
Tenchi Nura Guardian of the Multiverse...The prince of darkness

I am known as man with many faces Sometimes I fight as a persona user, sometimes I fight as against people like baki Sometimes I play basketball with the generation of miracles (Tenchi Nura childhood as ryouta kise) Thats because I have lots of masks Volume 1: I went to an all girls school (Shomin Sample/ Armed Girl's Machiavellism) Volume 2: I went to a parallel world as Raku from Nisekoi met some twins and had an akira fight... Volume 3: I spent time with my fiance yona of the dawn Volume 4: I did a side job at a the prison deadman wonderland Volume 5: checking out the three kingdom in tales of bersira and arslan Volume 6: Cooking in Shokugeki no Soma My identity can be Sanji from one piece, master roshi from Dragon ball, or many others In my first life I was known as the smartest God In my second life I was known as the scariest and most powerful Devil In my third life I was known as the fastest human and called the flame King Now in my fourth life I am the Grandson of two of the strongest in the world. Nurarihyon and Katsuhito Masaki This organization has taken control of the multiverse with its leader goal of bringing destruction. My universe is prime, so I can combine the dimensions together and save them, or destroy them to sever them and lead them to their destruction Be a hero? a villain? Fuck that I'm a Guardian I'll go to the universe and judge them. Good and evil means nothing to me. but if they're with the organization they should wash their necks because I will even make a devil cry (Sequel to Tenchi Nura childhood as ryouta kise recommends read it but you dont have to) Please check out my coffee page https://www.patreon.com/DemonKingVan

DemonKingVan · Anime & Comics
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276 Chs

Meeting the Doctor...

Tenchi finds himself strapped down in a operating table

Tenchi tries to move but he is unable

Tenchi: Hey whats going on. Not cool

suddenly Tenchi hears foot steps

Dr.: I would advise to not move. The equipment prefers you not struggle. You will ruin the data flow.

Tenchi looks shocked at the man...he feels something strange about this man...

Tenchi: You're the psycho doctor...Dr. Hojo

He smiles


In another room a woman is overlooking Senji. she has short, cheek length, light-brown hair held in the style of a bob. so one of those nurse you would want to treat you(other than her personality) her name is Rei Takashima

she analyzes Senji's X-rays.

Rei Takashima turns and looks at Senji on the bed and scoffs at what he had done:"unbelievable you couldn't hold off for one more day

Senji: Shut up

Rei: Oh dear. Someones blushing

Senji: Whatever...hey don't come near me

Rei: I have to check for fever

Senji: look its probably just the anastisa, eww doc put on some cloths

Rei: What? for crying out loud I'm dressed like a professional. Build up an immunity already

Senji: yeah and why don't you build up a freaking wardrobe

Rei: you poor thing...*she goes to her computer* a couple of ribs and your sternum

Senji: Kid hit me dead center...i like him

Tenchi didn't even realize that when he was pissed off he fired a mini blast at Senji...well he wouldn't have thought it would have done any damage

Rei: Well your in no shape to fight. and you wont be for a while. I'll recomend the promoter that he either postpone or cancel

Senji: ha...hahahaha

Rei: huh

she looks and Senji grabs her by the hair

then a blood blade comes from his arm and aims at her neck as he lifts her up scaring her

Senji: Don't even try. This is my fight...I do have a debt to pay you hear. Who gives a shit about a couple of ribs. I. DONT. BREAK.

a little liquid was leaking from her from the fear...


Dr. Hojo: kekeke so you know me. I've been looking forward to this meeting for many years. Your luck is extrodinary. Who would have thought you manage to turn things around so easy

Tenchi: Sorry I'm the type of guy who gets turned off when a person is overly pushy..

