
Tenchi Nura Guardian of the Multiverse...The prince of darkness

I am known as man with many faces Sometimes I fight as a persona user, sometimes I fight as against people like baki Sometimes I play basketball with the generation of miracles (Tenchi Nura childhood as ryouta kise) Thats because I have lots of masks Volume 1: I went to an all girls school (Shomin Sample/ Armed Girl's Machiavellism) Volume 2: I went to a parallel world as Raku from Nisekoi met some twins and had an akira fight... Volume 3: I spent time with my fiance yona of the dawn Volume 4: I did a side job at a the prison deadman wonderland Volume 5: checking out the three kingdom in tales of bersira and arslan Volume 6: Cooking in Shokugeki no Soma My identity can be Sanji from one piece, master roshi from Dragon ball, or many others In my first life I was known as the smartest God In my second life I was known as the scariest and most powerful Devil In my third life I was known as the fastest human and called the flame King Now in my fourth life I am the Grandson of two of the strongest in the world. Nurarihyon and Katsuhito Masaki This organization has taken control of the multiverse with its leader goal of bringing destruction. My universe is prime, so I can combine the dimensions together and save them, or destroy them to sever them and lead them to their destruction Be a hero? a villain? Fuck that I'm a Guardian I'll go to the universe and judge them. Good and evil means nothing to me. but if they're with the organization they should wash their necks because I will even make a devil cry (Sequel to Tenchi Nura childhood as ryouta kise recommends read it but you dont have to) Please check out my coffee page https://www.patreon.com/DemonKingVan

DemonKingVan · Anime & Comics
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276 Chs

Is he a hero or villain...

Legendary arte armatus(divine reliance)...that is what they call it. For Exorcist who utilize malak it is said to be the ultimate arte... armatus is a form accessible when a human and a seraphim or a malak undergo the process of armatization (divine reliance transformation)

While in this form, the abilities for the human and seraph characters are combined, and they gain special abilities unique to the fusion: the character can wield a large sword and employ fire-based magic(Lailah)

Using Tenchi's power his knights are also able to armatize. The resulting armatus is based on the divine artifact used to form the pact. The human needs to call out the seraph's true name to activate it, and as seraphim guard their true names, it requires a bond of trust. This might also be the reasoning why exorcist in the holy land arent able to armatize becuase they lack a true connection.(they also must posses a pure heart)

Exorcist like Rossette are different because she uses spiritual powers. The holy land where they are cultivators every being is born with a unique 'organ' that they don't have in outside... the profound veins that is what enables them to utilize mystic powers. by the way witches takes from things. the exorcist in the holy land take from the Malak which is something they shouldn't do...

The biggest drawback from armatization is it takes all the malevolence that is strucked down to the user affecting their karma and psyche. Comparably when a person uses the Tenseiga it takes all the malevolence and it effects their soul and body.

knights are able to take some of the burden off of the 'king'


*Inside a church*

Teresa is praying when her brother who had awaken comes to see her

Teresa: Oscar, are you feeling better

she says running over to him

Oscar: I am fine sister...better than ever

he hugs her

Teresa: Did that guy hurt you? he may have been a daemon

Oscar: no...he called himself a yokai...but he didn't hurt me...he made me stronger...it was like my burden was removed...I feel like I'm a new person

Teresa: wha-but you were in case in a orb

he shook his head

Oscar: no sister. I had changed...before I had a burden...every since the 'god' bestowed his blessing onto me. Its like I was not thinking for myself...I felt a need to do the orders...I'm sure you noticed I was changing...but it seems that he released that burden...

Teresa: so...he helped you

Oscar: no...he freed me...also he seemed to be able to use armatus..

this left Teresa stunned: What was his name again

Oscar: he was called Avatar Wan...He may bring balance to this world

Teresa: wait isn't that the person who caused the pills incident

Oscar: yes...he created them but... he may have not been the one who spread the pill. I think he was intended it for something else

Teresa: (Oscar...is it just me but you seem to have changed...)

Awaken an noblesse ability that unlocks the potential in someone with his blood. Tenchi wanted to test out what happens when he uses this ability. He didn't know about the cursed blessing or that Oscar was a part of a group of modified humans who were experimented on by Dr Hojo to turn into warewolves. This was a failed project where they would eventually lose their minds and or die. Tenchi just tested on him because he didn't care what happened to him...


