
Ten Infinities Minus Eleven

The records of a man seeking perfection in the river of time and the wretchedness of incorporeality. This is a BNHA/MHA fanfiction with crossover elements. Extra Tags:- #TimeTravel, #Regressor, #OP, #ImmortalMC, #Harem-SeekingMC, #ParentalMC, #SmartMC, #ScifiElements, #NeutrallyAlignedMC, #ImmoralMC, #Crossover

Exalted_Felix · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

A Fruitful Night

Musutafu city was one of the safest cities in Japan. In fact, it out-shined the capital, Tokyo, when it came to that matter. Why? The answer for that would be the heroes that were active there. For instance, no one can speak of Musutafu extensively without mentioning the best hero active in it: All Might.

Possessing immense speed and strength, All Might had cemented himself as one of the best heroes of his generation. However, that was only what the public got to see. After all, while common sense dictated that the most heinous criminals were those that operated in-doors, there was more to it – time. It's those that were active in the night that were the most troublesome.

One might argue that those that operated in the night didn't have much of an effect on the public and their actions were much less 'intense' when compared to daylight criminals that bombed and robbed. However, it's the little things that build up over time that cause the greatest of headaches for everyone.

It's for that reason that underground heroes exist. Their sole objective is to deal with these 'little things' before they turn into a much larger issue. One such hero was none other than class 1A's homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa, also known as Eraser Head.

Shota had a rather game-changing quirk. He could erase quirks through his sight. While there were side-effects and draw backs, it was an amazing ability nonetheless. Because his quirk didn't help much when it came to combat other than 'leveling the field', Shota knew better than not training his body and techniques to gain an edge. One of his well-known fighting styles is his rather long scarf. Said scarf was wrapped around Shota's neck as he stood at the edge of a building, with moonlight shining down on him.

He had a peaceful expression on his face as he felt the breeze against his face that fluttered his messy hair. The expression didn't last long.

"Would you look at this coincidence," came the playful voice of a teenager as a figure floated down from the sky and landed to Shota's left. "What a pleasant surprise to run into you like this."

Bullshit. Shota knew for a fact that there wasn't even a tiny bit of coincidence involved in this. Not when it came to HIM. His tormentor and the harbinger of chaos, Satan.

While most would think that Satan was a label he gave, there was much more to it than that.

"Satan," he uttered, his voice devoid of any emotion. He wondered why he would be here.

"I'm guessing you're wondering why I am here," Satan easily discerned, "I was on my way to welcome back a friend."

At that, Shota's eyes widened. Satan didn't have 'friends'. He had a family but friendship wasn't his thing. Satan was far too drowned in his manipulative tendencies to ever entertain the notion of a friend genuinely.

So, he must mean something else. A friend… A subordinate. Specifically… "One of the Sins?"

"Good guess." Sora smiled.

"You're going to start already!?" Shota was aghast. It was too early. In the previous Dives, Satan would only bring forth Hell a few months after the first day of UA.

"If by 'start' you mean Hell, then no. I am just seeing if I can do a few things differently this time around." Sora responded as her peered into the darkness in the distance.

"Which one?" Shota asked, even if he had no hope of getting an answer.

"Mammon." He actually revealed it!? Wait, no, did he just say Mammon?

"Mammon, as in, Greed… The butler? Why?" He really hoped to get even a small amount of information out of this exchange. After all, anything is better than nothing. Especially now, considering that the rat has joined hands with Satan.

"He somehow managed to finish the mission I gave him early. When I offered him a reward, he requested to be by my side."

"I see… Can't he just teleport over?" Shota had seen Mammon act in the previous Dives. While he was one of the weaker Sins, he displayed some versatile abilities such as teleportation.

"Mammon has been out of the country. The distance is too much for his teleportation." Yes! Vital information. Mammon can't teleport from one country to another.

"What about you?" Shota curiously inquired. Based on his recollection of the previous Dives, Sora seemed to be anywhere his presence was required most, regardless of time. However, he wasn't sure if it was his teleportation or absurd speed that resulted in that.

