
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasy
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120 Chs

The Art of Persuasion

"Everyone, if you have understood the rules, please take your positions and listen to the instructions from the room's broadcast.

The Demon Dog arranged everyone and came to the front desk alone.

In the two corridors, everyone was in position.

The 'Senders' were sitting in the first room of the corridor, with 'Spies' from the other side standing in the corridor, and the last room had the 'Receiver' and the 'Hostage'.

The rules of the game seem very simple: the 'Sender' passes the code to the 'Spy', the 'Spy' passes it to the 'Receiver', the 'Receiver' checks the code, and finally opens the door.

But the rules that can be explained in a few words make everyone feel uncertain. After all, the most important part of this game is in the hands of the other team.

"Everyone," said the Demon Dog at the front desk with a microphone.

At the same time, his voice came out of the broadcast in each room and corridor.

"The game will start in ten minutes, and now please let the 'Spies' connect with the 'Senders'."

Lin Qin was in the room looking at various props, constantly thinking about countermeasures in her mind.

Among the four items, three could be shredded by the shredder.

To avoid the shredder, the letter must be sealed in a box and locked.

In this way, the whole box cannot be thrown into the shredder, and the 'Spy' can only be delivered to the other side.

But the question is, what about the 'key'?

Although she doesn't know what tools Qi Xia has, according to the game setting, there must be no matching key or any lock-picking tools.

So how can he open the box after receiving it?

"Knock knock knock" - the door.

"Is it ready?" she asked without expression.

Lin looked at the girl and asked, "What's your name?"

"Jiang Ruoxue, are you ready?"

"Ruoxue, do you want to join us?" Lin Qin asked directly.

The girl named Jiang Ruoxue thought for a moment and said, "Joining you is too risky, I can't gamble."


"That's right." Jiang Ruoxue nodded, "If I help you win the game, and you choose not to accept me at the last moment, I will still die.

Her expression was very serious, as if she had thought about this issue long ago.

"Your concern is not unreasonable." Lin nodded and began her most skilled chat method, "But let's make an assumption, in your understanding, how would your team win the game?"

Jiang Ruoxue frowned slightly and said, "Are you saying... they will also cooperate with the 'Spy'?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean." Lin said, "Just like an interview, we are now 'mutual selection', and you also, what you have to consider is not whether we will abandon you, but whether your original team will abandon you."

"They won't." Jiang Ruoxue said firmly, "To abandon me for an old man, no matter how you think about it, it's impossible."

"They are not 'for an old man', but 'to survive'." Lin tried to slow down her tone as much as possible, which could keep the other person's psychological guard down, "Most people would control their own lives in their own hands, not in others' hands, right?

Jiang Ruoxue was obviously hesitant this time.

She opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but she was still silent.

"And I cooperate with you, just to survive."

"What about the 'Spy' you sent out?" Jiang Ruoxue said, "He is clearly your teammate, but you can give up on him directly?"

"I have known him for no more than four hours, and it's impossible to gamble my life because of this four-hour acquaintance." Lin said seriously, "And how long have you known your teammates? Will they take risks for you?

Jiang Ruoxue was stunned for a while.

After thinking again and again, she still did not agree to Lin Qin's request.

"I can't trust you, hurry up and get the letter ready, I suggest you make it sturdy, I will try every means to destroy the letter inside." Jiang Ruoxue shook her head and said, "Don't say anything else."

"Can I ask why you insist so much?" Lin finally asked.

"Ah Mu is my boyfriend, do you need any other reason?"

As a psychological counselor, Lin knows that it is almost impossible to break down a person's psychological defense in a few minutes, which is only a plot that appears in science fiction novels.

Normal people's guard against strangers is extremely serious, especially in such life-critical situations, every word said by both sides may cause the other party to die, and will only be more careful than usual.

Lin Qin also no longer wasted time and instead focused on the box in front of her.

If you don't consider cooperating with the 'Spy' at all, is there a way to let Qi Xia get the letter?

On the other side, sitting in the 'Sender' room, Ah Mu also saw the 'Spy' Lao Lu.

"I said young man, hurry up and give me the thing." Lao Lu said impatiently with one hand on the door frame.

Ah Mu scratched his emerald green hair and looked at Lao Lu with contempt.

He didn't look at the things on the table, but thought for a while and said:

"Old man, ten 'Tao', buy your companion's life, how about that?"

"What is this...?" Lao Lu was stunned, "Ten 'Tao'?"

"You don't look stupid, and you naturally know the law of survival here, right?"

Lao Lu thought for a long time before slowly saying, "What are you talking about, young man? How can you betray your teammates for ten 'Tao'? Besides, I paid for the tickets...

"Fifteen." Ah Mu continued, "In addition to the rewards you should get in this game, I will give you another fifteen 'Tao'."

Lao Lu's eyes slowly looked at the ground, and his face was full of hesitation.

"Don't think about it, old man, you should know how to 'one hundred percent' survive." Ah Mu's fingers knocked on the table, and his voice was full of warning, "We will accept you and let you live, and we will go our separate ways after we go out."

Lao Lu asked cautiously, "Give me fifteen 'Tao'... wouldn't you get nothing?"

"It doesn't matter." Ah Mu shook his head nonchalantly, "We took the other party's life and can get the spoils on the other party's body, it's not nothing."

"What about that woman?" Lao Lu asked again, "Isn't she your girlfriend?"

"Just a woman!" Ah Mu came forward and looked fiercely at Lao Lu, "If a woman dies, find another one. But if I die, it will be a bit bad..."

Lao Lu felt that there was an indescribable danger in front of this man.

But think carefully, Qi Xia and others can't even take out fifteen 'Tao', and agreeing to the other party's request here will make you rich.

"I want a deposit." Lao Lu said, "Give me five 'Tao' now.


"So that you can't kill me." Lao Lu smiled, and sweat also slid down his face, "It's not okay to 'kill and take Tao', right?"