

*Chapter 5*

“Oh my goodness, Walter what are you doing with a gun?” Mum cried while Dragging me behind her'...

My mum & I were both surprised; we've never seen him with a gun, he's always been violent but a gun, that seemed new & intense...

“You have to kill me first Walter,

Leave my daughter out of this!”

mum cried in agony while standing in defence to take a shot for me, if of course my dad was going to pull the trigger

“She isn't my daughter” holding and pointing the gun towards my mum

“There's a difference in complexion, to her disobedience, ever since you gave birth to her, everything has been but bad luck to us” he continued

“Give me a reason why I shouldn't kill her on this spot”

Mum courageously stood in my front without moving an inch ready to take a shot for me

“hhm hhhm hhmm” My dad exhaling heavily still pointing the gun towards my mum & I, then he shook his head & left

“I love you so much” mum, I said while hugging her, as we were both In tears.

“I have to step out for a while mom” picking up my bag

“No! you should eat and rest, you just came back from school”

“Did you just say rest mum?” I asked rhetorically

“I'll be fine Mom, don't worry, I'll be back soon” I replied stepping out while I shut the door behind me.

“My life is nothing but miserable, I can't be in a world where my mum is being beaten up each day by a monster who calls himself my dad, what if I'm actually not his daughter, he's too cruel to be my dad, No; he's too cruel to be a dad, to anyone out there... If only the universe would just take my life this instant, so I can be free from this agony, sorrow & disdain I have towards myself”

Walking down the Street I kept mumbling to myself

I looked left then right, the street was empty,

The street seemed dirty, quiet, Lonely & deserted, the sound of the wind could be heard and even the sounds of screeching metals and irons could be heard repeatedly as the wind blew in different directions

“Finally, some peace and quietness, just what I need” I said walking towards a broken stool laying on the street to take a sit, opened my bag and brought out the Coke I had purchased, actually, a Cocaine

Poured some on my palm...

What a miserable...

”Sniff's Cocaine”

Day I had...

”Sniff's Cocaine”

From School...

”Sniff's Cocaine”

To Cole...

”Sniff's Cocaine”

Then home...

”Sniff's Cocaine”

A gun

”Sniff's Cocaine longer than usual"

These were my words repeatedly as I sniffed, I hadn't noticed but I had finished a starch full

You should already know by now, I was trying to take my life, by overdosing myself with cocaine, which was my fifth attempt

“Fuck I can't feel my legs” I cried out in the empty street

I heard a car from a distance approaching and this seemed like the perfect way to conclude it all...

At this stage I could feel my life dwindling away piece by piece, I managed to stand up while staggering, touched my nose and I was bleeding,

My feets were cold and my legs couldn't hold my body and I fell back on the street, in the middle of road, suddenly everything went blank

“Where am I ” I asked myself while slowly trying to stand up from the bed, opening my eyes faintly

I could hear distant noises coming from afar;

The bed seemed huge, more like a queen sized bed, with white sheets, actually everywhere in the room was mostly White and maybe ash colour in some places,

“Am I in heaven already?, my problems are finally over” I thought to myself

The curtains of the room were all closed but I could see the sun rays escaping through from one of the curtains that was half closed.

Finally I was able to lift myself up and sat back lining to the bed,

“how did I get here? What happened to me” using my two hands to support my head

“am supposed to be dead...”

“Oh my God!” I exclaimed In shock

There layed Cole right beside me, but I hadn't noticed'

Broad chest, beautiful Tattoos all over his body, his attractive abs & of course his curly hair

Laying down Just right beside me, wearing a black leather shorts, He was the perfect definition of my dream guy; &

At this point, I think I regained consciousness all of a sudden

“Oh my God! did we...!” I exclaimed lifting up my blanket

“No we didn't”

He said gently, still facing the opposite direction

“How'd I get here? Where am I?, who brought me here?, why am I in the same bed as you?

I kept asking to no one in particular

“Oh my, this place Is huge” I said wearing a face of shock

while trying to step down from the bed, although trying to open my eyes widely

“Don't bother”

Cole said, just when my feet was about to hit the floor...

“What? What do you mean?” I replied rudely & looking confused'

“Well, you snuff Alot of cocaine when I picked you up & my doctor said it was going to take a while for you to get a hold of yourself ” he said still laying down as though he was paralyzed facing the opposite direction'

I was still pissed from the previous day's incident that occurred between us, so I had every reason not to listen to him, so I went ahead

Sat on the bed, placed my two legs on floor, tried to stand up but...