"You're digging really hard tonight," Sora remarked with a smirk, "though, I am in a good mood tonight, so I will tell you this: Not just countries, but if I desire it, I can teleport between planets."

Oh. If that wasn't the worst news he had heard since forever…

He didn't doubt it. If Satan claimed he could do something, then he could. There was a reason he was Pride and not any of the other sins.

"So, what do you want with me?" Shota finally couldn't help but ask. Sora always had a purpose in whatever he did, no matter how simple his actions seemed.

"About that…" Sora uttered as he slowly floated up, "I suppose I can hand you this."

A small piece of paper flew out of nowhere and landed in Shota's scarf. In response to that, Shota's expression shifted to that of disgust. Just as he was beginning to think that his night couldn't get any worse.

"You might want to call for some cops. You'll need their help with the clean up." Satan cheerfully remarked before he disappeared, not bothering to give Shota any chance to curse him.

That didn't stop Shota from doing it anyway. "That fucking lunatic."

Shota couldn't get over the fact that despite how atrocious everything Satan did was, he was doing it all for 'the greater good'. He was well aware that he was fighting a losing battle by confronting Sora. Not only did the latter have immense power, capable subordinates, genius intellect, and the benefit of knowledge and experience, but he could always 'redo' everything in the case of failure. So, what Shota sought wasn't his fall, but limiting the chaos and destruction in his wake.

The fact that Sora himself had stated that conquering the planet was one of his minor objectives said it all. While it seemed like an impossible objective, Sora had done it and will probably do so again. He recalled the previous Dives all too well.

Right now, minor parts of society were vaguely aware of the existence of an organization called Hydra. What they didn't know was that Hydra itself was part of something much bigger: Mythos.

A super-organization consisting of three major sub-organizations. The Dragon that hoards and protects. The Phoenix that plants its ashes all over the globe. The Hydra that slaughters foes.

Mythos itself was managed by the Sins. Of the seven Sins, one was the true the leader while the rest held a similar level of authority. Satan, Lucifer, The Prince, and The Morning Star were the names and titles assigned to Pride, the one that lead the Sins.

Just thinking about what Satan will have Mammon do upon their reunion made Shota's head ache. Forget it, might as well deal with whatever mess awaited him at the coordinates written on the paper thrown into his scarf…


Under the veil of the darkness soared a figure across the sky. Moving at an immaculate speed, the figure crossed the entirety of the space between the city of Musutafu and the south-eastern Japanese shore in a matter of seconds, somehow to do so soundlessly.

Seeming to have arrived at the intended destination, the figure came to a halt in the sky, where it hovered and examined the waters below.

The figure was naturally that of Sora's. His eyes shined luminously as he peered down with a peaceful gaze.

"Color me surprised, he actually did it." Sora muttered himself as he eyed three cargo ships a hundred meters away from the shore. "How long has it been… two months?"

Sora had a small smile on his face as he 'teleported' to one of the three ships. As soon as he did so, a dark figure revealed itself at the center of the ship.

"Mammon," Sora greeted as he appeared in front of the figure.

"Your Majesty," greeted the figure as it bowed with a gloved hand placed against their chest.

"Don't call me that," Sora stated with a sigh.

"As you wish, My Lord."

Mammon, the Sin of Greed. He was an outsider similar to Ikaros, except that he stood at the other end of the spectrum. If Ikaros was an angel, the man in front of Sora was a devil… literally. According to the records, his name was Sebastian Michaelis. Sora brought Ikaros into this world due to her high servitude tendencies despite her high power. But when it came to Sebastian… well, for one, the devil posed absolutely no physical threat to him, after all, that wasn't where he shone the most.

"I've already said so, but I'm pleasantly surprised by how fast you accomplished your objective." Sora said with a smile, "I was expecting you to take another month at least."

While he had Mythos to help him with his mission, it was still impressive considering how the targets were all over the globe.

"I am delighted to have surpassed your expectations."

Sora nodded before he made his way to one of the giant containers and opening it without so much lifting a finger. Inside it, a dozen or so shackled humans could be seen. They had little to no light in their eyes as they lied on the ground or against the side of the container. Their ages varied vastly, with the youngest appearing no older than thirteen, while the oldest looked like he was going to croak in a few days.

