
Tender Trails

You and I may perish, but Tender Trails lasts forever.

Nimshay_Bareen · Teen
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22 Chs

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They returned home.

"Sisi! What exactly happened?"

Her siblings rushed towards her.

"Nothing. I'm fine now."

She stated.

"Your sisi is not acceptable. Take her to her room and put her to sleep."

He gave the order.

"Sisi is currently sleeping. Thank you for bringing her. Are you her friend?"

Asked by her younger sister.

"Sure, I am."

He responded.

"Sisi is overly sensitive, but she never shows it; she just works hard for us and never makes us feel like orphans. She upheld our values and granted all of our wishes."

Her younger sister told him and burst into tears.

"A child should not cry. She is strong. She lacks sensitivity. She is brave, as are you. She is a strong young lady."

He stated.