
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Rat Game

The several people outside the room were participating in the game for the first time, and everyone was a bit nervous.

"Qi Xia," Lin Qin called out.


"You once said that different animals represent different types of games, right?"

"That's probably true."

After hearing this, Lin Qin looked at the person in front of her, who was wearing a rat mask, and then asked in a low voice, "What do you think 'rat games' are?"

Qi Xia was also considering this question. If they didn't know the type of game in advance, Tiantian's situation would be quite passive.

But what is related to 'rat'?

"It seems that the game currently in progress is very much in line with the characteristics of 'rat,' which is to search for the target among many miscellaneous items," Qi Xia said in a low voice, "Could 'rat' be a 'searching' type of game?"

Inside the room, Tiantian first looked around and noticed there were many shelves.

And each shelf was filled with cardboard boxes of various sizes, at least a hundred of them.

Tiantian randomly picked up a cardboard box and looked inside, which was filled with miscellaneous items.

She thought for a moment, if she were to open each box one by one and search through them within five minutes, she would probably not be able to find the 'Dao,' as there were just too many boxes.

She looked up again and saw that there was only one incandescent light in the small warehouse, and the switch was on the wall next to her.

Tiantian pondered for a few seconds, and suddenly an idea came to her.

She exerted her strength and directly knocked over a shelf, making a loud noise.

The people outside heard it and immediately panicked.

"Hey! Beautiful girl, what are you doing?"

"I'm fine," Tiantian said loudly, "I just thought of a way."

Qi Xia thought for a moment and nodded, saying, "Yes, it's indeed a good idea."

"Huh?" Qiao Jiajian was taken aback, "You even know that? Do you two have the 'whispering into the ear' technique from martial arts novels?"

The sound from inside the room grew louder as Tiantian knocked down all the shelves, and the boxes were scattered all over the floor.

Various miscellaneous items poured out at once.

Some boxes contained plastic plates and bowls, some contained old clothes, and others contained waste paper.

She went to a few intact boxes and stomped on them forcefully. In no time, the neat warehouse was in a mess.

She looked around, panting, feeling that the time was about right, then went to the wall and turned off the incandescent light.

The room was instantly plunged into darkness, and only Tiantian's breathing could be heard.

"Hmm..." Tiantian looked around and slowly frowned.

In her impression, the small ball called 'Dao' emitted a faint glow. If the miscellaneous items were scattered on the ground, there was a high probability of finding the 'Dao' in the dark.

But the moment she turned off the light, the entire room was enveloped in darkness, without a single glimmer of light.

She didn't believe it and boldly walked up, kicking various boxes to increase her search area.

Why would a small ball that could glow completely disappear in a dark room?

After kicking for a while, Tiantian felt that all the boxes had been opened by her, yet she still hadn't found anything glowing.

At this time, the person in the rat mask knocked on the door from outside and said, "Ten seconds left."

Tiantian shook her head helplessly and turned on the light.

By the sudden light, she found that under her feet was a box of canned goods. The cans, which were previously packed in a cardboard box, were now scattered all over the floor.

She reached out, picked up a can, and read the label, finding that it contained 'beans.'

Tiantian shook the can, and sure enough, a 'rustling' sound came from it.

"I must be an idiot..." Tiantian gritted her teeth, "Could it be in these cans?!"


The person in the rat mask twisted the handle from outside and pushed open the door:

"Time's up, the challenge has failed."

Tiantian was startled and looked up, facing the person in the rat mask's strange face.

The three people outside immediately went up to her, and Qiao Jiajian asked, "How was it, beautiful girl? Did you find it?"

"No..." Tiantian threw the can away and stood up with a sad face, "I suspect the 'Dao' is inside these cans, but it's not easy to open these dozens of cans with bare hands within five minutes."

Qi Xia thought for a moment, and it was reasonable for a 'Dao' to be hidden in a can of beans.

But he still felt that something was not quite right.

Tiantian left the room in a daze, looking at the person in the rat mask with some panic.

But the person in the rat mask didn't make any other moves, she just closed the door and continued to stand at the entrance.

"Was it really just a loss of a 'Dao'?" Tiantian asked in a low voice, thinking that the person in the rat mask didn't intend to take her life.

The person in the rat mask smiled and asked, "When did I ever say I wanted your life?"

Qiao Jiajian saw this scene and understood, "I see... Cheater, in that case... we can try again, right?"

"Try again?" Qi Xia frowned.

"We already know that the 'Dao' is most likely in those cans. This time, we can go in and directly open the cans. Anyway, she won't kill us."

Qi Xia looked into his pocket, where there was only one 'Dao' left.

The 'Dragon' had said before that these 'Dao' were both their rewards and their 'chips.'

In this way, participating in these games required a certain amount of 'Dao' to be paid as a bet, to gamble with the other party. If they spent too many 'Dao' here, they would not be able to continue the future games.

"Beautiful girl, are you sure you checked all the other boxes?" Qiao Jiajian confirmed with her.

"I didn't search carefully, I just opened all the boxes and turned off the light," Tiantian shook her head, "But I didn't find any place with light, so the 'Dao' should be in a sealed container."

"Very well, then I'll go in and try again!" Qiao Jiajian nodded and said.

But at this moment, Qi Xia suddenly reached out and stopped him.



Qi Xia looked at the person in the rat mask and asked, "Can I hear the game rules again?"

"Of course."

The person in the rat mask smiled, turned around, and opened the door.

The group then discovered that the room inside was as good as new, with all the shelves back in place and the boxes returned.

"I'll be damned!" Qiao Jiajian was taken aback.

Lin Qin and Tiantian also let out a cry of surprise.

The person in the rat mask walked in slowly, looked around, and asked, "How about it, isn't my 'game' amazing?"

Qi Xia nodded.

The person in the rat mask said again, "My 'game' is called 'Seeking Dao.' The ticket requires the consumption of one 'Dao.' There is one 'Dao' in this room now. As long as you can find it within five minutes, then the 'Dao' will be yours."

After speaking, she smiled warmly again.

Qi Xia listened and slowly nodded.

"I want to play again," he said.

"Okay, no problem," the person in the rat mask nodded, "You can play as many times as you want."

"This time, I want to bet my life," Qi Xia said.