy kick aimed at the first guard's shin, effectively sending him tumbling down.


"Damnit, I've gotta call the bo-" The guard tried to scream, but-


With a swift barrage of slashes leaving the man a bleeding mess, the boy used the body of the fallen guard as a launchpad, sending him leaping into a dropkick aimed at the man's head, smashing him into the concrete wall.



'I guess I'll have to leave the guys at the front be, or things will get really suspicious and alert them all...' Thinking such, the cloaked child decided to move on to the first part of his job; making a mess of the inside of the building

Fixing his appearance a tad bit, the cloaked child sheathed his two switchblades as he strolled towards the back door of the TTC, the boy lightly stretches as he smirked inwardly;

'Now, this is where the fun part starts' The boy calmly thought.




On the first floor of the TTC building, one can see the bustling atmosphere of those who frequent it as shouting, cursing, and laughing alike can be observed amongst them all.


Exhaling smoke from a cheap cigarette, a bald man with a deep scar on his head pestered his sunken-eyed colleague for the umpteenth time as he sat 'idly', watching the shipment of the 'goods' he boss would have checked in.

"Yo, are you 'sure' that we might get some bigshot troublemaker at our doorsteps today?"

"100 percent sure of it, Scar. From what I heard, some hotshot is working with 'those two' to try and fuck around with us." The sunken-eyed colleague of the scarred bald man grimly replied.


"For real!? You mean the same guy that gave the slip to our new recruits? To be working with those guys he must be some beast in a human's skin huh?" The scarred bald man replied, slightly shocked at the 'man' they were up against today.

"But don't get your panties in a bunch though, even if the guy's a monster, when he walks in and we light em up with these babies-" The sunken-eyed man said, affectionately patting his firearm with intense love and care.

"-He'll fall dead just like all the rest of fuckers we riddle with bullet holes." He finished, sternly gazing at the hallways filled with his fellow Yakuza as he held his pistol closely to him, on high alert.

"Hey Scar, by the way, what's the status on the two twins?" The sunken-eyed man suddenly asked.

"No luck. We've been searching for the twins for a 'looong' time man, in fact, some of our men have gone far enough to say that the twins are already dead in a ditch somewhere." The scarred baldly wryly replied.

"I call bullshit on that, how could they manage to escape but-"


About to argue his point, the sunken-eyed man raises his voice before being cut off by the harsh knocking of the door down the hall.

"I got it." The scarred bald thug said as he got up from his seat, closing the door behind him as he walked down the hall

"Hmnn." The sunken-eyed man nodded then gave a quick glance towards the men in the room to which they nodded in response, readying their weapons while looking as carefree as ever.

"What's the password?" The scarred baldy asked, but all he heard back was a voice filled with childish murmuring that went on for a minute. Opening the door, the scarred baldy looked downwards to see a little kid wrapped in rags, whom he swiftly kicked, shooing him away.


"Tch, get lost kid! Damn brats fucking around...What the hell are the guys watching this area doing?" He cursed while closing the door after seeing the kid wearing rags scampering away like a frightened stray dog.

Going back down the hall to sit in his seat, he was asked by a colleague to what had occurred, to which he just waved his hand, saying that it wasn't important, and it was just some beggar kid lurking around.




However, over a period of 5 to 10 minutes, there was a series of what seemed to be several 'beggar children' constantly knocking on the door, snickering like hyenas, and then running away as swiftly as their little feet could carry them.

Clearly tired of such tomfoolery, the scarred bald man pissed off as ever ran down the hallways to the door, forcefully opening it wide in order to berate his fellow colleagues

"Damn it, again? The hell are you fucktards doing? You're on the job ain't ya'? At least try to look like you're-" The scarred baldy yelled at the goons who were supposed to be guarding the back of the building's perimeter, before-


Being fiercely smacked at the back of the head with a metal baseball bat.


Falling slowly, the scarred baldy tried to turn around but couldn't, as he didn't even have the chance to see what his assailant had looked like before once again being smacked with the metal baseball bat once again.

However, this time it was at the side of the head, thus completely knocking him unconscious.

'Damn it. This really blows, man...' The scarred baldly agitatedly bemoaned before his vision went dark.





"This is for trying to kick me, asshole." The brown-eyed boy in a cloak pouted as he made short work of the man, granted via a surprise attack, but a victory nonetheless as the man laid there, unconscious.

