
Tenchi Nura Guardian of the Multiverse...The prince of darkness

I am known as man with many faces Sometimes I fight as a persona user, sometimes I fight as against people like baki Sometimes I play basketball with the generation of miracles (Tenchi Nura childhood as ryouta kise) Thats because I have lots of masks Volume 1: I went to an all girls school (Shomin Sample/ Armed Girl's Machiavellism) Volume 2: I went to a parallel world as Raku from Nisekoi met some twins and had an akira fight... Volume 3: I spent time with my fiance yona of the dawn Volume 4: I did a side job at a the prison deadman wonderland Volume 5: checking out the three kingdom in tales of bersira and arslan Volume 6: Cooking in Shokugeki no Soma My identity can be Sanji from one piece, master roshi from Dragon ball, or many others In my first life I was known as the smartest God In my second life I was known as the scariest and most powerful Devil In my third life I was known as the fastest human and called the flame King Now in my fourth life I am the Grandson of two of the strongest in the world. Nurarihyon and Katsuhito Masaki This organization has taken control of the multiverse with its leader goal of bringing destruction. My universe is prime, so I can combine the dimensions together and save them, or destroy them to sever them and lead them to their destruction Be a hero? a villain? Fuck that I'm a Guardian I'll go to the universe and judge them. Good and evil means nothing to me. but if they're with the organization they should wash their necks because I will even make a devil cry (Sequel to Tenchi Nura childhood as ryouta kise recommends read it but you dont have to) Please check out my coffee page https://www.patreon.com/DemonKingVan

DemonKingVan · Anime & Comics
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276 Chs

Lets Go

The beast in front of Tenchi glares at Tenchi

Beast: Damn, you how are you this strong, I was enhanced to be stronger

Tenchi: Oh really and who enhanced you...also who is your Alpha, your king

The beastman laughs: haha even if you beat me you will never be able to beat the others. The organization has been watching you and I'm sure the true bloods would have devoured those experimental freaks by now

Tenchi: (hmm, so this must mean China is their territory...that's right, I haven't spent much time in China...Fuck)

Tenchi looks at the beast trying to resit

Tenchi:(judging by his actions, he seems to be a hierarchy similar to canine. The first four seemed to just attack on instinct so they must be low tier, no experimented on...This guy right here maintains his sanity, I'm guessing he is a higher scale...but the true blood...I'm guessing he means natural Werewolves...or whatever they are called. They may be stronger and be like a cut above...As for the leader, he must be strong...usually, the Alpha wolf is the strongest. I'm guessing they know that I'm heading to see Yona...does that mean the palace was infatuated.)

As Tenchi thinks this he takes out a bag of holding. Tenchi then Threw all of the beasts into his bag of holding

{Tenchi's Bag of holding is different from normal bag of holding. Tenchi bag is something that Tenchi Yokai had giving birth too. Something similar to a baby. It grows and has a Hellfire protective barrier in it...It has loads of seal and Tenchi is the only one who can open it...He can send his consciousness inside of it too}

Tenchi:(I have to check out what items they have and get more information from them later...Also I never saw a werewolf before...this will prove a good experiment)


Su Mucheng was silent as Ye Xiu and Su Muqui were excited

Su Muqui: So you really are a devil hunter...that was amazing

Tenchi: Yeah

he sees the little girl still shaken

Ye Xui: So what's the plan now?

Tenchi: I'm going to meet up with my companions, I'm sure they are fine but just to be safe...Then I'll go to my masters Dojo and finally go see Yona

the three didn't know who Yona was

Ye Xui: So well I guess this is it

He shook Tenchi hands

Su Muqui ran and gave him a hug

Su Mucheng didn't say anything

Tenchi: Oh here I have gifts for you before I head out

Tenchi handed Kunai's to the boys and a ring to Su Mucheng

Tenchi: If your ever in trouble say my name and drop it on the ground and I will come to your aid.

He walks to the door with Kuro on his head then looks back

Tenchi: Ye Xiu remember to always to be like glory and try to claim the best;. Reach the top of Glory. and tell me what you see when you reach the top...oh and I'm not talking about beating a tournament. Become so good that people will say your the best...also never stop loving glory..

Ye Xiu just smiled and waved it off

Tenchi: Su Muqui: Always stay cheerful and surpass me in making weapons and show the world that this is the Su Muqui who came from nothing and is the weapon for the one who is number 1..

He fist bumped the air

Tenchi: Su Mucheng grow up to become more beautiful and look after these two. Unlike you, they get so involved with their work they forget their surrounding so be their anchor

Su Mucheng just nodded and mumbled something to herself

Su Muqui screamed as Tenchi was about to leave: Hey is their a saying you have with Devil may Cry

Tenchi: umm... I usually say lets make this devil cry when I'm about to compete...*he looks up out the window and sees a crow* but we do have a creed

three: Creed?

he runs back and puts his arm around them and they put their arms around each other in a circle

Tenchi: Take it to the air, See us spread our wings, here we the kings, here kiss our rings, bring you to your knees, we rule everything, got to be the best so we rock it in our chest. your going take this L, caught in our spell, imprison in our jail, we will never fail, always speak the truth pull you like a loose tooth and have the crowd screaming loud tearing off the roof YEAH

Tenchi didn't say anything else and just left

Su Mugui: well its not like its goodbye..we will meet agin in glory right...

Ye Xui: Yeah...lets practice...I don't want to lose


Tenchi had met up with the girls...they were doing fine...oh by the way they seemed to have a fur carpet now...

Seeing how Tenchi had a bunch of money he was allowed back with the girls and they left for the Dojo. The Phoenix Alliance

He went to the gate which was guarded by two muscular High tier Disciple

Tenchi: Excuse me is this the Phoenix Alliance

The guards looked at Tenchi...who by his side, he had 4 beautiful women. (kuro was in her human form) Tenchi who had a air or a martial artist and had a sword by his hips. He was wearing a martial arts outfit. That had some Japanese Kanji on front

Guard 2: yes..this is the Phenoix Alience...what is your reason or your visit? If its to be a disciple you need to either defeat 100 of our men or have some potential

Tenchi: Oh...I'm not here for that...you see. I'm taking over your dojo

Guars: Really

Tenchi: really

The guards start laughing and so does Tenchi and


Anita: All because of your stupid Joke

Tenchi and the girls were thrown into the Phenix Alliance prison...

Tenchi: (why am I always being arrested...)