
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Three Questions

Qi Xia's face turned solemn as he listened, and he sighed, "Aren't you being too optimistic? I have no idea how to escape from this hellhole."

"Officer Li once said that if there's a way to escape from this place, Qi Xia would have an 80% chance of doing it."

After hearing this, Qi Xia fell silent.

Throughout his life, things rarely exceeded his expectations.

He usually took control of everything with meticulous planning.

But ever since he came here, he had felt powerless many times.

Everything here seemed not to go according to his plans.

At first, Qi Xia devised a strategy, wanting to rely on "gambling with life" to obtain the "Way," but then he immediately encountered the "Demon Ox" that could cause death in the game.

Later, Qiao Jia Jing and Tian Tian died under Qi Xia's watch, and despite his reluctance, he was utterly powerless to stop it.

Now, he had intended to team up with Officer Li to discuss the next steps.

But Officer Li was also dead.

He could only be forced to team up with Lawyer Zhang.

But what kind of person is Lawyer Zhang, really?

"The inability to strategize just feels really uncomfortable to me," Qi Xia muttered to himself, "Lawyer Zhang, may I ask you a few questions?"

"Ask me a few questions?" Lawyer Zhang pondered for a moment, then said,

"Alright, as long as it doesn't involve privacy, go ahead."

"What is your reason for having to leave?"

"I..." Lawyer Zhang found this question somewhat interesting, "Even if I don't have a reason to leave, I wouldn't be willing to stay here, right?"

Qi Xia nodded and asked again, "Do you think 'killing to seize the Way' is feasible?"

"Killing to seize the 'Way'..." Lawyer Zhang rested his chin on his hand, carefully considering the question for a moment, then replied cautiously, "I think this method is feasible, but I don't want to do it. It violates the law."

Qi Xia thought for a while, then said, "Alright, one last question..."

"Have you ever made a mistake?"

"Made a mistake?" Lawyer Zhang was taken aback, "Are you referring to a crime?"

"Irrelevant to 'law.'" Qi Xia said, "I mean a mistake that could change your entire life trajectory, one that fills you with regret, that you would regret deeply, a 'mistake' for which you would pay for the rest of your life."

Lawyer Zhang's gaze suddenly turned cold, and she stared directly at Qi Xia, asking, "What do you mean? What does this question have to do with our teaming up?"

She didn't answer, but Qi Xia already knew the answer.

It seems that the root of everything lies in the first game.

Everyone lied.

"Alright, I understand. Let's work together," Qi Xia nodded, extending his hand to Lawyer Zhang.

Lawyer Zhang looked at Qi Xia with some suspicion, but slowly extended her hand and shook his.

Lao Lu, observing everyone's performance, felt like he was once again an outsider, as if it would take some effort to integrate into this small group.

He knew that Qi Xia was no ordinary person, and the chances of obtaining the "Way" would greatly increase by taking action with him.

Thinking of this, Lao Lu stepped forward with a simple smile and said to Qi Xia, "Now that we've found people, should I leave?"

Qi Xia nodded expressionlessly and said indifferently, "No need to see me off."

"Hey?" Lao Lu was slightly taken aback, "Qi Xia, aren't you going to keep me?"

"There's no need for that." Qi Xia turned around and slowly sat down, continuing to examine the lighter in his hand.

Lao Lu stood awkwardly in place, intending to play out a touching scene of being reluctantly kept by everyone, but the young man in front of him was completely unmoved by this act. What to do now?

He turned his head to look at Lin Jin, his eyes still holding a glimmer of expectation.

But Lin Jin knew Qi Xia too well; he would never keep a stranger around.

After all, the misfortune that befell Qiao Jia Jing and Tian Tian was caused by that stranger named Xiao Xiao, so Lin Jin did not pay any attention to Lao Lu.

Seeing that Lin Jin had not responded for a long time, Lao Lu could only look at Zhang Chen Ze.

He thought to himself that this woman seemed very kind-hearted and should not be so heartless.

So, he leaned down beside Lawyer Zhang, made sure her clothes were wrapped more tightly, and then said, "Little girl, I'm leaving now. You must take good care of yourself."

To Lao Lu's surprise, Zhang Chen Ze was even colder than Lin.

"Uncle, no need for you to worry," Zhang Chen Ze said coldly, "And I'd like to make it clear that unless it's a critical moment or a medical situation, please do not touch me."

"You guys..." Lao Lu was so angry that his teeth itched, but he had nothing to say after all, as he was the one who had offered to leave.

He had only seen people give themselves a way down, but never seen someone use a step to put themselves on a cliff.

This time, it was Lao Lu who was reluctant to leave.

He walked towards the door, looking back three steps at a time, and found that no one was holding him back, so he could only walk out with a heavy heart.

Just as he was about to leave, Lao Lu suddenly thought of something, so he hurried back and said to everyone, "I discovered a game this morning that requires a team of four to participate... Are you interested?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Jin and Zhang Chen Ze both looked at Qi Xia.

Qi Xia slowly raised his head, thought for three seconds, and asked, "What animal?"

Seeing that Qi Xia was indeed interested in the "Way," Lao Lu simply sat down.

"Hehe, it's a 'dog'!" Lao Lu said, "This is a game to test our team's coordination. It will definitely be no problem!

"Dog?" Qi Xia was taken aback, then he pondered for a moment with his head down.

"Dog" is a game of "team coordination." Lin Jin and Zhang Chen Ze are not foolish people, and they will follow his orders, so there should be no major issues with cooperation. The only variable is the Lao Lu in front of him.

Qi Xia looked at Lao Lu with a complex expression, as if considering the feasibility of the team game.

"Qi Xia, what's wrong? Don't you believe me?" Lao Lu was getting a bit anxious.

"Lao Lu, can you promise me one thing?" Qi Xia asked.

"Sure! Go ahead."

"During the game, do everything as I command."

After hearing this, Lao Lu's eyes turned, and then he nodded, "Okay, what else?"

"That's it, just this one request."

"Ah, I thought it was something big!" Lao Lu laughed, waving his hand, "Don't worry, Qi Xia, I'll follow your lead."

Qi Xia still felt it was unreliable and warned again, "I might make decisions that seem very strange, but to win the game, you must listen to me."

"Ah, I understand!" Lao Lu nodded seriously.

Seeing Lao Lu's serious expression, Qi Xia stopped pursuing the matter and turned to Lawyer Zhang, asking, "Have you eaten enough?"

"Mm." Zhang Chen Ze picked up a relatively clean piece of waste paper from the ground and carefully wiped the grease from her hands.

"Although it's not very appropriate to say this, would you like to change into Officer Li's clothes?" Qi Xia said.

After hearing this, Lawyer Zhang was taken aback, looked at her own soaked clothes, and then at Officer Li's blood-stained T-shirt. After thinking for a moment, she shook her head.

"I'm a bit of a neat freak, so I'll just wear what I have on."