Sora's eyes shifted colors into a bright green and shone much brighter than earlier as he examined them carefully.

"These ones… Chronosphere, Quantum Pocket, Empathy, Network, Paladin, Reflect, Elemental Synthesis, Echo, Lucky, Dreamer, and Message."

Once he was done, Sora turned around, the container closing back behind him as he walked over to another container. Behind him, Sebastian followed with an intrigued look on his face.

"Is it fine for you to assimilate such a multitude at once?"

"Should be," Sora responded with a hint of confidence in his voice. At this moment, Sora realized the irony of what he was doing. Earlier, he could've teleported over to the current location, but he refrained from doing so for a simple reason: He needed to overwork his quirk.

Sora's quirk was recognized as a O-Class for a simple reason. Unlike other quirks, the further Sora overworked his quirk, the more he benefited in the short-term. In a way, the 'drawbacks' of Sora's quirk were extra features more than anything. As for the irony of it, Sora was currently making use of the Greed 'drawback' when the one that was designated as Greed was right behind him.

As for the reason why he was confident he could handle so many at once; Sora had taken some time to calculate the rate at which his quirk grew and the conditions required. In short, his quirk was a mental-type Emitter-class, so it grew along with his age, experiences, and understanding of the world. Which, when combined with his ability to 'reset' proved to be quite the boon. Each time Sora would start a new cycle, he would measure how long it took his quirk to reach the peak state he had acquired in the previous cycle.

As of right now, it took his quirk five years to grow back to the peak stage that was the result of more than thirty-four thousand years of mental growth. One might think that was Sora's age, but that wasn't the case. In a sense, it actually was his age. It was around the Thirty-Second Cycle that Sora's quirk began to lose control much more often than before. Sora realized he required a means of reigning it in, so after a while of experimentation, he found a method to do so. By using his quirk in small segments constantly, he could reduce the load when using it more extensively, and it helped in its growth.

One of the things he did was doubling his nerve input and output transmission speed all over his body, which of course included the brain. That resulted in Sora perceiving his surroundings at half the speed he was used. Slurred speech became the norm for him as seconds turned into two.

The benefits that came with a faster processing speed were immense. His reaction speed had doubled, his observation skills benefited immensely as he noticed the smallest of micro-movements, and most importantly, his quirk grew twice as fast due to its core being in the brain.

Suddenly, Sebastian asked a question that Sora tended to ask himself every now and then, "Are you sure you're a human?"

Sora didn't respond because he didn't know what to say. As much as he would've liked to claim he was a human with a strong quirk, he couldn't. Why? Well, for starters, his genes far differed from that of an ordinary human's. As a result of his quirk's immense growth, his body experienced changes on the molecular level in order to adapt properly. The question wasn't just limited to his biological makeup, but his existence as well as capabilities.

In the beginning, Sora thought that with every reset, he only jumped back through time, but that proved to be not the case as Ikaros came to reveal due to her acasuality. Every reset not only affected the entire world, but the outside as well.

It was for that reason that Sora had come to question his humanity. Well, not that it bothered him even if he were inhuman, considering the truth he was aware of.

Soon, the duo made their way over to another container. Sora wasted no time in opening it and gazing inside.

"Altering, Tinkering, Fertilizer, Siren, Starlight…" At that Sora stopped muttering as a distant look appeared on his face. He recalled a certain someone that went by the same name of this quirk…

Shaking his head, he reminded himself that that was far into the future as he got back examining the rest. "Clairvoyance, Synthesia, and Biofluency."

Done with the second batch, Sora released a sigh as he felt a slight tension on the left side of his brain. It seemed that he was nearing his limit for that night, not that it mattered since the other containers weren't meant for him.

And so, Sora walked back to the center of the ship while Sebastian quietly followed along. Then, Sora stood in place before he rose his arms, each aimed at one of the two containers. The next moment, the containers began to collapse on themselves as they crumbled into a metallic sphere soaked in blood.

