
Tenchi Nura Guardian of the Multiverse...The prince of darkness

I am known as man with many faces Sometimes I fight as a persona user, sometimes I fight as against people like baki Sometimes I play basketball with the generation of miracles (Tenchi Nura childhood as ryouta kise) Thats because I have lots of masks Volume 1: I went to an all girls school (Shomin Sample/ Armed Girl's Machiavellism) Volume 2: I went to a parallel world as Raku from Nisekoi met some twins and had an akira fight... Volume 3: I spent time with my fiance yona of the dawn Volume 4: I did a side job at a the prison deadman wonderland Volume 5: checking out the three kingdom in tales of bersira and arslan Volume 6: Cooking in Shokugeki no Soma My identity can be Sanji from one piece, master roshi from Dragon ball, or many others In my first life I was known as the smartest God In my second life I was known as the scariest and most powerful Devil In my third life I was known as the fastest human and called the flame King Now in my fourth life I am the Grandson of two of the strongest in the world. Nurarihyon and Katsuhito Masaki This organization has taken control of the multiverse with its leader goal of bringing destruction. My universe is prime, so I can combine the dimensions together and save them, or destroy them to sever them and lead them to their destruction Be a hero? a villain? Fuck that I'm a Guardian I'll go to the universe and judge them. Good and evil means nothing to me. but if they're with the organization they should wash their necks because I will even make a devil cry (Sequel to Tenchi Nura childhood as ryouta kise recommends read it but you dont have to) Please check out my coffee page https://www.patreon.com/DemonKingVan

DemonKingVan · Anime & Comics
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Side: Tenchi meets Dio first life

Tenchi had always had an impish character and constantly search for amusement,

Long ago, in a cave of the beautiful blue hills. a little bright-eyed baby lay fast asleep. He slept as softly and as sweetly in his rock cradle as the little now-a-day babies do upon their downy pillows; for the bees hummed his lullaby, and the birds and mountain brooks sang his cradle songs. The cave was filled with sweet scents from flowery fields, and no passer-by disturbed the little sleeper, Tenchi's 'first' life.

Tenchi was of course quite different from other children. he was a very wonderful baby; When he was but four days old, he sneaked out of the cave, then stood up, and after a few trials began walking along the soft sand, and by and by he began to talk. He talked to the birds, insects, and flowers, and they talked to him, although in a different language.

Everything was new and beautiful, and Tenchi was very happy. He clapped his dimpled hands when he saw a tortoise creeping slowly toward the water. " Stop," said he. " Where are you going, little tortoise? I will go too." But the tortoise did not wish to talk, nor did he care for company; but he stopped and blinked his small bright eyes at the blue-eyed little boy. "Ah, you are silent now," cried Tenchi; "but by and by you shall sing more sweetly than the birds." But the tortoise had no time to think about the matter, for Tenchi killed it, and taking its shell, stretched skin across it, then stretched strings across the skin. So the poor, silent little tortoise lost its life that its shell might be used in making a musical instrument Tenchi made each string give a different tone; and. much pleased with his work, he began to sing and to play.

Everything else was silent as the sound of the lyre trembled in the air; and as the soft, sweet music attracted their attention, the birds hopped about Tenchi, and the animals drew near to listen. He sang of the ocean, with its white-crested waves; of the sandy beach and pink-lined shells. But he sang best of all about his great father, and of his beautiful mother, By and by he grew tired of this pleasant occupation, and, looking about him, saw on the far-away hills the white oxen of Dio, quietly grazing.

He thought that it would be a great sport to drive them from hill to hill. He knew he could show them where the greenest grasses grew. Dio had so many cattle, surely be would not miss a few. Thus did Tenchi try to ease his mind, for although no one had told him that it would not be right to drive the cattle away, he really felt that it would not be treating Dio fairly. After looking at the cattle for some time, he decided to help himself, Sly little Tenchi! In order that Dio should not find which way they had gone, he tied twigs to his own soft feet and to those of the cattle, then drove them by a crooked path to a far-away cave. He did not feel quite comfortable about it when he came to his cave and went back into his cradle, for he was still the baby Tenchi, although so sly and cunning. He did not feel quite right about the cattle. His conscience troubled him. He could not sleep. He began to wish he had not taken them.

Dio was very angry when he found his cattle missing. His usually good temper was dreadfully ruffled, and he went about in a great hurry, asking everybody about the lost animals; but no one had seen them. At length, he came to an old man who had watched Tenchi as he drove the cattle away. At first, the old man refused to tell anything; but when Dio promised him fruitful vines and good harvests, the old man was so pleased that he told Dio what he had seen, how a little boy with a staff in his hands had driven them away over the hills. Now, Dio knew who the little boy was, and went at once to the cave where lay Tenchi, pretending to be asleep. When Dio asked for his cattle, Tenchi covered his eves and ears, and refused to talk: but Dio coaxed and threatened, and at last said some cross things.

He went to his King, who made Tenchi come with Dio and settle the dispute. So the angry was Dio and the naughty Tenchi went together to the great hall where all the gods and goddesses were waiting, drinking nectar and eating ambrosia, How the gods and goddesses laughed when Dio said that the little baby-boy, Tenchi, had stolen his cattle! But when the king said, " Tenchi, you must give back the cattle, and put them upon the hillside pasture again," there was no other way to do; so the cattle were brought back, and when Dio again visited the cave of Tenchi, there was peace and friendship between them.

To ease Dio, Tenchi showed Dio his lyre, and when Dio swept his hand across the strings, even the little waves on the blue sea stopped chasing one another to listen; then they too sang the same song, and they sing it to this day. Tenchi opened his eyes in wonder, then exclaimed, " ??Dio??, you are truly the god of light and music. You may keep the lyre. It speaks only to those who know its tones; to all others, it is but noise.'

They then became the best of friends and had many adventures together.

However, Tenchi would still trick everyone and it went to the point everyone feared if what he said was true or not so they forced him to make an oath saying that he will only tell the truth...not knowing Tenchi would have fun bending the truth to his own will...