
Tenchi Nura Guardian of the Multiverse...The prince of darkness

I am known as man with many faces Sometimes I fight as a persona user, sometimes I fight as against people like baki Sometimes I play basketball with the generation of miracles (Tenchi Nura childhood as ryouta kise) Thats because I have lots of masks Volume 1: I went to an all girls school (Shomin Sample/ Armed Girl's Machiavellism) Volume 2: I went to a parallel world as Raku from Nisekoi met some twins and had an akira fight... Volume 3: I spent time with my fiance yona of the dawn Volume 4: I did a side job at a the prison deadman wonderland Volume 5: checking out the three kingdom in tales of bersira and arslan Volume 6: Cooking in Shokugeki no Soma My identity can be Sanji from one piece, master roshi from Dragon ball, or many others In my first life I was known as the smartest God In my second life I was known as the scariest and most powerful Devil In my third life I was known as the fastest human and called the flame King Now in my fourth life I am the Grandson of two of the strongest in the world. Nurarihyon and Katsuhito Masaki This organization has taken control of the multiverse with its leader goal of bringing destruction. My universe is prime, so I can combine the dimensions together and save them, or destroy them to sever them and lead them to their destruction Be a hero? a villain? Fuck that I'm a Guardian I'll go to the universe and judge them. Good and evil means nothing to me. but if they're with the organization they should wash their necks because I will even make a devil cry (Sequel to Tenchi Nura childhood as ryouta kise recommends read it but you dont have to) Please check out my coffee page https://www.patreon.com/DemonKingVan

DemonKingVan · Anime & Comics
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276 Chs

You patted them too

Right when Tenchi feeling when he finishes hearing her story the girl he helped him enter the city appeared, her name was Rose

Rose was shocked to see Tenchi...she pointed to him

Rose: w-w-what are you doing here

old lady: you should know the rules

Rose: oh sorry

She sits down...


Rose stares at me...she is red...strange, ever since I mistaken her for my sister she has been like this...

At first, I thought she was my sister but I'm the eldest child of Rihan (apparently) So she can't be my sister considering she is a year older than me.

So I apologize saying she seemed like a big sister type which she seemed to like...then I decided to give her a blessing of my power. this makes her youthful longer some times can reduce their ages, increases their luck, fighting abilities, trade; earning capabilities and more...

All I do to give my blessing is pat them on the head then put my hand over their head for 3 seconds strange thing is she back away turning red when I did and she said I-I need some time to think about it...and ran away...

Velvet and Magilou glared at me after seeing this...mumbling he got another one...speaking of which didn't they act differently recently after I gave them blessing too Velvet said no one ever done this to her before and wanted me to brush her hair and Seres said something about first time in this life anyone had been so forward

As I was deep in thought I decided to talk with Rose...

Tenchi: Wow Rose your outfit looks good on you! I like it

She went red again: You like it? t-thank you...so is black your favorite color

Tenchi: well I like black. Like Velvet hair there its beautiful isn't *he points to velvet * But my favorite color is red. I don't know why but I'm drawn to red

her face gets crimson so does Seres and Velvet who are eavesdropping


After a bit, the others started showing up

Yona and Alisha team met up at the gate

Yona: Alisha? Is that you?

Alisha: lady Yona

Yona: now now no need for that anymore..just Yona

Alisha: a-alright

They hug and laugh…they both notice both of each large crew…

Alisha: umm, who are these people…eh, Arslan-sama?

Arslan: Nee-chan? We're kind of have to seek someone first…

Alisha: so do we…

They both didn't know how much the other person knew…they also felt nervous if they were on the same side…Yona

Teresa intervenes between the two and says: Brothers and sisters shouldn't fight

{Teresa is kind of a bro-con}

After that they separated, Eizen led Yona group and Frankenstein led the others and they ended up in the same location...the nameless door...

There they enter and surprised to see Tenchi

Yona runs over to Tenchi and hugs him...

Tenchi: Yona...

Yona: aww, so it wasn't a dream, this warmth

Tenchi: cough anyway I see a lot of people gather

She quickly separated from him and Tenchi looked to see Frankenstein who bowed

Edna who was in Tenchi came out and ran to her brother and hugged him

Eizen: E-edna?

Edna: stupid big brother...I was so worried...

Kikyo who was in her bow form came out and hugged Tenchi shocking Yona

Kikyo: ugh being separated by you is tough....*tears*

Tenchi: umm, its only been a few days...

she laughs

Tenchi looks and sees the others who start walking in.

Suddenly Eleanor appears in front of him and slaps him...

Eleanor: leaving me behind like that *pouts*

Tenchi: I didn't deserve that

he says to Frankenstein by his side

she goes to the sid and then

Then Lili and her two attendants slapped Tenchi saying for leaving, getting arrested and...not taking her with him...

Tenchi: I don't think I deserve that

Suddenly Alisha comes and slaps him hard

Tenchi: ...I may have deserved that

Finally, Teresa slaps him

Frankenstein: I'm guessing you didn't deserve that either

Tenchi: no...I deserve that for sure...

finally the other came in...Yona dragons were curious about this person but Hak reluctantly said that he was her fiance causing the dragons to have strange look at Tenchi...like someone dating their idol

They went to Yona side coving her from Tenchi claws...