"Such cruelty," Sebastian joked. This was a two at best on Sora's cruelty meter relative to his past actions. Two out of a hundred, to be clear.

"Mammon, why do you wish to be my side?" Sora asked as he dropped the metallic spheres into the surrounding water.

"In order to serve you, My Lord. That is my sole purpose."

"How, exactly?"

"My Lord troubles himself with trifles better suited for delegation to a subordinate."

That was true. For instance, earlier that night, Sora wiped out one of the larger criminal syndicates and handed the coordinates of their main base to Shota. The reason behind that was to drive attention away from himself.

Due to Shota and All Might being Divers, Sora had the attention of the Japanese government, the HPSC, and a multitude of heroes on him. Naturally, that was a huge part of why he brought the two back, but there were times that Sora needed to be under the radar. That was why, he had 'accidentally' left a major threat in the criminal syndicate alive, who may or may not slaughter around thirty police officers and two to three heroes. Such sacrifices were necessary in these times.

Sora could've had his subordinates deal with the matter, but apart from Greed who had just returned, the rest of the Sins were all abroad. He could've ordered Hydra to perform an attack, but that could potentially result in the loose ends that Sora oh so hated.

"So be it, then," Sora said as he turned to look the butler in the eyes, "You better behave when around my family."

"That goes without saying, My Lord," came an elegant response accompanied by a low bow.


How? How could he have not realized?

Shota stood near the corpse of a giant of a man, blood dripping onto the ground as it streaked across Shota's arm. His cheek swollen, and his leg was twisted.

Surrounding him and the corpse was a lot rubble, corpses of men in police uniform, three underground heroes, and one daylight hero. The only other living person there aside from Shota was a thin, skeletal man that was panting as he leaned against a wall. Blood flowed from the corners of his lips as his blue eyes stared at the giant corpse on the ground.

"T-tell me," the skeletal man uttered with great trouble, "Was this HIS doing?"

"Yes…" Shota responded, wincing at the jolt of pain in his mouth that came as a result of moving his jaw.

"Why?" The question would have one think that the man wondered why it was done. But, Shota knew better.

"Apparently, it's not what we fear, according to Satan." Shota refrained from mentioning the thing about Mammon's return for now.

The skeletal man, All Might, felt disgusted at himself. The relief that he felt upon hearing Shota's words was beyond foul.

"Say…" Shota began as he lifted his head to gaze into the night sky through the ruined roof, "Are we doing anything at all? Satan always gets what he wants, so why are we bothering with… all this?"

"Stop!" Yagi exclaimed as he coughed a few times, "By giving in like this, you will be admitting defeat!"

Despite Shota and Yagi being a part of the Divers, the reason behind it was fundamentally different from the rest. Unlike them, the duo was brought back out of spite. Sora swore to make them suffer, and that he did. While Yagi had only gone through three Dives, Shota had experienced five.

Yet, Yagi was just as aware of Satan's capabilities as Shota. At first, Sora would torment them through evil, but then would show the result of the evil being an overwhelmingly positive result for everyone. All the deaths, suffering, and such were placed on a pedestal and compared with the results, making balancing it out and making it all worth it. That's what Yagi came to hate most about Satan. He always found a justification for everything he did.

In Yagi's first Dive, the Ninth Dive, he made quick work of the knowledge from the previous cycle as he quickly brought a halt to numerous plans and detained the worst villains. The most important one would've been his nemesis, All for One, had it not been for Sora's existence. In a way, All for One was a minor villain compared to Sora's true potential when it came to villainy. While All for One's influence was limited to Japan, the same wasn't the case for Sora. The latter was far worse in that regards.

It was for that reason that Yagi tried his best to take Sora down. At first, he tried to use his own force, but that didn't work out. Then, his successor joined in, but he failed miserably. In the end, Yagi organized one of the largest raids in history. But that only resulted in the most horrific sight Yagi had ever witnessed.


"This, is the result of your idiocy." Satan was floating in the sky with wide smile plastered to his face. On the ground below him, five corpses in hero costumes were sprawled around.

