
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Two Captains

Seeing that Qi Xia had no follow-up moves, he immediately took a big step forward and ran towards him.

Qi Xia did not hesitate for a moment, pushing two chairs beside him forward,

blocking the space between himself and Zhang Shan.

Zhang Shan, who was tall and naturally a bit slow in movement, was almost tripped by these two chairs.

"A dragon fights in the wild, and its path is exhausted."

With a running start, Qi Xia stepped on the chair and leaped up, not waiting for Zhang Shan to stabilize,

he directly pounced and mounted on top of him.

He knew that Zhang Shan was fundamentally different from Xiao Eyeglasses and Old Lu, and it was absolutely impossible

to make him submit with just intimidation, so he took advantage of the moment before the other party could react, and from astride him, he began to punch wildly at the other's cheeks.

Zhang Shan immediately curled his arms, protecting his chin and the side of his face,

at the same time, he locked eyes with the other's shoulders, judging the other's punches, and constantly

parrying Qi Xia's offensive.

Qi Xia's fists rained down on the other's arm, feeling as hard as if he were hitting a wall.

"Kid... are you looking for death?"

Taking advantage of the moment when the other spoke, Qi Xia punched through the gap between Zhang Shan's two arms, directly at the other's nose.

But Zhang Shan seemed to have anticipated it, directly clamping down with both arms, Qi Xia's fist couldn't advance an inch. He locked down Qi Xia's joint, then, following the momentum, grabbed his arm, twisted it to the side, and Qi Xia rolled to one side, and Zhang Shan also freed himself.

"I really underestimated you..." Zhang Shan slowly stood up, patting the dust off his body, "Were you a hitman before you came here? How do you fight like this?"

Qi Xia also stood up with a grim expression, gasping for breath.

The attack just now had been his last resort, but he didn't expect the other party to be almost unaffected.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Xiao Eyeglasses ran up at this time, looking worried and saying,

"Why did you two start fighting for no reason... Calm down first..."

"I can't calm down," Zhang Shan said angrily with a smile, "Today I must beat this kid until he is convinced."

Before Qi Xia could come up with the next strategy, Zhang Shan had already flipped all the chairs and rushed over,

swinging towards Qi Xia's face.

At the critical moment, Qiao Jia Jin reached out and hooked his arm.

"Big shot, you can't hit him.

Zhang Shan, seeing that he was being blocked, increased his strength a bit, but found that

the thin man with tattoos on his arms in front of him was very strong, and he couldn't move at all.

"Another person has stepped forward," Zhang Shan snorted coldly, "Why can't I hit him?"

"Because he is my 'brain'," Qiao Jia Jin smiled harmlessly, "If you damage his head, both of us will become foolish."

"He is your 'brain'?" Zhang Shan found the man in front of him interesting, "Then what are you?"

"Well..." Qiao Jia Jin let go of Zhang Shan's hand, took off his coat, revealing

his tattoos all over his body and well-developed muscles, "If you must know, I am his 'fist'."

Zhang Shan raised his eyebrows and said, "Interesting, then I will have a match with you, this 'fist'."

After speaking, Zhang Shan took a boxing stance, one arm curled up to protect his chin,

and the other arm, with a twist of his waist, directly threw a punch towards Qiao Jia Jin.

Qiao Jia Jin crouched forward, dodging the punch while immediately coming to the front of the other person,

swinging his right hand to deliver an uppercut.

Zhang Shan also dodged by tilting his head back, and then quickly adjusted his posture, placing his right hand in front,

and opened the distance between himself and Qiao Jia Jin.

In just a moment of crossing each other, both knew that the other must have practiced a few moves,

otherwise, it would not be possible to have such skills.

Zhang Shan only thought for half a second, then took another step forward and threw a heavy punch with his left hand.

Qiao Jia Jin did not dodge this time, but instead grabbed the other's whole arm,

then his body leaped into the air and turned around, one foot hooked around the other's neck,

using his own body weight to pull the other person over to the ground.

He grabbed Zhang Shan's arm with both hands and placed it between his thighs, constantly pulling back,

while his legs were also looking for the right position, one pressing against the other's neck,

the other one was about to press against the other's chest.

Zhang Shan was somewhat incredulous, but at this moment he had also come to his senses, this was a common ground technique in mixed martial arts, 'armbar', if the other party twisted his arm,

then he would be doomed to defeat.

Thinking of this, he reached out with his right hand, firmly gripping his left hand together,

the fingers of the two hands interlocked, temporarily preventing Qiao Jia Jin from straightening his arm.

He couldn't figure out why a thug with a rough appearance could perform such a standard move, fortunately, he also had some research in combat techniques, at this time although he did not break through the other's armbar, he also did not let the other party get the upper hand.

Qiao Jia Jin found that Zhang Shan's left hand could not be moved, so he extended one foot onto

the other's right arm, using the strength of his thigh to forcibly separate the other's two hands.

Zhang Shan was sweating profusely at this time, his hands were just interlocked fingers,

the force was not strong.

Soon, Zhang Shan's two hands were separated, his left hand was instantly straightened, and the huge pain made him cry out.

But he was still a large man, and he quickly twisted his body, using his right hand to hit the other person's abdomen.

Qiao Jia Jin retracted his right leg that was pressing on the other person's neck and blocked the blow with his knee.

Zhang Shan seemed to have found a way out, continuously hitting Qiao Jia Jin with his right fist,

and Qiao Jia Jin could only keep blocking with his knees.

To successfully perform an 'armbar', there are two key points: one is to firmly control one of the opponent's arms,

and the other is to press the opponent's neck and chest with both legs.

In order to defend against the other's attack, Qiao Jia Jin could only retract his leg, losing the restraint of his right leg,

and Zhang Shan could get up.

So he forcefully pulled his left arm, and the whole person flipped over, wanting to turn the tables and pin down Qiao Jia Jin.

Seeing the other party break free, Qiao Jia Jin immediately extended his right foot to stop him.

Zhang Shan could not get close, so he continuously greeted Qiao Jia Jin with both fists.

Qiao Jia Jin tucked his arms in and shielded to the left and right, and always kept a distance from the other party with his right leg.

Taking advantage of Zhang Shan's inattention, Qiao Jia Jin suddenly dropped his raised right leg and fiercely

kicked the other person's shin.

Zhang Shan lost his balance again, about to fall, Qiao Jia Jin got up, went around behind the other person,

extended his right arm to choke Zhang Shan's neck, his left hand interlocked with his right arm to increase the strength,

and jumped back again, pulling both of them to the ground, performing a 'rear-naked choke' guillotine.

Qiao Jia Jin was about to tighten the other person's neck, but suddenly found that something was wrong.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that Zhang Shan had placed one hand in front of his neck, and the guillotine

could not be formed for the time being.

Although he blocked Qiao Jia Jin's offensive, Zhang Shan was not in a good situation either, he protected his vital spot,

but also let his hand be locked.

At this moment, neither of them could break free, and they were locked together.

"Hey... big shot..." Qiao Jia Jin said through gritted teeth, "Do you want to admit defeat? If you call me 'big brother', I'll let go right now..."

"Damn it! Even if I die at your hands, I will absolutely not admit defeat..." Zhang Shan kept tensing his muscles, trying to find a breakthrough,

but Qiao Jia Jin's posture was very stable, and there was no flaw to be found for the time being.