Dr. Hojo: So do you like my experiments. wreched egg. the deadman...this is my wonderland

Tenchi: oh its good for a hack. your a servant, a civial servant. And your poison. haha three day poison it pfft also you seemed to messed up the emotional state of your wrecthed egg. patic

Dr Hojo: SHUT IT. I AM NO HACK. *cough to calm himself down* I am using the directer here. All to draw you out. I'm going to disect you and take you apart

Tenchi: Oh what you made this place to jack me off. I feel honored. but I'm sorry I don't like hacks touch me

Dr. Hojo: See how much your mouth runs after I'm done. All you done is in vain. Your first life lost to us, Your second life...he...your third life and now this life

Tenchi: Oh what did my second life fuck you up so bad your scared to mention him

Dr. Hojo: Shut it. You demon. I will erase you and return back to our home multiverse

Tenchi: (Home Multiverse??) : Oh miss mommy and daddy still! what want to suck on mommy tits

Dr. Hojo: oh...this is good you have no clue. You don't know your real identity. You are the biggest tratior since the origin of life.

Tenchi: really and your the biggest hack.

He stops his talking with Tenchi...and cuts

Tenchi: AHH, no, it hurts

He pulls every finger nail, and drops in in a container, then her takes his teeth and pulls all the teeth out...then his his hair...he gages his eyes and laughs

Dr. Hojo: you may be wonder why your not healing...I'm using a blade you made...well your first life.

He cuts and Tenchi continues to scream...but Dr. Hojo notices something strange

Dr. Hojo: How...are you still screaming...


Tenchi appears from behind Dr. Hojo

Tenchi: Oh you really are a hack...you didn't even realize that you were cutting up and talking about was a puppet...I was never binded...you caught and talked to a puppet I made...

Suddenly it started deflating

Dr. Hojo: Wh-what Impossible I checked everything was you. I felt the power and blood and everything was the real you. No magic, no skills should have been activated

Tenchi: oh...simple I made a fake self using alchemy. did you get fooled...I'm sure the legendary Washu wouldn't be fooled...second rate scientist. Well I'm not surprised

Tenchi walks to Hojo back and wispers: Past doesn't matter. In my eyes you are nothing. your otherself is nothing. I don't care if the world sees me as evil. I'll destroy the organization from its roots...your goal of returning...will never happen. now get off my earth clone~Pheonix Hydoken spiritual blast

tenchi: it's over

A thunderous roar, together with a hot wind blew through the destroyed building. The pillar of fire, which was growing higher and higher, as though it was the manifestation of the feelings inside Tenchi's heart, was fiercely blazing.

As though burning down the pain contained in his body...

The conflict held within Tenchi. Shiro and Kuro, catching a glimpse of that part and being petrified while in a daze, couldn't move until Tenchi turned back,

Seeing Shiro and Kuro like that, Tenchi's expression warped.

Tenchi: What are you doing. I thought I told you I'd handle things here...go back. I have things I have to do still

Tenchi's tone became rough.

Shiro: Tenka

Tenchi: I want to be alone for a bit...

Kuro grabbed Shiro and they left

Tenchi: My past life...who was I...what was my goal...I feel like I'm getting more questions...Am I a pawn...Evil...traitor...who was I...what will I become...what do I want...I just wanted to be a athlete...this place was made to get me...people suffered because of me...

he was gripping his hand then released it

Tenchi: No, I can't just keep regretting and do nothing...I am no one's puppet not the organization not my past life...Grandson of Grandson of this person son of this person past life of this guy..SCREW IT ALL SCREW ALL OF YOU. FUCK YOU ALL. FUCK IT ALL. *sigh* I'm too weak...I need to get stronger...but first I need to deal with this. place


*in a different realm*

Dr Hojo: THAT BASTARD I'll KILL HIM. I'll Kill HIM. Calling me a hack. I'll create a creature that makes him regret calling me a hack

Suddenly. he went pale. He received a divine message

Dr. Hojo: a meeting..he is calling us for a meeting...this is the first time since the war of Gods...

He teleports away to the divine plane...

