
Ten Goddesses Insist to Marry Me

Feng Lin held the ten photos his old man had given him and fell into deep thought. There was the glamorous CEO, the gentle teacher, the international superstar, the professional assassin... His task was to marry one of them.

Orange Fried Spicy Strips · Urban
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487 Chs

Chapter 22 Ruthless Tactics_1

Translator: 549690339

From the academy's loudspeaker came a deep and magnetic voice.

Following that, came the very famous words, "I have a dream."

"Today, we stand before his statue, this solemn declaration shining like the light from a lighthouse."

"Bringing hope to the millions of slaves in that fiery torment of injustice, suffering in agony."

"Its coming, like the joyful dawn, ending the long night of captivity."


Feng Lin's voice was very resonant, and, after every sentence, he switched to a different tone.

The white female teacher next to him had her eyes bulging out, her jaw almost dropping to the ground.

At the same time, a large crowd had gathered here.

All of the foreign teachers from the academy were crowding around, looking up at the loudspeaker.

Not just them, Vice Principal Lan Rou was also following the voice, standing here.

"Vice Principal!"

"Good day, Teacher Lan."


The several foreign teachers around, along with many students, all greeted Lan Rou.