
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Zodiac Ascension Bet Contract

Zodiac Ascension Bet Contract.


Party A provides Party B with the opportunity for ascension, and Party B selects interviewees for Party A. Therefore, based on the principles of equality, mutual benefit, mutual trust, and no regrets for life and death, both parties have voluntarily signed this agreement through friendly consultation.

Subject Matter of the Contract:

1.1 This contract applies to the human-level zodiac. At the time of signing this agreement, the zodiac confirms that there is no remaining quantity of Tao and voluntarily enters the interview room to become the room moderator.

1.2 From the date of signing this contract, Party B is willing to fall into an infinite reincarnation until the contract expires or there is no one left in the room.

1.3 If Party B has a situation of three consecutive empty rooms, please commit suicide immediately, and Party A will fulfill its obligations in the first place.

1.4 Party B will be promoted to the ground level after the contract is completed and leave the interview room.

1.5 If during the contract period, Party B's thinking is no longer normal, or there are other situations that are not communicable (including but not limited to madness, loss of intelligence, ant-like transformation), this contract will be automatically voided.

Rights and Obligations of Both Parties:

2.1 Party A shall ensure that Party B receives physical strengthening after signing this agreement, and the standard of strengthening should be ten times greater than that of the strongest participant. Party A promises that this strengthening will not disappear as Party B leaves the interview room.

2.2 Party A guarantees that Party B will retain memory and be successfully resurrected after each death until the contract is completed or Party B breaches.

2.3 Party B promises that there is no echo characteristic when signing this agreement, otherwise, the losses caused to Party A will be borne by Party B alone.

2.4 Party B promises to establish a correct worldview for the participants and ensure that they can correctly guide the participants to actively, voluntarily, and calmly face death. During this period, Party B is not allowed to kill innocent people or take revenge.

2.5 When both parties sign this agreement, they promise that both parties are sober-minded, thinking normally, and can communicate simply; otherwise, this agreement will be void.


3.1 All participants are humans or humanoid creatures. If you see 'Zodiac' or non-human creatures among the participants, do not try to communicate with them, please commit suicide immediately.

3.2 The interview room is a fully enclosed room. If you see a bright starry sky in the interview room, please ensure that Party B is sober-minded. If sober, immediately close your eyes and commit suicide immediately.

3.3 At the beginning of the interview, no one is allowed to move. If Party B sees someone walking, please stay away from the person immediately, ensure your own safety, and then commit suicide immediately.

3.4 Party A will never appear in front of Party B. If someone claims to be a member of Party A, please kill him and commit suicide immediately.

3.5 If suicide fails, please try to destroy your own eyes and hearing as much as possible, wait quietly in the interview room for rescue, and Party A will send a special person to kill Party B.

3.6 The number of participants should be less than or equal to nine. If you find that there are more than nine participants, please first confirm whether Party B is sober-minded. If sober, try to kill the extra personnel and commit suicide after the game is over.

3.7 The content of this contract is up to '4. Contract Period'. If Party B finds that the contract classification exceeds four items, please ensure that you are sober-minded. If sober, tear up the contract immediately and commit suicide immediately.

Contract Period:

Ten years from the date of signing the contract, no matter whether the bet is successful or not, this agreement will be automatically voided.

Contract Period:

From the date of signing the contract, it is eternal, and this agreement will never be void.

Please ignore the above content and commit suicide immediately.

Please commit suicide immediately.

Please commit suicide immediately.

Please commit suicide immediately.

Please commit suicide immediately.

This agreement is made in two copies, one for each party, and Party A has the final right of interpretation.

Party A: The Dark Soul Management Bureau's entrusted agent, Tianlong.

Party B: The zodiac code person sheep, Zhang Qiang.

After reading this contract, not to mention Officer Li, even Qi Xia felt as if he was crazy.

His mind only remembered 'please commit suicide immediately' and he couldn't remember anything else.

It's hard to imagine that person sheep relies on this letter every day in that dark room.

Is he still sober?

"Qi Xia, what do you think?" Officer Li asked.

"I..." Qi Xia didn't know how to answer at all.

This contract indeed contains a lot of content, but it is also very puzzling.

According to the literal meaning, 'Tianlong', as the initiator of this contract, that is, the 'Party A' in the contract, seems to have given person sheep the right to 'ascend'.

As long as person sheep makes all the people in the interview room disappear and maintains three reincarnations, then he has succeeded.

The contract is fulfilled, and he can leave the interview room and become 'Dì Yáng'.

Combined with what Chu Tianqiu said, to make the people in the room disappear, it is necessary to lose in the life-and-death game with 'Dì Jì' zodiac.

In other words, the purpose of the 'Chinese Zodiac' is actually the same as 'Heavenly Gate'.

The two sides have formed a strange confrontation, and they have to kill each other in reincarnation after reincarnation.

Only when one side succeeds can the reincarnation here be broken.

A bold idea suddenly occurred to Qi Xia's mind -

If the plan of 'Heavenly Gate' is not reliable, what about becoming a 'Chinese Zodiac'?

Person pig once said that he wanted to walk out of here in a dignified manner, so he became a pig.

It can be boldly inferred that 'Tao' is not an indispensable item for these people-level zodiacs.

Their purpose is to kill people.

As long as they kill enough people, they have the right to obtain the 'Zodiac Ascension Bet Contract' and go to the 'Interview Room', after all, the contract mentions 'When signing this contract, the zodiac has no remaining quantity of Tao'.

In other words, the 'Interview Room' is both an interview for participants and an interview for the 'Chinese Zodiac'.

When the interview is passed, the zodiac can transform from 'person' to 'earth'.

"No wonder so..."

Qi Xia nodded silently, no wonder 'Person Rat' and 'Person Pig' look more close to 'people', they have human emotions, and have not shown strong power, it turns out that only by signing the 'Zodiac Ascension Bet Contract' can they obtain the strength like 'Person Sheep' and 'Dì Niú'.

From this moment on, the 'Chinese Zodiac' began to gradually deviate from the category of 'people', and their appearance and strength will be more similar to monsters.

Qi Xia felt that the 'Land of the End' seems to be a large-scale assembly line, seemingly 'producing' something.

There is no need for other external forces to participate, and it can form a system by itself.

But what is the reason for the emergence of this system?

Qi Xia touched the name of Party A on the contract.

The Dark Soul Management Bureau's entrusted agent, Tianlong.

What is the 'Dark Soul Management Bureau'?

Why did it entrust 'Tianlong' to act as an agent for this matter?

Qi Xia pondered for a moment, then told his inference to Officer Li.

Officer Li, who was a bit confused, completely crashed after hearing it.

To deduce this strange phenomenon, one must first turn oneself into a madman.

Then, from the perspective of a madman, re-examine this world.

Unfortunately, Officer Li couldn't do it at all.