After taking care of the scarred bald man, the boy kicked the metal bat to the side, out of the view of whoever might chance across it as he nimbly made his way into the building, down the hall.

'Out of sight, and out of mind.' The boy thought while taking one last peek at the fallen goons out the back entrance of the building.


Swiftly running down the hallway, the boy reached the first room where he placed his ears at the side of the door.

Hearing rustling and the sounds of people talking and laughing amongst each other, the boy thought that this room would be serviceable enough to start a commotion throughout the 'TTC' building.


Slamming the door open, the boy entered before stopping before seeing at least a dozen men, either wielding machetes, metal bats, or pistols, 'lazing about' sipping on coffee or smoking.

However, as he stood before the goons, several thoughts quickly went through the minds of the goons within the room before they all readied their weapons, eager to strike if the kid made any funny moves.


'Who the hell is this kid?'

'What is he doing here?"

'Where the fuck did Scar go?'

'When did he get in?'

"Why is he in here?'

And lastly, and most importantly;

'How did he get in here?'

'Wow, looks like they're all on the edge and ready to fight, huh?' thinking such, the boy sneakily inched his hands into his pockets, reaching for one of his favorite 'toys' as he gazed at the grip of the men who were 'idly' holding their weapons.

'Well then let's see if you're ready for this!'


Before anyone of the thugs could even move their weapons, he threw several fist-sized bags towards the ceiling fans, which resulted in an incident in which they would later come to regret not gunning the brat down right there and then.


A shower of dust, sand, sawdust, and glass descended over the room, obscuring the sights of many men as its effects were exacerbated by the propulsion of the several ceiling fans.



"W-what the fuck is this!?"


And because of this, chaos ensued.

Although some of the thugs had managed to react in time and not get debris in their eyes, they seemed mostly fine with the exception being the panicking members with irritated eyes moving about like sheep.

It had seemed that the thugs had the general idea of not shooting within the debris-filled room in order not to worsen their own injuries, whether fortunate or unfortunate it was for them, though as for the shrouded boy?

He saw an opportunity, and he took it.

"Well, well, well, Mr. Badguys. Should you be ashamed that you're getting treated like this by a little kid huehuehue?" The boy teasingly said, taking pleasure in seeing their misfortune as the thugs flailed about.

But upon seeing that they were some that were still some not completely fazed, he decided to finish this.

"Well, anyways, night-night misters~" the boy smilingly said.

Flipping the two switchblades open, the cloaked child held them tightly before pouncing at the discombobulated thugs.








Slashing and dashing throughout the crowd of armed men within the room, the brown-eyed boy in a cloak once again thought about his next course of action after this job as he repeatedly carved a path in-an-out the room.

'Hmmn? It looks like this guy seems mostly unbothered.'

Looking towards the middle of the room, he gazed at the slightly hindered man with sunken eyes raising his handgun, ready to fire.

'Well, its time for me to leave. I'd rather not become a bullet cushion if I can avoid it...'

Reaching into his pockets for the usual inventory check, the boy smirked before dashing to the exit as swiftly as he could in a rather zig-zagged manner.


Narrowly escaping the hail of bullets, the boy quickly left the room as he made for the top floor, leaving a rather agitated man with sunken eyes who decided that he would rather not give chase and risk hurting himself for 'no reason' as the man would think.

"Shit! he got away! Gotta page the boss..." Cursing to himself, the sunken-eyed man pulled out a two-way audio radio as he wryly chuckled to himself thinking out loud;

"After I call the boss, if I book it fast enough I might be able to escape getting punished for this shit..."

"Or maybe I should've just gotten sliced up with the rest... Ah hell no..."

"Ah fuck it, I'm out!"

After calling the boss on the attack on the TTC building (Not mentioning the fact that the assailant was a kid and rather preferring to say that it was a swift and planned attack) The sunken-eyed man quickly made for his escape, not to be seen again if luck was on his side.


Sprinting down the halls, going into different rooms continuously, the boy kept sharing his 'gifts'; lovely bags full of 'friendship and magic' served with a slice of steel that was so potent that it brought the men within the building to tears.

And judging by how they couldn't stop cursing, shouting, and crying when he gave his gifts to them, it would've most likely been out of sheer joy and happiness, of course.

