
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Psychological Warfare

The human pig did not speak but instead watched Qi Xia quietly and said, "Even if you see through all this, you still have to get the black piece with a forty-nine percent chance."

"That's right." Qi Xia kept feeling around in the bowl, "When all science no longer works, I will also believe in metaphysics."

So, what is your metaphysical theory?

"It's that I must get out of here," Qi Xia said, "I believe that I can one hundred percent leave this hellish place, so I must find the black piece here."

After speaking, he grabbed two pieces from the bowl and held them in the palm of his hand.

Then he raised them to show the human pig.

The human pig's face changed instantly, and the eyes beneath the mask trembled, as he could hardly believe what he was seeing.

Both were black pieces!

The two crystal-clear black pieces, like two hollow eyes, lay quietly in Qi Xia's hand, staring at the human pig, which made him feel creepy.

After waiting for a while, Qi Xia saw that the human pig did not speak, so he raised the corner of his mouth again and threw one of the black pieces back, leaving the other one.

"I have made my choice."

A few seconds later, the human pig finally realized: "You, you dared to deceive me?!"

He slapped the table and stood up, wanting to erupt immediately, but upon careful thought, Qi Xia had not done anything.

He just raised the pieces in front of his eyes.

The human pig had miscalculated.

When Qi Xia held up the two black pieces in front of him, he should have said something.

Even if it was a taunt, even if it was a mockery.

Even if it was to urge the other party to make a choice quickly.

But his mistake was that he said nothing.

His silence in this situation was enough to make people fall silent.

He thought that Qi Xia had left everything to 'luck,' but he did not expect that he was still engaging in psychological warfare at the last moment.

The human pig was just puzzled, wondering why the man in front of him had taken out two black pieces at once.

Could his 'luck' be that strong?

Now, thinking about it, the other party did not even know what color the pieces he took out were.

He was watching his reaction.

He would take the next step based on his reaction or words.

The human pig seemed to be completely defeated, slowly sat down, and said, "I have to admit that you are not only meticulous in thought, but your 'luck' is also terrifyingly strong."

Qi Xia placed the piece on the table and slowly took off the eyeshade: "Thank you."

Old Lu jumped up at once, releasing all the joy he had been holding back for half a day.

"You are truly a genius!" He excitedly hugged Qi Xia, "Kid, all the grudges between us are settled! Hahahahaha!"

Qi Xia shook his head helplessly: "Should I thank you?"

Lin Qin was also happy for the two of them. Although they did not gain any "Dao" this time, "winning" was still a joyous occasion.

The human pig reluctantly walked to the side, took out ten "Dao" from a box, and handed them to Old Lu.

Old Lu was overjoyed, put the "Dao" in his pocket, and then turned to Qi Xia and said, "Kid, I don't mean to not give you any, but this time I paid the 'entrance fee,' so please forgive me."

Qi Xia didn't mind, nodded, and stood up: "The 'Dao' doesn't matter, what I want to know now is the whereabouts of those two people."

"Oh, that's easy to say," Old Lu said, "Although I, Old Lu, am stingy, I am definitely clear about debts and gratitude. Follow me; I saw those two people outside a game room this morning."

"Great," Qi Xia and Lin nodded in unison, stood up, and were about to go out the door.

"Hey..." The human pig called out.

The three of them looked back blankly: "What's the matter?"

"What's your name?" The human pig asked, looking at Qi Xia.

"Qi Xia."

"Qi Xia..." The human pig repeated, then slowly sat down in front of the table, seemingly pondering something.

After waiting for a long time, the human pig still did not speak, which made everyone a bit confused.

"Did he suddenly win too much and drive this dead pig crazy?" Old Lu whispered, "I guess he can't earn ten 'Dao' in a day."

"Crazy?" Lin curled his lips, "They were already crazy."

Just as everyone was getting ready to leave, the human pig finally spoke.

"I want to bet with you again, and this time I want to bet our lives," the human pig said in a steady voice.

The three of them heard this and stood there in a daze for a while.

It seemed that no one could understand what the human pig meant.

"What... What?!" Old Lu reacted, taking a big step back, "You crazy pig, have you really gone mad?!"

Lin also quickly grabbed Qi Xia's arm: "Let's just ignore him..."

After hearing this, Qi Xia frowned: "I refuse."

You want to refuse?

"That's right." Qi Xia nodded, "I can't possibly bet my life when the odds are only fifty-fifty. It doesn't make any sense to me."

Old Lu turned his head and looked at Qi Xia suspiciously: "Kid... What nonsense are you talking about..."

"What's wrong?" Qi Xia turned his head, "Do you also think I should gamble my life?"

"How can this be a question of 'should or shouldn't'?!" Old Lu stamped his feet anxiously, "In this hellish place, as long as one party proposes a 'life bet,' the other party must accept!"

Qi Xia was slightly taken aback, as if he had realized something.

Originally, when he proposed a life bet to the 'Rat,' although she was very reluctant, she eventually accepted.

Now thinking about it, it was a very strange decision.

Her game was very simple. If the other party really chose to bet their life, there was a high probability that they had found a way to crack it.

Under such unfavorable conditions, they should have refused no matter what, right?

But she didn't at that time.

It turns out that as long as a 'life bet' is proposed here, a contract of life and death will be forcibly signed?

If this rule is broken, a judge like the 'Vermillion Bird' would descend from the sky and punish those who violate the rules.

Qi Xia's face turned extremely cold. The Vermillion Bird would be more than happy to kill him. If he chose to run away now, the consequences would be unimaginable.

What's more desperate is that all the strategies Qi Xia had just used would become ineffective the second time and the probability of failure would greatly increase.

"Don't be afraid." The human pig seemed to see through Qi Xia's thoughts and said, "I am not such an unreasonable pig. We will change to a more interesting way to play this time."

He took out two pairs of glasses from a box on the side and placed them on the table.

"These are a good thing I borrowed from Brother Sheep..."

Everyone took a close look and saw that the glasses were no different from ordinary glasses, except for a small device at the bridge of the nose, which was unclear in its purpose.

"Both of you, I want you to help me with something," the human pig said with a silly smile.

"Help?" Old Lu instantly pouted, "Help you? Impossible."

"If you don't agree, I will announce a life bet with all of you," the human pig said in a strangely toned voice.