
Tenchi Nura Guardian of the Multiverse...The prince of darkness

I am known as man with many faces Sometimes I fight as a persona user, sometimes I fight as against people like baki Sometimes I play basketball with the generation of miracles (Tenchi Nura childhood as ryouta kise) Thats because I have lots of masks Volume 1: I went to an all girls school (Shomin Sample/ Armed Girl's Machiavellism) Volume 2: I went to a parallel world as Raku from Nisekoi met some twins and had an akira fight... Volume 3: I spent time with my fiance yona of the dawn Volume 4: I did a side job at a the prison deadman wonderland Volume 5: checking out the three kingdom in tales of bersira and arslan Volume 6: Cooking in Shokugeki no Soma My identity can be Sanji from one piece, master roshi from Dragon ball, or many others In my first life I was known as the smartest God In my second life I was known as the scariest and most powerful Devil In my third life I was known as the fastest human and called the flame King Now in my fourth life I am the Grandson of two of the strongest in the world. Nurarihyon and Katsuhito Masaki This organization has taken control of the multiverse with its leader goal of bringing destruction. My universe is prime, so I can combine the dimensions together and save them, or destroy them to sever them and lead them to their destruction Be a hero? a villain? Fuck that I'm a Guardian I'll go to the universe and judge them. Good and evil means nothing to me. but if they're with the organization they should wash their necks because I will even make a devil cry (Sequel to Tenchi Nura childhood as ryouta kise recommends read it but you dont have to) Please check out my coffee page https://www.patreon.com/DemonKingVan

DemonKingVan · Anime & Comics
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276 Chs

The talk...

Yoshino: What! so there aren't ghosts here!

Hisako: No...wait you thought we were a ghost! didn't he say anything

Sanji: Sorry, my mistake. I was going to tell you...(but I wanted to turn invisible and play with you girls. You girls would think it was a ghost, my plan is ruin...Hisako, Erina you better prepare to pay with it using your bodies)

Yoshino: what hide Nakiri here!

daigo: At polor dorms

Shoji: Nakiri is super rich

Shun: yeah

Mauri: Wont it cause trouble for someone so important to stay here

Sakaki: Isn't it better to stay out if it?

Yoshino: are we going to be treated like kidnappers

Shun: Why would she run away from home in the first place

Megumi: Maybe something happened at home

Hisako: I guess you all deserve to know the truth... I ask none of this leaves this room.

So Hisako begins to tell what happened in Erina's past and when they see Erina

They run up to her in tears


Daigo: I that Azami guy! I mean what an asshole

Shoji: Parents shouldn't do something like that to their kids, damn it!

Yoshino who ran up to her and hugged her: You can stay here as long as you like Erina-cchi

Erina: Erina-chhi

Isshiki: Nakiri-kun, have you eaten?

Erina: oh, not yet

Isshiki: then this is great timing! Everyone to celebrate our new guest lets throw a big party


Kazuma family: Let's go all out eating

Daigo gave her some of his cooking and

Daigo: how is it

Erina: I believe you are taking good care of the ingredients natural flavors

Daigo: Right? hehe

Erina: however, the butter is making the flavor too rich, you need to refine the ratio of Vin Jaune and Macvin du Jura in the sauce, it tastes as if I was hit by rain right as I went out and lost my footing and fell in the mud. Overall it's not good at all

Daigo went pale but then he got fired up: GREAT! the god tongue is priceless

They all start bringing out food, excited that Erina the god tongue will be trying their meals

Well the Kazuma family were enjoying everything through

Sanji noticed that Erina seemed relaxed, he also noticed Eri and Anna weren't around so he went to look for them

Erina saw Sanji leave and looked longingly for him but played it off but then she overheard a conversation

Yoshino: I'm shocked that you martial arts guys didn't react at all after hearing about Erina-cchi

They looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders and walked away

Yoshino: huh why did they leave

Alice who was there spoke: wow you really know how to cut it where it hurts

a couple of others were confused at what she meant

Alice: Well *she spins and is in a different outfit looking like a teacher* ahem each of the Kazuma family has a tragic backstory end of story

Everyone: what with that?

