
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasy
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120 Chs

The Youth

Xiao Ran's expression paused slightly after hearing this, then she regained her smile and approached Qi Xia, clinging to him.

A soft and warm sensation kept brushing against Qi Xia's arm.

"Brother Qi, you are so smart, you can definitely lead us out, right? Just take me along."

Tian Tian looked at the girl in front of her helplessly, feeling that her demeanor was even more professional than her colleagues.

No... To be frank, neither she nor her colleagues truly liked this profession; all were forced by life, so no one would show such a flattering expression.

"We won't get along," Qi Xia was unmoved, coldly looking at Xiao Ran, "You should switch to another team."

A trace of coldness flashed in Xiao Ran's eyes, but quickly returned to normal. Through the performance of the previous few games, she knew that Qi Xia was extremely intelligent. If she didn't follow him, she would definitely have no chance of survival.

"Brother Qi..." Xiao Ran pouted in grievance, "Do you really dislike me that much?"

"Yes, I really dislike you," Qi Xia nodded again, shaking off Xiao Ran and distancing himself from her, "Is there anyone else who wants to come with me? If not, let's part ways here."

His gaze was fixed on Han Yimo and Officer Li, with a trace of expectation.

Qi Xia hoped that these two would voluntarily participate in the game so that they could transform into trustworthy teammates.

"Qi Xia," Officer Li suddenly called out.

"What's the matter?"

Officer Li's lips moved slightly, as if organizing his words, and after a while, he asked, "Do you think I... can get out?"

After hearing this, Qi Xia slowly lowered his head, looking at the ground.

This question was ambiguous and difficult to answer.

If Officer Li could return to the real world, he would become a notorious murderer.

Even if he was lucky enough to return to the day before the murder, he would still be a corrupt cop in collusion with a fraudster.

This dilemma was like two sharp knives, each against his throat and heart, preventing him from moving forward.

No wonder Officer Li has been hesitant until now; he has no reason to leave.

Qi Xia pondered for a while and solemnly asked, "Do you have any concerns?"

"Concerns..." A chubby, lovely smiling face appeared before Officer Li's eyes.

That was Xuan Xuan.

"Of course I have concerns... but how do I face her..."

"I will help you," Qi Xia interrupted Officer Li, "Whether it's 'getting out' or 'the situation', I will help you."

Officer Li was stunned and looked at Qi Xia in disbelief, instantly understanding his meaning.

However, due to both parties having reservations, no one opened up the conversation here.

Could it be that Qi Xia already has a way to deal with Zhang Hua Nan?

Thinking carefully, Qi Xia and Zhang Hua Nan are not even on the same level; if he is willing to advise me, I must be able to get rid of that scum.

For Zhang Hua Nan, common sense is no longer effective; now we can only "fight evil with evil."

"Okay, I believe you," Officer Li said, "I'll join too."

Qi Xia nodded and looked at Han Yimo.

But he didn't say anything, just gave the other party a look.

This time, compared to last time, the only variable is Han Yimo.

Officer Li has not yet "echoed," making Han Yimo the only "echoer" in the team.

In this way... with both sides having an "echoer," do they have hope to fight against the "ultimate path"?

"Can I... refuse?" Han Yimo replied.

"Yes," Qi Xia nodded, "But I want to know the reason."

"I..." Han Yimo looked up with difficulty, "Qi Xia, although you just saved me, I really want to repay you, but my psychological quality can't bear these games at all, I will collapse..."

He gave a very honest reason, so honest that Qi Xia didn't know how to refute.

Han Yimo's biggest problem is being "timid," and according to himself, he suffers from severe claustrophobia, and many games are fatal to him.

But Qi Xia thought again, according to Jiang Ruoxue's words, the more extreme the emotions, the more likely people are to hear the "echo," which may also be the reason why Han Yimo was the first to awaken this ability.

"What if you don't have to participate in the game?" Qi Xia asked.

"Don't have to participate in the game?" Han Yimo didn't quite understand, "Then wouldn't I have even less reason to join your team?"

Qi Xia also felt that this request was a bit far-fetched, but to get Han Yimo on board, there really was no better way.

"It doesn't matter, just follow us and help us plan," Qi Xia said, "If we really can win the 'Dao', I will share it with you."

Han Yimo thought for a while after hearing this and also joined the team.

Seeing everyone actively forming teams, Lawyer Zhang, who had been watching for a long time, couldn't understand and asked, "With no information at all, are you all so confident?"

Xiao Ran stood by Qi Xia's side and naturally took his hand: "With Brother Qi here, what information do we need?"

"Let go." Qi Xia stopped Xiao Ran's action.

Lawyer Zhang was not unreasonable; everything Qi Xia did was too suspicious. Now, except for Lawyer Zhang and Dr. Zhao, almost everyone has taken Qi Xia's side.

This made the team numbers seven to two, extremely unbalanced.

Dr. Zhao looked at the current team situation and also took a step forward, saying, "Let me say something... since everyone has taken the police officer's side, I feel we don't really need to 'form teams'. Why don't we all act together, isn't that safer?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Xiao Ran also hurriedly said, "It's safer for everyone to go together."

Things gradually developed in a strange direction, and Qi Xia wanted to stop it, but he had no reason.

Forcing everyone to form two teams here would only make people more suspicious.

Seeing this, Officer Li also nodded: "It seems that we really don't need to form teams, let's all go together."

Qi Xia knew that the only person who saw and remembered Xiao Ran's true face last time was himself.

Officer Li had a minor friction with Xiao Ran, but it was not hostile. Han Yimo died on the first night and didn't know what happened later.

Only Qi Xia understood that this woman might undermine the entire team from the inside.

But how to find a legitimate reason to kick her out now?

"Everyone... although I really don't want to interrupt you..." Lin Qing suddenly spoke on the side, "but there's something I've been concerned about..."

"What's the matter?" Qiao Jia Jin turned his head and asked.

Lin Qing extended a finger pointing into the distance, where a young man was standing.

"Since a while ago, it seems that there has always been someone staring at us."

The young man saw that everyone had noticed him and did not evade. He walked slowly towards the crowd.

Seeing his appearance, Qi Xia couldn't help but be stunned.

I saw the young man with a braid come to everyone, symbolically bowed, and then said, "Everyone, I saw you were all talking before, so I didn't interrupt. Are you finished talking now?"