"Hello~" The boy arrived inside of another room as he waved at the older looking thug.

"Huh? The hell are you-"



Visibly confused at his current situation, the man sadly would've had no time to ponder nor make any moves as he was blindsided by the shower of debris, the slashing of nifty steel, and the occasional flurry of body blows.

And with the combination of the trio, the poor unsuspecting man was swiftly brought down before he could even unholster his firearm.


-TAP!, TAP!, TAP!-

After performing a brief continuous onslaught of 'hit-and-run- tactics upon on the thugs within the building, the brown-eyed boy in a cloak was nearing completion of the first part of his job as he headed to the top floor where the chief office room was.

With his switchblades sheathed, the cloaked child carried a metal bat which he confiscated after a brief encounter with a random thug.

Furrowing his brows, the boy cautiously surveyed his surroundings as he leaped up the stairs. 'According to the old man, the guy in the chief's office ain't the big boss of the Takahiro Group, just one of his hired thugs, or more accurately a 'puppet' of sorts...'

'However, In order to fully make a mess out of this place, I gotta mess him up a bit anyway... I just have to wonder, are they trying to insult the guy, or are they just making their presence known?'

"Well whatever, after this gig I'm going to bow out, I have no interests in jumping in the middle of a gang war or whoever they're fighting against."

Thinking such, the brown-eyed boy in a cloak put a spring in his steps as he neared the chief's office door.


Twisting and turning the doorknob to find it locked, the boy stared at the knob briefly before raising the metal bat firmly gripped within his hands before-



Striking it down, snapping it in half as he enters the room to see a visibly surprised older man pointing a firearm towards him.

"A kid?"

"No hard feelings mister, but a job is a job, I'm sure someone like you should understand..."

Blankly looking at the older man wielding a firearm, the brown-eyed boy in a cloak calmly spoke as he swiftly leaped towards the man before he could even pull the trigger.





"Damn, you have got to be shitting me!" A brash voice sounded out.

Standing on guard as the men in the building scrambled about, either to gather weapons or due to the immense pain they were suffering, four vastly different black-suited men were surprised as ever when they had heard from the call that someone had actually dared to attack the TTC building.

"Keep alert, Gou. You never know what might happen." A calm voice replied, beckoning the man with the brash voice to cool down.

And even more surprising was the fact that after witnessing the employees scrambled about in chaos, it seemed that this attack was less likely the figment of a drugged-up thug's delusions and more of an undoubtedly real, clear threat that needed attention asap!

"Hmnn." A tall lanky man hummed to himself, calmly taking in his surroundings.

Walking in the front was an extremely muscular man who had his head shaved in the style of a crewcut with black hair with a long scar running through the side of his head.

Possessing a robust, almost over-defined musculature that was almost bursting out of his suit as he stood well over two meters, he was a man who meant business as he often went by the name of Chouji 'The Muscle Man'.

'Whoever did this must've planned it before, otherwise, there would've been no way some haphazard idea to raid the TTC building...' Chouji sternly thought.

The second man was a tall, lanky man with sharp angular facial features and long, compact muscles standing at 197cm.

Going by the name of Hanzo, the man patted his side where he held a concealed weapon as with his slanted snake-like eyes and sandy brown hair in a ponytail, he cautiously peered over the mess of a hall he currently stood.

'No doubt about it, it's probably that brat...' Hanzo thought.

Thirdly was a young man standing at 190cm with short messy black hair with a wild look in his eyes as he excitedly gazed about as he broke into an arrogant smirk.

This man who went by the name of Gou, with one look at this man and his temperament, one could easily tell that he was a rash, hotheaded, volatile man.

"Man, It's rowdy as fuck in this joint! What gives!?" Gou bellowed, grabbing a nearby thug, shaking the living daylights out of him as he tried to pry answers out of him.

And lastly was a young man standing at 185cm who had a lean build obscured by the rather baggy clothing he wore.

With long dark brown bangs resting over the left side of his eye, the young man named Yun had a calm and focused look within his eyes as he peered towards the turbulent conditions that the TTC building was currently in.

"Mr. Chouji, the center of the commotion should most likely be on the upper floors, the chief office even." Yun calmly noted.