He goes to his seat and a beautiful girl starts laughing

Girl: H aha Hojo you seemed to have been made a fool of. I can't believe a 16 year old boy made you look so pathetic

Hojo: Shut it. I was only information gathering. how would I have known his power.

Girl: Don't worry Hojo I have a way to kill him. Its guarantee

Hojo: I want to see the look on your face when you fail. You always act like you have all this skills but your still the weakest. My next experiment could kill you Najimi Ajimu

Ajimu: Oh, is that a challenge

suddenly chains appear from her chair to go around him but Hojo Injects himself with something and cuts off his finger and the body which was entrapped was killed and he came back to normal like it was nothing and walked back to his chair laughing

Hojo: I didn't even have to summon my experiment to get through that

They glared at each other

Hojo: Oh wait a second. did you fall for the boy. Is that why your mad at me for wanting to destroy him....I bet you wont kill him...

Ajimu: Watch it

Hojo: Oh...do you want to really fight...how about I send 'one who devours your entrails and thoroughly enjoys it'

She frowns..: Oh do you think I will stay dead. I wont die even if I'm devoured


Ajimu: Oh if it isn't the King of Theives himself what do you want to say. Are you thinking that you and your little organization getting involved in grown talk

Hojo: I hate to agree with her. but you the Dark Lord are the one who puts us at the biggest risk. One of your children will bring us down

"That won't happen. Also

suddenly massavie pressure is placed on them causing them to kneel

"Don't think your stronger than I am. do not forget. I am able to live on if I die...I can prevent you both from coming back. I hold more power than you both"

Then another voice rung in the room. it was deep and menacing

"Ganon. This is not the time. I order you to stop. and you two stop provoking him. he is the only one doing something unlike the both of you"

All three lowered there heads: YES, sire

"Now have a seat..."

He looks at the three of them and shook his head in disappointment

Hojo: I know I


Hojo was unable to talk...he erased his voice

He looks at Ajimu

Ajimu: but other self*she received a glare from him*Uxas-sama he met with the reincarnation

Uxas: I know that, however, he means nothing. I saw his fight in my world a few years ago...it was weak. he is no longer a threat...now I'm disappointed in the three of you...

They all felt fear

Uxas: How long have I sent you out on this mission and none of you have completed it...Ganon where is the Chaos Crystals

Ganon: it is believed that he holds them. I believed that his father held them but it seems that the holder was the one known as Tenchi and

Uxas: Well its a tool...he stole that power from father...ok what about the Cosmic Cube has she awaken yet

Ajimu: no...it seems she is still asleep

Uxas: well keep an eye on her...she was his biggest treasure...ok Hojo...this is something I am looking for the most...the thing needed to destroy these multiverse and return..the Anti Life equation

it was silent

Uxas: I expected more from my other halves ...while I am trapped outside the multiverse you all keep letting me down... I will give you 10,000 years to destroy everything. That is when my true body should be able to escape from this prison.

He leaves then

Ganon grits his teeth: That asshole. were the same being and he acts like he is above us.

Ajimu: its just cause he was able to kill Pan Hermes

she shrugs

Ajimu: he is more powerful than all of us through...(anti life equation...huh)

They all leave and go to do their own thing...all but Ganon

Uxas: Ganon...what are your thoughts on Pan Hermes new form

Ganon: he seems weak and not worth much...his soul seems unstable....his soul is damgage..

Uxas: how about the other two...are they a threat to our plans

Ganon: Ajimu may have other plans. she is a unknown factor I can tell she may betray us. hojo only cares about his experiments...but his experiments are unique

Uxas: keep an eye on them...If I have the anti life...I will be able to take over the original universe and kill father and wont need to transform and you can rebuild this universe in your own image as for the others..

Ganon: they aren't needed

their eyes glowed with ambition

both feeling they were using the other...

Uxas is from Dc also known as Darkseid

Dr Hojo is from Final fantasy 7

Ajimu is from Madaka box

ganon is from the legend of zelda series

DemonKingVancreators' thoughts