Arslan had several people with him, his bodyguard, strategist and a couple others as they just greeted him normally but he was a bit awkward considering that his sister slapped him...

Eizen glared at Tenchi for a bit after his sister told him that she decided to marry Tenchi...first because he seemed human and he felt his sister had become more of a woman...

Suddenly two girls finally came in Seller and Ian

Ian: wow that was crazy, I can't believe that they all slapped you what did you do

Sellers: it was strange that the princess was upset with you

Tenchi: its nothing were friends who are very close

Ian: hmm

Seller: that sounds suspicious

Tenchi: so you two are her bodyguards

Ian: yup it's hard protecting her but we love her

Seller: it is something we're proud of...

Ian: sadly we haven't found anyone...While she found a handsome guy

Seller: yeah, I'm jealous

Tenchi smiled at these two...they seemed fun...he was curious who was the person Alisha found...

Tenchi felt he should reward their hard work. Considering their body they looked like they may have been working hard for her sake

Tenchi patted both their heads and held their heads for 1, 2, 3 seconds each second they went redder and when he let go their faces were red

Tenchi: because you're always by Alisha side I thought it was only right plus I like you two

Ian and Seller looked and saw an upset Alisha and went to her side...

trying to avoid his eye contact

They started talking to Alisha and glancing back at Tenchi

Tenchi( huh why did the room get silent?)

Princess Tao and her bodyguards were next to enter they saw what he did and went in front of Tenchi

Tao laughed and introduced herself and went inside...the guys didn't want him to go near her

The final one to enter was Kouren

Kouren didn't see the exchange she was checking out the area making sure they werent followed

Kouren: huh why is it strange inside? did something happen

Tenchi: oh, well don't mind ( Like I know) Huh you look strong...Like Advance grandmaster

Kouren: Advance grandmaster?

Frankenstein: well in cultivation terms it would be similar to Divine Soul Realm

Kouren: Wow you realize that. You must be strong yourself...but I can't feel anything from you amazing

Tenchi: well your strong too for your age to make it that strong, simply amazing

She blushed for the first time she met someone stronger, taller and more attractive than anyone she knew

Cultivators and Martial artist women like men stronger than them.


when Tenchi was asked about why girls find him attractive. Tenchi didn't think it was looking through most guys would think he is crazy

Tenchi: Saftey, security, and shelter. Most people think its wrong or something bad but that's the way people are. They are attracted to them. If you have one most of the opposite sex will be attractive to you. That's because it's in our DNA to want those things. if some have that we are more drawn to them.

Why women are drawn to muscular men is because they provide safety for you. Smart guys with security and Rich guys with Shelter.

This is why throughout history most people gravitate towards the kings who are rich, powerful and smart

As for men they are attracted to strong will women because they are more likely to survive the harsh childbirth, kind women provide a good shelter with a meal meek girls are more likely not to leave them for another man due to their nature.


Tenchi decides to give her a blessing to

Kouren: m-me but I'm not feminine

Tenchi: what are you talking about your 10 billion percent attractive. I doubt anyone in the world would say your unattractive

Kouren: do you know what you did umm Tenchi-dono

Tenchi: a blessing...

Kouren mumbles: so you know...

She goes to her sister while congratulating her...

Tenchi was confused the room felt strange...

he looked to see Anita laughing on her back (Anita...your navel is showing...) Michelle and Maggie were reading a book pretending they're not paying attention...

Frankenstein... notices that Tenchi is like that so he tells him they should go to the yokai for a moment


Tenchi: so...someone who is above 14 is considered an adult and patting with an adult of the opposite sex and holding their head for 3 seconds is like saying I love you and will you be my wife forever...it is the most intimate way to ask someone to marry them in the holy lands. It's asking for a blessing from the gods that you will always be together from this life to the next...

Frankenstein saw Tenchi nodding and smile: I see so you knew all along. As expected from my master...I will go to attend your wives here is the report

With that, he left

Tenchi put on his A-Ts and : ~time

Tenchi went around moving quicker in it was like time nearly stop as he kept screaming

Tenchi: Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, marriage fuck this shit, I pretty much asked all of them to marry me then. No wonder they all started freaking out after I did that. It isn't even done normally. Most married couples don't do it because it's so embarrassing but I did it...FUCK. I did it to Teresa, Eleanor oh shit I did it to Alisha too...FUCK...I even did it to the Therions...actually they were looking at me differently when I did it to them


Frankenstein was telling the others that Tenchi isn't just smart, he is considered the strongest under 20 and richest boy in the world.

Tenchi appeared acting as nothing happened

Tenchi: Alright everyone lets get to business.

You know I respect people who write every day...especially when you work 40+ hours a week and you get no comments, likes or reviews...

Because this is starting to feel like work. I have stuff to write and I know what to write but motivation is low...

DemonKingVancreators' thoughts