"Mhmm, let's go, quickly." Nodding slightly, Chouji and the trio swiftly headed upstairs as they hastily reached for the location of the intruders

And as they went upwards the building they were met with;

Lots of sand.

An incredible amount of glass.

And a considerable amount of dirt, and other forms of debris.

"The fuck!? Was it really that little shit huh!? There's even a fuckin' sandpit in 'ere! What is this, a fuckin' playground!?" Gou angrily commented as they went even further into the building only to see employees either unconscious bleeding out, or hunched over groaning and moaning in pain.

If it was anything that the four thought while reaching towards the chief's office, they had all thought of one singular question. It wasn't why, as they knew that in this business, having enemies in this field was par for the course, but the question was;


Just how did whoever pulled this off even manage to do it?

It was a question that they already knew the answer too by just looking at their 'fallen comrades', but the truth itself was so absurd that they couldn't even possibly process it.

After all, something like a lone ranger making a mess through a building of people belong to an organized crime group?

If it wasn't the peak of total fantasy, then what was?

However, soon enough they would find their answers, as they finally arrived before the mangled door and handle of the chief's office.


Hearing rumbling and tumbling within the main office on the third floor, the four men shared a look before barging into the room where they would then receive another 'surprise' if you will.


"What the!? It's you again you little shit!?"

Looking inside of the messy office room two figures drew the particular interest of the four men.

The first being a figure that seemed to belong to that of a child that was wrapped in rags and a cloak stained with a mixture of debris and blood that stood on a stable over an unconscious man who was convulsing as he had a bruised bloody face that told everyone of what had occurred while they weren't present.

And the second, naturally being a fellow employee of theirs who was tasked to watch over to TTC building in the boss' stead.

And of one could look hard enough, they would soon find a metal bat bent out of a recognizable state that laid haphazardly, tucked within the corners of the room as it was covered red with the blood of the man slumped unconscious in his seat.

'A pitiful sight indeed' They all thought.

Turning to face the four men, the child clothed rags broke into a small smile as his face remained mostly obscured due to the hood of his rags.

"Well hello misters, it seems as you all caught me at a rather unfortunate moment~" The brown-eyed boy in a cloak politely smiled.

"So, how's life taking ya'? You guys look like you've been doing well though." The boy says only to receive a cold and hard silence


"C'mon, what's with the stares, I thought that there were no hard feelings or bad blood between us, or was I wrong? I dunno?" Trying to egg them on to no success, the brown-eyed boy in a cloak's mocking grin slowly faded into a blank, serious look.

"Guess I was wrong, huh? No problem, we all make mistakes." The boy blandly stated, his gaze growing colder as he eyed his opponents preparing to fight once again.

'So this is the brat that gave these guys trouble a few days ago...' Gazing at the young lad in front of him, Chouji furrowed his brows as he thought about the destruction and mess that he witnessed on his way here.

'To think that this kid managed to get this far too... Judging by the mess throughout the building, it seems as the little boy is a trickster huh?'

'But it doesn't matter, in the end, nonsense like tricks and games could never outdo pure strength.'

But as the silence and tension reached palpable levels, with the incredibly muscular man inspecting the raggedy clothed boy, it was also likewise for the boy.

'Strong. This one is very strong. The moment I try to fight him head-on is the moment I end up dead.' The brown-eyed boy in a cloak grimly thought.

'And also, those three, they feel different. Not like they've gotten stronger, but they seem much more... composed? Nothing like the fresh meat I met a few days ago.'

Looking towards the tallest man in the room, the boy couldn't help but squint his eyes hidden under the hood in sheer displeasure.

'Is it because of this big guy they brought? Nah it can't be only that. And it also feels like they've adjusted to whatever strength they had...'

'Tsk, It looks like I won't be able to use any of the tricks that they have already seen, I'll have to mix it up a bit.' The boy clicked his tongue as he continued to silently glare at the four men in the room alongside him.

As the tension rose to higher levels the two sides began to stare at each other more intensely, not one making a move, fearing that they might miss what happens next.

On one side was merely a naughty child trying the make it in life day by day.

And on the other side were four dangerous men.

Out of such a matchup, what good could possibly come out of it, and what would be the result of such a matchup?



And after what seemed like hours passed by; both sides made the first moves






And after what had seemed like hours passing by, both sides made the first move.



