
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasy
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120 Chs


Xiao Ran was about to let out a scream when Dr. Zhao quickly covered her mouth from behind.

The scream turned into a muffled groan, suppressed in her throat.

Dr. Zhao, seeing that the three people who had just left the door were silent, followed out of curiosity and saw such a bizarre scene that he almost lost his soul.

The four of them dared not make a sound and watched the "human" in front of them, which looked like a cricket.

They saw him quickly move his hind legs like an insect, his entire body constantly changing direction, as if searching for something, and from time to time, he raised the two blood-filled pits on his face to look around.

The twisting of his neck was also not human-like; instead, it was fast and with a large amplitude, like that of an insect, which was terrifying.

A few seconds later, the "human" suddenly leaped high and jumped towards the wall of the convenience store.

Qi Xia quickly raised the torch to illuminate, trying to follow the figure, after all, in this dark environment, the most taboo thing is to lose sight of the target.

However, the moment the torch was raised, even with Qi Xia's psychological quality, he almost weakened and sat on the ground.

On the wall illuminated by the firelight, there were densely packed "people."

At a glance, there were at least a dozen of them, all moving quickly on the wall.

As soon as the light hit them, they seemed to sense something and crawled back into the dark one after another.

They were like crickets, like cockroaches, like spiders.

In short, they were not human.

Qi Xia felt all the hairs on his body slowly stand on end.

Along the way, he and Lin Qin came to the convenience store in the dark, constantly hearing the chirping of insects.

Sometimes the chirping was far away, sometimes it was very close.

It turned out that those were not insects... but one after another, they were "people."

Thinking about how he and Lin Qin were walking, with these things on the ground beside them, on the walls not far away...

This feeling could not even be described as "fear in hindsight."

Qi Xia wiped a cold sweat and slowly turned around, waving his hand at the group.

Everyone understood his meaning and slowly retreated.

Qi Xia held the torch, staring tightly at the "people" on the wall, and then he and the three people behind him retreated step by step into the room.

They did not dare to make a sound throughout the process, moving extremely slowly.

These people seemed to have their eyes gouged out and could only find their direction by sound. Fortunately, everyone knew the importance of preserving their lives, and no one made a sound.

After closing the door, Qi Xia took a wooden board from the side and propped it against the back of the door.

The group continued to retreat, all the way to the corner.

The cold and mottled wall gave them a sense of security.

"What... What exactly are those things..." Xiao Ran asked, shivering.

"Are they people..." Dr. Zhao said, then immediately shook his head, "No... The human skeleton couldn't make those movements, they can only be insects..."

Qi Xia took a deep breath and said, "I also heard the sound of 'cold, cold, chirp chirp' last night, which means these things have not just appeared today but have always been here."

He turned his head and said to Lin Qin with a serious face, "Our luck was really too good. We didn't step on any of these things along the way..."

Lin Qin, still in shock, nodded, looking quite frightened.

The four of them immediately fell silent.

Before seeing this terrifying sight, perhaps everyone could still sleep soundly at night.

But now, no one dared to close their eyes, and they could only lean against the wall, staring at the door, always on guard in case those things broke in.

The night, devoid of sleep and sound, was particularly long.

The group stood by the wall for half the night, and now they were sore and tired.

They gradually realized a problem.

The "bugs" outside the door seemed to be just bugs after all.

They didn't seem to want to enter this brightly lit place.

Qi Xia was using the rules of this place to explain the phenomena here.

Even if they looked grotesque, even if their eyes were constantly bleeding, they were just bugs.

If the "bugs" and the "shopkeepers" were the same thing, they would play their roles well.

With this in mind, the danger outside the door might not be too great. Even if they would attack humans, it was not certain that they would swarm and break down the door.

Thinking of this, Qi Xia slowly sat down and stretched his sore limbs.

Seeing someone take the lead, the other three also sat down, but they remained tense.

"Qi Xia... What should we do?" Lin Qin asked.

Qi Xia stroked his chin and said, "Sleep."


"Sleep for a while, conserve your strength." Qi Xia found a clean wooden board and spread it next to Lin Qin, "After dawn, we will set out to find Officer Li."

"But what about those outside the door..."

"Don't worry," Qi Xia said nonchalantly, "They won't come in. As long as we don't go out, there will be no danger for the time being."

Lin, after hearing this, nodded like a child and then lay down.

Qi Xia also went to the corner, found a clean wooden board, placed it over the pot, and sat on the board, pressing down on the pot.

Xiao Ran and Dr. Zhao looked at each other, exchanged glances, and then looked at Qi Xia and Lin Qin.

How could they sleep?

Even if they could completely disregard the bugs outside the door, Xiao Ran always felt that Qi Xia was a dangerous man.

In the story told at the beginning, he was a swindler who defrauded two million, so how could he be a good man?

Sleeping with him, would they die again for no reason in the early hours of the morning?

Qi Xia completely ignored the expressions of Xiao Ran and Dr. Zhao and instead leaned against the wall, closing his eyes to rest.

For him, even if these two people couldn't sleep all night, it had nothing to do with him.

Lin, lying on the wooden board, looked at Qi Xia sitting in the corner with some curiosity and asked, "Why are you used to sleeping while sitting?"

After hearing this, Qi Xia raised his eyebrows, then thought seriously about the question: "Because sleeping while sitting doesn't let me enter a 'relaxed' state, allowing my brain to start working at any time."

Lin nodded but seemed to think of something else: "You've always slept sitting down?"


"For many years?"

Qi Xia felt that Lin was strange, so he turned to look at her: "Is this question very important?"

Lin Qin swallowed and then organized her language before finally asking, "But you have a wife... Even when the two of you live together, do you sleep sitting down every night?"