
Tender Trails

You and I may perish, but Tender Trails lasts forever.

Nimshay_Bareen · Teen
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Foe's Arrival

"Where is that girl who was admitted today?"

Several boys approached the nurse and inquired.

The nurse instructed them.

"Who is this?"

He murmured as he received the ringing call.


He answered the phone.

Killers entered her room behind him, removed her oxygen mask, and then left. He ran towards her room as they came out, watching her die. He became desperate.


He yelled.

"Champion! Don't be concerned. I am here to help you."

He muttered.

Her oxygen mask was adjusted by the doctor.

"Doctor! How is she doing now?"

He inquired.

"She is now fine."

The doctor stated.

"What is it about your hospital that allows anyone to enter? If she died today, I would murder you all."

worriedly, he yelled.

"We are deeply sorry, sir, and this will not happen again."

Dr. excused.

When she addressed him as sir, he had a flashback.

"What exactly are you thinking? She is simply your friend."

He muttered.

"She is becoming conscious, and you are welcome to meet her."

A nurse stated.

He dashed into her room.