Sending out a flurry of blows aiming at the vitals of the four men, the brown-eyed boy in a cloak proceeded with incredible cautiousness as he alternated between the four.

And the same was with them as well.


With the feisty Gou who seemed to be fueled by pure anger and hate as he threw blows that were so unrefined and powerful, that it even threw his own center of balance off and allowed the boy to trip him,

The sneaky Hanzo whom the boy tried his hardest to create space as he didn't want to within the berth of the lanky man's knife's swing,

And the stable, and calm Yun who attempted to either pummel or bash the lad with his never-ending onslaught of punches and kicks.

Although it could be said that the boy was able to hold his own against the three, It also couldn't be said that he was anywhere near to being able to defeat them as he did the last time with the help of tactics and prep time.



Narrowly dodging the blade swing aimed at his neck, the boy curled up as he tried to shake off the impact of a blow from Gou nearly knocking him off his feet as he was forced to skid a few feet backwards.

"Haah! How'd ya' like it now huh? I'll have ya' know, that fight back in the alley a few days ago was only a fluke thanks to you fighting dirty, you little shit!"

"Calm yourself, Gou. It's not over yet." Yun calmly reminded the ever so feisty Gou, who in turn just shook off his colleague's warning.

"I've 'been' calm all these couple days! And it pisses me off even more! There's no way this kid could've pulled one over my eyes like that I've i was caught of guard, so I gotta waste this kid in return!" Gou bellowed in an indignant tone while glaring at the brown-eyed boy in a cloak.

'As much as I hate to admit it, he's not exactly wrong.' The boy grimaced.

For the most part, he was well aware of his weaknesses, mainly being his strength, body, and age, however, upon thinking over the scenario he was currently in, it was as if a flash of light had gone off within his brain.

Ignoring the bickering between Yun and Gou, Hanzo readied his knife as he watched the boy, ready to pounce if he'd make any funny moves.

And as for the boy?

After putting a few inches of space between him and the trio, he had narrowed as eyes as he gazed sternly towards the far end of the room, where the door was, or rather where 'someone' was.

Standing there was the same extremely muscular man that stood further than two standing in the doorway as if he were a stone statue overlooking the 'fight' of the trio and the boy.

'He's not moving...' The brown-eyed boy in a cloak thought, slowly inching away from the trio that had surrounded him until he climbed onto a desk.

'Time to start the stage of the next plan, and I know just how to get out.' Cautiously thinking so, the boy gazed warily at the muscular man as he inched closer.

As he was about to move, Hanzo who had been watching him had decided to strike now, hoping to stop him in his tracks, however, he had grossly missed.

Why? Because it wasn't Gou, Yun, nor Hanzo whom the boy was running towards-

But Chouji, the muscle-bound giant.

"Is he fuckin' crazy, or did the little shit finally lose his mind and just decided to end it all!?" Gou bellowed in disbelief

Completely dodging the attack, the boy had dashed with what seemed to be suicidal overconfidence, as he leaped towards the muscular man as his hidden eyes eerily glowed under the hood with unknown vigor.


However, the moment Yun and Hanzo realized his ploy, it was already too late.

"That kid, he's going to..." Yun mouthed.

"Watch out Mr. Chouji! This kid likes to pull some downright nasty tricks while fighting!" The unusually quiet Hanzo had finally yelled.

'Nasty, huh? So that's what they're calling it… But it's not like I could beat them all without it, so in that case, so be it!' The cloaked boy cheekily thought.

Jumping straight towards the direction of the massive Chouji, the boy had made the motions to drop kick the towering 'giant' while the former tried to counter.

'Trying to take out the strongest first huh? Foolish. Do you expect to pull off some kind of miracle with your puny strength' Chouji thought, glaring at the incoming feet flying towards his temple.


'This is it, kid! Watch what happens when silly tricks go against true strength!' Kicking forward with such speed that surpassed the other three men at their best, Chouji attacked with the full intention to knock the child unconscious while breaking bones if not outright kill him.

'Let's see what tricks you can do when-'


But as soon as the kick nearly connect with the figure of the child-



The brown-eyed boy in a cloak changed his form, leaping onto the extremely muscular man's outstretched leg, to then leap the office's window

"See ya' later, ya' big old doofus!" Lolling his tongue out, the boy had braced himself, as he rammed through the office's window, breaking it in the process as he flew downwards, out of a window located on the top floor of the five-story building.




