
Tenchi Nura Guardian of the Multiverse...The prince of darkness

I am known as man with many faces Sometimes I fight as a persona user, sometimes I fight as against people like baki Sometimes I play basketball with the generation of miracles (Tenchi Nura childhood as ryouta kise) Thats because I have lots of masks Volume 1: I went to an all girls school (Shomin Sample/ Armed Girl's Machiavellism) Volume 2: I went to a parallel world as Raku from Nisekoi met some twins and had an akira fight... Volume 3: I spent time with my fiance yona of the dawn Volume 4: I did a side job at a the prison deadman wonderland Volume 5: checking out the three kingdom in tales of bersira and arslan Volume 6: Cooking in Shokugeki no Soma My identity can be Sanji from one piece, master roshi from Dragon ball, or many others In my first life I was known as the smartest God In my second life I was known as the scariest and most powerful Devil In my third life I was known as the fastest human and called the flame King Now in my fourth life I am the Grandson of two of the strongest in the world. Nurarihyon and Katsuhito Masaki This organization has taken control of the multiverse with its leader goal of bringing destruction. My universe is prime, so I can combine the dimensions together and save them, or destroy them to sever them and lead them to their destruction Be a hero? a villain? Fuck that I'm a Guardian I'll go to the universe and judge them. Good and evil means nothing to me. but if they're with the organization they should wash their necks because I will even make a devil cry (Sequel to Tenchi Nura childhood as ryouta kise recommends read it but you dont have to) Please check out my coffee page https://www.patreon.com/DemonKingVan

DemonKingVan · Anime & Comics
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276 Chs

This was done by DMC

Tenchi was on a bike with Marika on behind him. Marika was holding him tight

Marika: (OMG his chest feels so...wow I knew he was muscular but he never takes off his shirt...I wonder what he looks like without it...hmm I wonder if he will notice if my hands go lower...I can say it is an accident)

Right when she was about to reach down

Tenchi: Huh what is that

Marika moves her hand up: No I wasn't going to do anything

Tenchi: No...I see smoke...

Marika: Huh, wait a moment, that's close to my home

Tenchi: Shit

Tenchi speed up and along the way, he saw a bunch of biker kids leaving the scene

Tenchi wanted to chase after them but

*boom* an explosion happened. One of the kids set up bombs around the area

Tenchi grabs Marika and jumps out of the vehicle and points his gun out while covering Marika

Tenchi was about to go after the kids but Marika grabbed him and said she was worried about her father

Tenchi nods and heads to rescue him

Then a Tenchi sees a man ordering swat team around

Police Captain: Ok try to get eyes on the target. Ensure the commissioner doesn't get hurt. Make sure to knock out the civilians. Try knock outgas.

Marika runs over to him: Hey is father alright

Police captain saluted her: Ojou-chan he is in a difficult situation. one was not used to dealing with

Tenchi: Meaning? is he alright or not

Police Captain: He is dealing with a psychic. People from the organization seemed to have found the location of the home. apparently, Washiba who disappeared a week ago betrayed us. He came with a bunch of kids and they caused a distraction and fire you saw on the way here. The Commissioner was about to go out but then a psychic is using civilians lives as leverage. He placed a psychic lock on the people and if the commissioner doesn't give himself up these civilians will die. Then they will gather more and more and put this online to make people hate the commissioner and due to being a psychic we have no clue where he is...

Tenchi: But that doesn't explain lots such as why he hasn't left and what they are trying to do to him.

Marika bites her fingers: They are trying to weaken us

Tenchi: huh?

Marika: We are at a crossroad. If we act we will be showing that we don't care about civilians and if we surrender we are showing that the organization is more powerful than us...meaning he is choosing to do nothing...

Tenchi stays silent for a moment

Marika: The biggest problem is we don't know how powerful a psychic he is. How many people does he have control over

Police captain: He has control over several people. 2 kids around 13 an elder and 4 young adults

Tenchi: He probably is able to control many more people...ok I'm leaving

Maika: Te-Tenchi-sama

Tenchi: If he can't do anything there is not much point in me being here

Tenchi walks away to the side

Marika froze shocked at his actions...


Tenchi teleports to the Nakano residents the girls were talking amongst themselves about a festival coming up over the weekend

Tenchi: Hey girls

Sisters: AHH

Tenchi startled them

Tenchi: Sorry about this ~sexual induction~

The girls squealed and all their closed taken over quick and they looked at Tenchi lustfully

Tenchi: Okay...I see all of you're feeling for me are true...So join with me and accept to become my wives, my family, connected to me forever. If you agree to say the words connected to your heart

Nakano sisters: From heaven and earth(Tenchi) We will be with you from this life and the next

They started glowing and all of them had DMC symbols that appeared on them

Tenchi: Matoi Shinki

Suddenly they became rings and went on Tenchi hand...along with a chain connecting them together

Nakano sisters: We became one...we can hear each of our thoughts!

Tenchi: so what are all your powers

Ichika: our powers are connected to each other I am the Judgement chain on your pinky finger. The person pierce will have to follow your command or they will die

Tenchi: (Scary but suited for her)

Itsuki: I am the dowsing Chain on your ring finger. I can locate things

Tenchi: (Strange from her but at least it will save energy when looking into things)

Miku: I am the Steal Chain on your index finger. I can steal powers from the person stab and give the powers to someone else

Tenchi: (Another scary one)

Nino: I am the Chain Jail on your middle finger. I can restrict anyone movement

Tenchi: (Scary, another scary one!)

