
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Unveiling the Truth

"Xu... Liunian." Qi Xia nodded slightly, "It's quite poetic."

"Isn't it?" Xu Liunian smiled faintly, still looking ahead and driving the car, "I thought this name would make me a big star, but in the end, I became a taxi driver, haha."

Qi Xia laughed weakly along with her, but the next second, his expression turned cold.

"Xu Liunian."

"What's the matter?"

Qi Xia stretched out his pale hand, pointing at the taxi driver's qualification certificate in front of him.

"The photo on this... it really is you."

"Yes, it is. This is my car, so it has my qualification certificate hanging. Is there a problem?" Xu Liunian showed a puzzled expression.

"Don't play dumb with me..." Qi Xia coughed sharply, then took a deep breath and said, "Your qualification certificate is hanging here, which means this car really belongs to you... then who are you? Why is there a car that belongs to you in this city?"

"I don't understand." Xu Liunian shook her head, "Sir, do you usually chat with others like this?

"How could a 'participant' be caught here with a car?!"

Qi Xia felt like his worldview was about to explode.

Although it was a bit ridiculous to talk about a 'worldview' in this strange place, the existence of the woman in front of him did exceed Qi Xia's understanding.

He had thought that those 'inhabitants' who were like walking corpses were the previous 'participants'. They had been here for too long, so they went crazy and lost themselves.

But there was actually someone like Xu Liunian in front of him...

Her behavior was strange, but her thinking was very clear.

She had her own property in this city.

"I really don't understand." Xu Liunian shook her head, "Sir, if you are looking for trouble, you might get out of the car as soon as possible.

Qi Xia shook his head hard, trying to stay as sober as possible, also hoping that this method would ensure that what he saw in front of him was not an illusion.

"Xu Liunian..." he called out.

"What's the matter again?" The woman in front of him no longer had the politeness before, and her tone was full of impatience.

"You drive a taxi, how many passengers can you take in a day?" Qi Xia changed the subject and started chatting about daily life.

"I..." Hearing this, Xu Liunian was obviously stunned, as if she had never thought about this question before. She pondered for a long time before saying,

"You seem to be my first passenger today..."

"Then how many passengers can you take in a week?" Qi Xia asked again.

Xu Liunian felt that there was a dark area hidden in her mind for a long time, which was slowly torn open by the questions of the man in front of her.

Before she met this man, she felt that everything was fine.

But after meeting this man and hearing just a few questions, the painful memories in her mind poured out like a flood.

"I seem to... not have taken any passengers in a week..." Her expression began to change, her eyes constantly turning, as if thinking about something.

Qi Xia noticed that his questions were shaking the other party, so he continued to ask:

"What did you eat and drink this week? Where do you go after closing the car?"

"I... I..." Xu Liunian's expression gradually became panicked, and she was on the verge of collapse, "I haven't eaten for a long time... When there are no passengers, I just keep stopping by the roadside...

"How long have you been... stopping by the roadside?" Although Qi Xia's tone was flat, he was on edge, fearing some eerie answer.

A loud friction sound suddenly rang out, and Xu Liunian slammed the car to a stop in the middle of the road.

Her lips trembled as she looked ahead, her eyes becoming somewhat different.

There was emotion in those eyes, completely different from the walking corpses on the street.

"I've been stopping by the roadside for two years!!!" She screamed out of control, then burst into tears, "Oh my God... What's wrong with me?!"

"Two..." Qi Xia's throat moved slightly, swallowing his saliva, "You didn't eat, drink, or sleep, and stopped by the roadside for two years?"

She stretched out her hands and looked at them, only then realizing.

"It's this car... When I saw this car in the city, I was bewitched..."

"Is there something strange about this car?" Qi Xia asked.

"How could I see this car here... I don't even..." Xu Liunian suddenly turned her head and noticed Qi Xia's bloodstained clothes, "Are you hurt?"

"It's nothing..." Qi Xia shook his head, "The injury is not serious... Are you sober now?"

Xu Liunian's hands trembled as she checked Qi Xia's injury and found that the wound had been roughly treated. The flesh was burned by high temperature, and although the bleeding had stopped, the burn marks were very severe.

"You suffered such a serious injury... If you don't find medicine quickly..." She choked, "I almost forgot, there couldn't possibly be medicine here..."

"Yes, there are no conditions here to let us survive." Qi Xia looked into the distance in despair, "Xu Liunian, I won't live much longer, can you do me a favor?"

"You, say it."

"Keep driving forward." Qi Xia said, "I want to escape from here and see the edge of this city."

Xu Liunian looked at Qi Xia with a hint of sadness, knowing that it was a miracle for him to stay awake.

"Okay, I'll take you to the edge of the city, you have to hold on."

She shifted gears again and started the car with trembling hands.

Qi Xia leaned his head against the car window, watching the scenery outside slowly recede.

He coughed gently, feeling something pressing against his trachea, making it very difficult to breathe.

As life was about to enter the countdown, what Qi Xia saw was not a lantern show, but those dilapidated high-rise buildings rapidly receding.

He remembered that day, he also got into a taxi and went to another city without hesitation.

He thought that when he returned to his hometown again, he and Yu Nian'an could live a good life.

But he didn't expect...

On the deserted street, Xu Liunian drove very fast, and Qi Xia bit his tongue hard to keep conscious.

In no time, his mouth was full of blood, then he opened the window and spat out a big mouthful of blood.

"Are you, are you okay?" Xu Liunian asked anxiously.

"I'm fine." Qi Xia wiped his mouth and whispered, "I feel very good now, no need to worry about 'living', I haven't felt so relaxed in these days."

The two sped forward in silence, and after another half an hour, the car stopped.

"Hey... are you still alive?" Xu Liunian slowed down and shook Qi Xia with her right hand, "We've reached the edge of the city, how are you going to escape?"

Qi Xia turned his head with all his strength, opened his eyes, and looked hard at the front.

A few seconds later, his pupils gradually dilated.

In front of him was a highway toll booth, and the sign on it was rusty and illegible.

Looking along the highway toll booth, there were wide roads stretching forward.

The roads are interconnected and endless.

Far, far away, there are other high-rise buildings looming.

"So there is no edge here..." Qi Xia's lips moved slightly, and he was once again overwhelmed by the sight in front of him.

The words of "sheep man" once echoed in Qi Xia's ears: "We are much more magnificent than 'religion', we have a world!"

How to escape?

"Where do we go next?"

Xu Liunian looked back at Qi Xia, only to find him lying lifelessly in the seat.

His eyes were filled with confusion, resentment, and unwillingness, and he didn't even close his eyes when he died.