"Damn it…"

"What the…"

"I-Is he crazy!?"

Confused by the child's actions, the four men watched the kid as he fell to what would've been his demise, until he-

-Disrobed himself,

-Swung the rags he wore over the powerlines that were stationed outside, connected to the TTC building and another building facing exactly in front of it,

-Swung down to the terrace of the other building,

-And finally, climbing and jumping down to lower floors as if he were an acrobat, maneuvering with the efficiency of one who was clearly not afraid of being in the grasp of death as he nimbly leaped onto the very bottom on the street, slightly shocking the passerby's, as they expected the child to be more along the lines of dead rather than alive.

-And to put the cherry on top of the pie filled with disrespect and disdain towards the crew currently on the top floor looking down on him, the boy briefly smile and waved,

-Before booking it like hell and running as if his life depended on it.


"The fuck is going on in that Takahiro group's building? Best stay clear o' there if ya value yer' life…"

"H-How the hell isn't that kid dead from jumping from that height!?

"Fuckin' hell! Who is he, Sp*derman?"

"For fuck's sake! Quickly! After that little shit! And once you get 'em make sure to bring im' so I can cut im' to pieces!" A bald irate Yakuza was a bloody head loudly bellowed, hunched over of the shoulders of his subordinates as he had awakened earlier, only to see chaos within the TTC building, swearing up and down as he held as one side of his head.

And as shocked as the passerby's could've been in the moment, they soon collected themselves and minded their own business, knowing that with one unlucky instance and the aggravated Yakuza could soon turn their sights on them, leading to a fate they'd much rather not have.

"Looks like the Yakuza from the Takahiro group is after him, even if he escapes now, he'll soon be dead anyway…"

"Grab the guns downstairs and chase after them. But don't interfere until the end though...Wait for the right moment." Standing within the room on the top floor, the muscular man quietly ordered his three subordinates as he gazed through the broken windows onto the streets.

"Understood!" The trio replied before quickly heading downstairs to grab firearms before leaving the building.

Standing alone within the chief's office at the top floor, Chouji had gnashed his teeth for a brief moment for he regained his composure, taking a good long inhale before sharply exhaling, only to repeat his actions several times again and again.



'That boy... I can't tell if it's his face that looks familiar or is it his hair...' Chouji thought, narrowing his eyes as he racked his head, searching for answers.

'Where have I seen him before, if at all...'


'Nevermind it isn't important now, at least..'

Cooling himself off, the man looked at the retreating figure of the boy as the child had somehow found another set of rags to don, as he gingerly draped them over himself before continuing to run away, to the Northernmost area of the Tokita Ward Chouji thought.

And chasing after him were the group of Yakuza who were full of ill intent, with the trio trailing not too far behind them, as they were hell-bent on beating the snot out of, if not killing the kid for making a mess out of them, as they yell and cursed while they wielded their weapons.


"C'mere, you little shit!"

"Get back here so I can kill you!"

"Once I get my hands on you and beat the shit out of you, I'm gonna fuck you so hard, you'll be crying for mommy, pretty boy!"




'Tch. Bloody idiots.' Chouji thought, dismayed and disgusted at the collective mass of low IQ Yakuza chasing the long gone kid.

He wasn't the smartest by any means, but even he'd knew that surely if the kid was able to somewhat pull off tricks and traps on them, then wouldn't chasing him like a bunch of headless chickens be counterproductive?

To Chouji, it seems highly likely that the kid had only 'ran' away to somewhere else to 'even' out the playing field

And so, with the rest of the group chasing after the shrouded child, he also left.

'I'll admit, your trickery does have its uses, but in the end, the result is still all the same…'

'Once I hunt you down and capture you like a cornered rat, You'll be lying dead and bloodied at the ends of my fists.'

<3rd Fight: On The Way> END-



Third Chapter Out!

Thanks For Reading!

Constructive Criticism Is Always Welcome.


So the third chapters out and I want to once again say thank you to all those who chose to read this fanfic of mine (especially for my first time geez.)


But I'm grateful as ever even as I'm taking it easy so I don't get burnt out fast.


A lot of chapters are in the works! Stay Tuned!

WingsOfPhantasycreators' thoughts