Alice: ok umm let's start with Ryou, he was abandon at birth and spent most of his life in the wild. oh and this is a funny thing about him you all haven't noticed, due to living the way he did he has a hard time making friends. Think about it, other than the Kazuma family and polar dorm who does he hang out with.

Mauri: wait...now that I think about it..

Alice: then there Cap, his father is always away exploring and so is his mother,

Kazuko was adopted outside her clan so she can't learn martial arts from her clan so even though she is loved there is a clear distance,

Miyako...well she is a child of a mistress so she was isolated from her father and her mother was believed to be a prostitute so she had a difficult time.

Yamato his father was the head of intelligence and right hand of the prime minister but he fell out of love with this country and abandoned this country leaving Yamato behind..well kind of. oh, his mother left with a god...

Takuyo his family has separated due to their jobs

Gakuto his father just has a lot of enemies and his wife was killed so...

Momoyo:..her situation is just weird..

Alice: Well, the girls...they had it worse...I mean I most people would break if you went through what they've gone to, Eri's mother sold her to a criminal organization after her powers went out of control and she accidentally...hurt (killed) her birth father. She was then experimented and used as a tool for years.

Anna was abused emotionally and mentally by her adoptive parents, then was captured to be used bait for her birth father and he became the organization's pawn so they wouldn't harm her...but he sacrifices his life to save Ryo...so then she was experimented on for years...

It was quiet in the room...for some reason, they realize the Kazuma family weren't that simple

Alice: oh but don't worry they don't mind. They are all very laid back

suddenly Eri comes in with an Apple Crumb Pie

it was huge compared to her...

Eri brought it up to her and fiddled with her fingers...

Eri: I-I m-made this pie for you...it cheered me up when I was depressed...*she looks at Erina* daddy had momo-chan show me to make it...oh yeah it tasted good...but its my first time making it alone...so hope you tikeit*she bit her tongue*

Erina looks at this cute girl with a horn on her head...: (So she went through...worst than me and I...)

Right before Erina bit into the pie, Eri spoke up: umm, I don't get why you're upset but don't worry daddy will save you, he is the turtle hero

Erina: turtle hero?

Eri excited spoke: Yeah, I heard turtles can't move back umm its because of their shell Cap said. It made me think of my daddy. Even if his knees give up and he can't move, frozen in place with doubt, he will never run away. he will hunger down and endures it until he can take a step forward. Even if he is late, he will always show up because daddy is hte Turtle hero.

She had some tears in her eyes.

Eri: I know that he will help you too...

Erina didn't know what she saw but she had tears in her eyes....she bit into the pie...she could taste some of the inconsitantsys. It wasn't gormet but...something happen when she bit into it

Erina remembered when she was a little girl. Alice would make food for her even through it wasn't good. She remembered Sanji and Saiba making food for her...she remembered the first time she cooked. When she wanted to make food her mother would enjoy...Something about this little girls food hit something in her heart...something that she forgotten...the reason she cooked...

Tears fell from her eyes

Eri: huh your crying...are you in pain? did you not like it...

Eri started crying too

Erina: huh, why am I crying

Hisako went up worried asking is anything wrong but Erina said she wasn't upset she didn't know any reason...

As for Sanji and Anna, they watched and were

Sanji: her first time cooking and it was so good that it made her cry. As expected from my daughter

Anna: as expected from my little sister


Sanji then went to all of the Polar dorms and some of their friends

Sanji: alright...heres the plan. father in law is going to eliminate all of the cooking societies in the school

Megumi: why would he do that

Sanji: My Megumi, its simple, he intends to have unified cooking and plan is to close down every restaurant in Japan that doesn't serve gourmet food. that is the first step. He will show how much better his way compared to the others. This will gain world recognition and his way will influence the world.