“Aaahhh!!!!!" I screamed Like he said, I wasn't strong enough yet so Yes of course I fell

But not on the floor, in his arms

“ I told yeah, you weren't strong enough” Cole whispered into my ears whilst holding me in his arms..'

Gently opening my eyes I was mesmerised...

“From the warmth of his arms, to his rigid muscles, talk less of his broad chest & his beautiful eyes; if only this moment could last forever...

But unfortunately not'

“Uhm you can Let go now” I said breaking the awkward silence

“Oh yeah, I probably should do that” he said gently dropping me on the bed

Oh & next time try not being too loud with your thoughts he said mockingly, laying back on the bed

That was when I realised I had been thinking out loud

Layed Down back into the bed, took a deep breathe & out and tried to recall the previous day incident

At this point, I had mixed feelings, I didn't know if to be happy that I was alive or to be sad to be alive & my problems unchanged,

“Life is unfair”,

“when is it going to all end” I thought

This was yet Another failed suicide attempt of mine'.

Tears were already rolling down my cheeks, then I remembered I wasn't alone in the room; dragged the duvet, covered myself & feigned sleeping while I wiped my tears underneath

“Stop pretending to be asleep, cause I know you're awake” Cole said

“No I'm not!”

I replied from underneath the Duvet

“Then who's speaking?”

He asked while smiling

“I don't care”

“Just leave me alone”

I responded rudely while uncovering myself & backing him

There was silence all of a sudden, I decided to turn around to check if he'd left or not but

There he stood, by the door, already dressed, starring at me without blinking an eye

“What could he be thinking?” I thought to myself


“She's such a dirty girl & a psychopath who tried to kill herself for the second time since we met, so insecure about herself, lacks confidence, ugly, unkept...”

“But he wouldn't be thinking negatively and smiling with his mouth open” I thought,

“Well, maybe it's a smirk.”


“She's so beautiful, her eyes, her hair, her smile, so insecure but beautiful at it, I wish we met earlier than this Kylie, maybe fate has it this way”

“Why are you starring at me for that long?

You're making me feel uncomfortable?” I asked him

Cole seemed lost starring at me, so I decided to throw a pillow at him

“You said? Sorry what were you saying? Oh I mean, Uhm if you feel like talking about it, I mean last night's incident, I'll always be around for, you" Cole stammered

“Really? I barely know you how can I trust you with my secrets?” I responded

“Well first of all cause you're in my house & secondly but most importantly, because I do Care, & I really think Cocaine is harmful, you could've killed yourself' he said romantically

“Ohkay then”

I said , bowing my head shrugging my shoulders

“Oh and try closing your mouth when starring at a girl” I said to him breaking the silence while We both laughed.

“You know Kylie..."

He said about to make a statement

“Can I sit?" Cole asked

“Well it's your house like you said”

I answered while shifting to the edge of the mattress, he smiled and sat down. He seemed quite gentle unlike the previous day that he held my hand too tightly thereby hurting my wrist, which made me feel more insecure around him

“ I didn't mean to hurt you yesterday, I never knew I had a strong grip on you,

You left in quite a haste, so I didn't get a chance to apologize & that really made me feel bad,” Cole said

“I found you laying half dead on the street on my way to your place” Cole continued

“How'd you know where I...” I said interrupting his speech without completing my statement

“Uuhm well Pretty gave me your address, I was worried something had happened to you, but I'm glad my doctor said you'll be okay” Cole continued

“ Like I said earlier, you really gotta stop taking Cocaine, I don't wanna loose you” he concluded while standing up

This was no doubt The best heart warming words I've heard In a long while, I couldn't believe after leaving him back there in school embarrassed, he still came for me.

“He was indeed a gentle guy” I thought to myself while smiling but trying not to get noticed

“Fine. You have nine more days” Can you take me home now? I said rudely

“Wow! Really?

Thank you Kylie, I promise you, I'm gonna make it count"

He seemed quite happy, I had never thought any guy would be excited to be or talk with me this much, not to talk more of a high standard guy like Cole, whom was every girl's dream in school.

“Take me home” I said once again, interrupting his moment of happiness

“Oh yeah sure I'll be down stairs waiting for you” he said about to leave the room

“Hhm Hhm”

Making a facial reaction to remind him that I can't walk yet'

“Oh yeah, that” I'm sorry

Cole said while He came back and gently bent down to pick me up

“Can I ?” he asked gently wearing a keen smile while he picked me up in his arms, I awkwardly & slowly placed my hands around his neck while looking away.