A few hours later word that a witch tried to stow away on a ship...she was captured

Oscar had left to talk to the Sheppard about something leaving Teresa to handle things.

She captured her believing she could use her to find out about Avatar Wan. She didn't know what method to use to get her to talk but surprisingly the witch Magilou said she will reveal everything without a second thought of betraying her allies..

Velvet learned from Rossette that the smuggling. They then attempt to take a ship...however they had no experience sailors to use the ship, make matters worse Magilou was captured so Velvet and Seres went to rescue her...

They were chased to the dock after Velvet and Seres manged to take back Magilou who seemed fine...


While they were doing that Rossette was laughing loudly runing out of a building while Edna looked at her like she was a mad woman

Rossette then takes out a ball out of side pocket and screams: Take this. A gift from Ryouta Kise ~spirit bomb

she throws it and their was a huge explosion...

Rossette: ha that was good

Edna points her umbrella at her cheek: hey what was that

Rossette: like that. haha something stored with Tenchi's spirt energy. eh are those other buildings exploding too...umm aren't those civilain houses...wow those are the ships...

Edna: you even called his name before throwing it...

she looks at the destruction with sweat: Its not my faught right...hey why are you walking away Edna-chan, Edna-san, EDNA-SAMAAAA


As they get to the docks they noticed the destruction

Teresa asked for a report an learns that a person said this is Ryouta Kise did this

Teresa squeezes the report and demands her people rescue the civians

"and you Lady Teresa?"

Teresa: I'm going to stop them from leaving...I cant let this psycho keep doing his horrible deeds


Velvet is looking around and noticed all the ships were destroyed but one...a old one that looks almost broken down. but it is for some reason drifting out to sea

Pirates of the Caribbean - He's a Pirate Suite

Seres: what are we suppose to do now

Magilou spins: Oh no are we going to be captured and have them do horrible things to us and make us bear their children. Then force us to be seperated from them. They will make us their slaves or maybe they will use us as an example of those who disobey the Abbey. ~The horror~

Velvet: I guess we will have to fight

she turns around and sees blocking the exit of the dock Teresa

Teresa: this is as far as you go...after you destroyed the ships attacked the civilians...do you think I will forgive you daemon scum

Velvet:we didn't do anything but this commotion is something that seem beneficial to me anyway...

They fought and Teresa had the Malak attack them but Velvet and the gang easily defeated them but for some reason Seres seemed to hold back...

Suddenly a ship that is out to sea was coming back

Tenchi: hey everyone , I'm back

(Pirates of the Caribbean - He's a Pirate Suite)

Tenchi was on a ship with Edna driving it. Rossette was on the observation deck

Tenchi: I captured one of your own

Tenchi said wearing a pirates outfit along with the others

Teresa sees a passed out Eleanor over his shoulder

Tenchi: let those people pass and I'll give you back this girl

Teresea grits her teeth: What will happen if you don't give her back

Tenchi smiles: well I wonder

Tenchi starts squeezing her butt

Teresa: you scum...fine...

Tenchi then has the boat come to shore and picks up the girls he then gives Eleanor to Teresa.

Tenchi tells Edna to starts pulling out telepathy

Teresa: it seems to me that your friends left you behind

Tenchi: one would think

Teresea: your Ryouta Kise right? avatar wan

Tenchi: how glad am I that a cute little lady like you knows me

She tries to punch him but Tenchi easily avoids her attacks

Teresa: Capture him

Tenchi quickly knocks all the exorcist into the sea with his earth bending excecpt for Teresa the 2 Malak and the girl hit with a low level flories pill

Teresea fumbles for a bit at what to do but then orders number 2: Number 2 sacafice your

Tenchi quickly grabs her arm: Stop it

she pulls her arm away

Tenchi then performs his dress break attack ripping her cloths

Teresa: Kyaa

She covers herself up glaring at him

Tenchi: damn that was some nice bouncing action.

Tenchi then picked up number 2: i'm taking this as the favor two

He then threw him into the ship that was setting sail right into Seres...who yelled at him

Tenchi noticed more exorcist were coming so Tenchi picked up the naked Teresa and threw her over his shoulder

Tenchi: Im taking her as a hostage

Tenchi walked on water and took her to the ship...


A barrel was then sent out containing Teresa as ships were approaching them...

Tenchi: well until we meet again my cute little lady



as the boats started firing at Tenchi after getting Teresa back