A few meters away, All Might was standing with a horrified look on his face. The reason behind his horror weren't the deceased heroes. It was those that were still alive.

Behind Satan, twenty seven pro-heroes and thirteen hero students were struggling in the sky as an invisible force held them up. Satan stared into All Might's eyes with his own that were glowing in an ominous red.

"Got any last words for them?" Satan questioned.

"No, don't!" All Might could only exclaim. "Please, just stop!"

"Too late for that." Was the only response he got before all the floating bodies exploded into a mist of blood.


Every night, Yagi would have the same nightmare that made him relive that day. The nightmares made it worse, as one if not two of the pro-heroes would be replaced by those he treasured greatly.

That was how Yagi came to learn that facing Satan off directly was impossible. Something that Shota already knew at the time and tried to warn him, something he regrettably failed to listen to.

But, despite all that, Yagi vowed to himself that he wouldn't give in to Satan's distorted desire. He would face him off alongside the only other ally he had in this ordeal. If it weren't for the Dives, Yagi couldn't see himself getting along with Shota much. Now, he felt the greatest sense of comradery with the underground hero.

It was for that reason he had given Shota an emergency contact. That emergency contact was the reason why Yagi was in the ruined building with Shota, in the midst of various corpses that reminded him of that accursed raid-cum-slaughter.

"You're right…" Shota muttered after a short while. "We need to quickly figure out what Satan was up to while we dealt with this."

"Indeed," Yagi agreed, "Should we contact the HPSC?"

Back when they approached the HPSC to inform them of the looming threat that was Sora, the HPSC severely underestimated the threat as it took action that bit them back hard. From then on, Sora was under constant surveillance. Not just him, but his 'family' as well, such as Rumi Usagiyama, otherwise known as Mirko.

"They should already be aware and investigating," Shota stated with a deep sigh.

It was an odd sight for two heroes to be chatting so nonchalantly despite the number of dead bodies around them, but that only to be expected considering that this was a drop in the ocean compared to what they've seen in the previous cycles.


"Huh, Sebas?" A high-pitched voice questioned as Sora and Sebastian walked into the mansion.

Looking over at the source of the voice, Sebastian realized it was his Lord's daughter, Eri Hado.

"It's a pleasure to see you once more, Ms. Eri." The devil greeted smoothly.

Eri nodded before she looked over at Sora with an expression that sought answers.

"Sebastian managed to finish his mission early."

At that, Eri's eyes widened as she approached them excitedly. "The quirks, Papa, where are they!?"

"One of the quirks I obtained today was Quantum Pocket. I am keeping the holders in there."

Greed. When that particular sin manifested, Sora gained the ability to peer into what belonged to others and take it for himself. That applied to not only physical belongings, but concepts in a sense. For instance, memories, life force, and such. But, most importantly, quirks.

"Let's go to the lab! Come on!" Eri then began to eagerly pull Sora toward the elevator. The latter simply her to do as she pleased.

"Sebastian, you are to stay in a guest room of your choosing for the time being."

"Understood, My Lord."

And so, Sora found himself in the elevator beside Eri who instructed ARCH to operate the elevator. Still, Sora needed something.

"Eri, why are you awake at this hour?"



"Sorry," the little girl muttered as she lowered her head.

Seeing her mood dampened so much hurt Sora, so he dropped the matter altogether as he began patting her head. As a treat, he then lifted her into his arms before planting a wet kiss on her cheek.

"I'll let it slide this time. However, pay proper attention to your sleep schedule from now on, all right?"

"Okay," she responded chirpily, her mood lifted as a result of her father's affection.

Sora took this opportunity to sense the rest of the mansion's residents, only to find them all deep asleep, including Angelina.

Hah~ This daughter of his.


Author Note: All right, from here on out, the real plot can finally begin. As I mentioned right from the first chapter, Sora will be OP as fuck. Of course, there is more to conflict than the might of one individual, so no worries about Sora just going around and curb-stomping as a means of ending every problem. As has been made clear, he is more of a strategist and manipulator than brawn-for-brain.

Next Chapter: USJ, in which canon gets defenestrated.