“Hold on I'll get the door for you”

Cole said while switching off his car's engine.

“Here's your bag”

He said

“Thank you for the ride,

You can leave now” I responded

“Are you sure you don't want me to see you into the...”

“No I'm okay”, I hurriedly answered cutting him short

“Okay then, see you in school”

The last thing I would have wanted was for Cole to meet my parents for the first time quarreling or having a fight, as much as I wished I could be with him more

I had to stop him from entering into the house.

Just as Cole zoomed off, there came Mrs Walter, running towards me, my mum of course...

“Where have you been?, Your line hasn't been going through? we've been worried about you, I phoned Pretty but she said you weren't with her, did someone hurt? Did...?

my mum kept asking While checking my body for signs of injuries

“Mum! mum! mum!, I'm okay, I'm fine okay” I said interrupting my mum's interrogatory session

“Are you sure baby”

She asked again whilst touching my two cheecks still checking if I was okay

“mum I'm okay, can we just go inside please” I pleaded


“Muuum!”, I yelled at her while limping into the house leaving her behind me

“Here, sit down” mum gently sitting me down on the sofa

“Mum,” I said looking into her eyes

“I'm okay you have no reason to worry at all,

I was in trouble but someone saved me, & I'm okay”


I'm so glad that gentle man helped you, and brought you back home to us safely” Mum said while smiling


I never mentioned if it was a guy who helped me or not” I yelled, slowly lining on the sofa

“Well I just thought the...”

“Mum!” I yelled again

“Okay, okay, Okay,”She said calmly

“What's important is you're back in one piece & that is what matters to me right now”

“Yeah mum” I said whilst footsteps of someone could be heard coming down the stairs, “who could that be?” I thought

Out of curiosity & fear I asked “Where's Mr Walter?”

“He's your father Kylie” she responded In a sad tone not happy with the way I addressed my father by his name

“Yeah right” I responded in disbelief

“Well, he went out for a while” mum continued

Sigh “Well I hope he doesn't come back”

I said.

“Don't say..." She reserved her comment

Just as Kylie bumped into the conversation, hugging me & trying to check if I was okay, and as usual, with her phone in her hand

“We were so worried about you” where have you been?” Pretty asked

“Not again”, I said looking away

“Welcome back selfie”

Raising her phone up to take a selfie of us

“Say baaaaack...”

She held my chin as she took a shot of us.

“Oh common Pretty,

Becareful” pushing her away from me

“Oh Yeah, Kylie came over when I told her I couldn't find you” my mum interrupted Pretty

“But Come on Kylie, where have you been? Your mum was so dead worried about you” Kylie said after dropping her phone on the sofa & picking it up after asking the question

“Well I'm back” I responded mockingly with a fake smile

“Mom please get me some ice my head really hurts”

“Okay, relax yourself, I'll get it from the refrigerator upstairs...”

“...And I'll be in the kitchen”

Pretty followed up after, as they both walked out leaving me alone in the living room.

I had assignments to do which I hadn't cause of we, the incident & I missed school of cause

“Where's my bag” turning my head to the left and then right and reached out to my bag

On opening my bag, immediately I realised something was missing, that was when I realised my Diary was missing...

“Where could it be?” rhetorically asking myself and searching through each zip space of my bag just then I heard a knock on the door'

“Who could that be”, I thought

“Definitely not Mr Walter cause he wouldn't knock” that I knew

I decided to go get the door since I was the only one in the living room

Just beside the door was a stapler laying on the ground...

“Who must have dropped this here” I asked while bending to pick it up & opening the door at the same time

Standing up to check who was on the door, there stood Cole, as handsome as always, even though I froze. What was he doing here I thought standing speechless, more so cause he stood very close to me this time around

“Hi Kylie, me again” he said while waving his hand and smiling

“Heyyyy" I responded looking surprised

“ Ugh,” handing my diary to me

“saw this in my room so I decided to bring it over”

Hurriedly collecting it

“Oh my, did you open...” I asked making a funny face

“No I didn't”, he replied before I could finish my question

“thought it might be Personal so I decided not to open it”


Releasing a deep sigh of relief I hugged my Diary

On raising my head up I saw the handsome lad moving closer me and raising his hand at the same time “why is he drawing closer, why is he smiling, why does he have that look all over his face, his lips are so soft and wet, could this be My first...”

To be continued