Yotsuba: I am the Holy Chain on your thumb...I can heal injuries even broken bones in seconds

Tenchi: (Similar to my Tenseiga...but I can use that when I'm fighting to heal my injuries without them knowing...haha I found another cheat)

Tenchi: I see...your all scary powers..so how do you feel

Nakano sisters: Like pleasure, we never felt before...but how is this...nevermind

The girls knew Tenchi would just say some bullshit

Tenchi: ok...well we are going to go out now...

Tenchi summoned his yokai and put on Mari (his coat) and Botan (shoes)

Tenchi then transformed into his yokai mode and has Botan change into Geta and Mari into a red Kimono


While it may have seen like Tenchi was gone for a while it was only about a minute

Marika was about to transform into her Magical girl when suddenly a handsome man with long black hair in a red Kimono came out of nowhere...

Everyone was shocked at this man...

Tenchi: So...It seems the organization is making there moves here

Marika didn't know why but she felt like she had seen this man before

Police captain: hold on...I don't know who you are but this is a crime scene we

Tenchi: I go where I want `~sleep~

the Police cop starts to sleep

Marika: ahh

Tenchi: Hmm it seems there is a fire...let chill this out. Tenchi summons snow and it starts snowing and the fire was gone

Tenchi: Hmm lets see~drowsing chain~

he summons a chain and locates all the people infected by the psychic. He then summons his Chain Jail and restricts their movements and holy chain to heal their minds

It was so quick that no one knew what he had done

Tenchi: Ok I freed everyone under the psychic control

Marika: What!

Tenchi: Lets see this Commissioner

He princess holds her and jumps in the air and jumps threw the window where the commissioner is

The commissioner open his eyes and just looked at the figure that came in the window and his daughter who is in his arms

Marika punched her way out of Tenchi arm and ran to her father and hugged him

Marika: Father are you alright?

Marika Father: Marie I am fine...who is this guy

Marika: I'm not sure...but he said he dealt with the psychic hold on the people

Marika father glared at the young man: I thank you for dealing with them...but I think you should come with me down to the station

he said pulling out his gun. he whistled and a bunch of Police came surrounding him with weapons

Tenchi: hmm I see you still had some cards to play...

Marika father: I want to know who are you first

he said while getting his handcuffs

Tenchi: I"m...Ryouta Kise...

Marika Father: The book writer?

Tenchi: Yup and leader of DMC

He then disappears and reappears in front of Marika and kisses her deeply in the lips nearly making her pass out

Tenchi: I stole your lips. I hope in the future to steal your heart

Suddenly a bunch of gunshots was fired at him and he jumps away to the window

Tenchi: Sorry I couldn't resist...oh and thanks for your money Commissioner...I needed some money

Marika father checked his wallet and saw all his money was gone

Tenchi then disappeared from the room and he ran to the window and looked around he then ordered his men to search for this Ryouta Kise

Marika was standing there frozen...her father knew she felt unease so he told her to rest...she was escorted to another house and along the way

Marika: Honda

Honda: what is it Milady

Marika: keep this a secret but...I think Ryouta Kise is Tenchi-same

Honda: are you certain

Marika: Don't underestimate my feelings for him

Honda: ...understand Milady


In an abandoned building, a bunch of bodies was on the ground...either dead or broken

A frightened boy is against the wall. He sees a man approached him and he is scared stiff

Tenchi: Why are you scared? Why are you worried. You attacked civilians and wanted to make millions suffer for your organization

boy: I -I am not a member of the organization I was just hired by them to

Tenchi: I understand! but why are you scared... it's not as you looked into my red-eye...those who stare into my red-eye have committed many horrible deeds...They will be haunted by their horrible deeds and their biggest fears will take control. They are also able to be harmed with my Tenseiga but you are humans right... you're a good person right~judgement chain~

boy: I-I want the power to take care of everyone who bullied me. Who cares if people die. I will get more power. My psychic power will enable me to kill everyone. haha, I killed those bullies, my parent bullies, haha I will kill everyone till I rule this world. haha. I will kill you once you let your guard down.

Tenchi: I understand...release

Boy: huh why did I oh...(let's see if I can kill you with my hidden knives)

the boy who was pretending to be negative threw all the knives at Tenchi but they suddenly stopped and Tenchi said ~steal chain~ and took the boys powers

Boy: huh...my power...my power...huh why can't I use my power anymore

Tenchi drew out his Tenseiga and slowly approached the boy

Tenchi: Your misdeeds has lead to many deaths and you laughed it off and happy at your acts...So as penance I will end your life and curse your next life. You will spend 2 life cycles in hell and then your will have a horrible next life...~cursed slice~

Tenchi cuts him and he is gone

Tenchi: I pray in your next life...you redeem yourself...you and all of the others...

He then leaves and looks at the place

Tenchi: I prey all of your souls redeem yourselves in the next life tool...If not I will erase your souls from the cycle of reincarnation

Suddenly the bodies are burned

Tenchi: No blood, no bone, no ash

their bodies are gone

Tenchi wrote a message on the wall

DMC was here!

//AN: please rate comment and review