Soma: it sounds like he intends to take control of the world

Sanji: well probably...I don't know much of his past...you should ask your father about him, he would know best

Soma: huh why?

Sanji: ...he was third seat while your dad was second...

Soma: EHHH!

Shuu: So how will we stop his plan?

Sanji: We will have someone lead a rebellion. Someone gather people around them and stop the elimination process.

Sakaki: so who is going to lead them?

Soma: well-got to be me

Sanji: nope..

Alice: Well then it will be me

Sanji: no...it will be you

Erina: wait me

Hisako: wait Erina-sama can't do it

everyone started complaining

Sanji: no...the person who has to do it is Erina...Erina, when fighters have conflicts the best way for you to understand each other, is with fist. Some shogi players' best way to communicate is with shogi. For chefs, you put your emotions into your food. You speak with your cooking. That is the best way for him to understand you...that is the best way to talk to him. So cook, make him a meal that says THIS IS ME!

Everyone looked at Erina and shouted Yeah Erina you should do it..

Erina flipped her hair as she stood up: hmph if I must...

Sanji: good...I know some music

Sanji: Raise your flag

Koe no kagiri, koe no kagiri

Koe no kagiri sakende

Kitto itsuka, itsuka dokoka

Tadori tsuku to shinjite

Raise your flag: Man with a mission



Erina: so what are you going to be doing?'

Erina along with the polar star dorms girls and the little girls Eri and Anna

Sanji: Oh, I have to handle some other stuff...don't worry I'll help when you need me...but first something more important

Erina: more important?

Sanji: I'm going to take my daughters to a shogi tournament

everyone almost fell when he said this

Alice hit him

Erina: you little turtle what do you mean shogi!

Sanji: (why does everyone call me a turtle...) well in Totsuki they have a team shogi, for elemetary, middle school and Highschool. were competing in it together.

Eri: daddy I don't know how to play

Anna: ...

Sanji: well Anna wanted to learn ok...lets begin

Sanji operated a Virtual reality in the room and Sanji was gone

but then he appeared in a cat costume and he said

Sanji: next I'll introduce every piece on the board

Eri: goodie

Anna: This is so fun

Sanji: let's begin the pawn

it showed cookie version 4 (cute girl) in a cat costume

Sanji: he's a hard worker who moves ahead, one step at a time meow

Cookie: I may be the weakest piece on the board but I'm very important to the match. You need me to win

Sanji: the lance

Kazuko was up next

Sanji: he is a single-minded fellow who is straight as an arrow

Kazuko: I'll keep marching forward to victory, but I can't move back meow

Sanji: the knight

Takuya showed up on springs

Sanji: he hops to the left and the right

Takuya: I'm the only one who hops over the enemy as well as allies

Sanji: the silver general

Cap showed up

Sanji: he's a cool guy with a little bit of an attitude

Cap: I'm the star of cool attacks, really good on offense and defense meow

Sanji: the gold general:

Momoyo comes

Sanji: the king trusted and courageous protector he's the royal guard

Momoyo: I'm good at defending my king, I'm the perfect one for getting close and capturing my enemies

Sanji: the rook

Gakuto showed up

Sanji: The strongest warrior, A true hero muscle power

Gakuto: I can fly both horizontally and vertically, I'm popular with men and women of all ages meow

Sanji: the bishop

Yamato showed up

Sanji: a heavyweight that effective diagonally as far as the eye can see

Yamato: I'm the loner who risks his life, make sure to be careful whenever its my turn to attack, my defense may be weak

Sanji: the king

Sanji jumps up wearing a king costume

Sanji: without me there is no point in the game, so make sure you protect me. if I get captured then the game is over and you lose, so make sure I'm giving a whole lot of TLC meow

Anna: only the king is allowed to move in every direction?

Eri: wow

Sanji: that right he is the king after all and he is a great fighter if you're stuck in a tight spot

Sanji: but that's not all. guess what happens when they finally reach the enemy camp, they transform

It showed Miyako transforming

Then the Kazuma family in their cat costume started singing the Shogi Song