
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Officer Li's Tactic

But should he tell him this news now?

It's not a good idea. The most difficult thing for humans to control is their own "thoughts."

Han Yimo seems relatively stable in his emotions. If this news is revealed now, it will inevitably affect his thoughts.

"Han Yimo, are you scared now?" Qi Xia asked cautiously.

"Not really." Han Yimo shook his head calmly, "It's well-lit here, and it doesn't seem to be dangerous."

"That's... good..."

Officer Li noticed that Qi Xia seemed a bit flustered.

"But no one knows which will come first, accidents or tomorrow..." Han Yimo gazed wistfully at the sky, "Qi Xia, do you think we will never be able to get out..."

"No!" Qi Xia stepped forward and covered Han Yimo's mouth, a cold sweat slowly running down his forehead, "Han Yimo, calm down, we will definitely get out of here."

Han Yimo nodded slightly after hearing this, and Qi Xia let go.

"Qi Xia, I don't know why, I trust you very much." Han Yimo said, "You're like a character I once wrote about. In the end of the story, he broke through a problem that was impossible to solve."

"That's the best thing you could say..." Qi Xia forced a wry smile, "I'm here, so don't worry."

Seeing Qi Xia's expression, Officer Li also seemed to think of something.

Could "Court Disaster" be "a jinx"?

"Right... Han Yimo, don't think too much..." Officer Li said, realizing it late, "Qi Xia and I will lead everyone out."

Han Yimo felt that the two people in front of him were a bit strange.

"What's wrong with you two?"

"I..." Officer Li and Qi Xia looked at each other, the words stuck in their throats, "No, nothing."

The current priority is to find a way to turn off Han Yimo's "echo." Otherwise, with his amazing imagination, a train might come to the playground, and meteorites might fall from the sky.

"You two are really strange..." Han Yimo sighed, "You called me to the center of the playground in the middle of the night, but you didn't make it clear."

Qi Xia felt his brain was a bit confused.

The known "echoers" don't seem to be ordinary "superpowers."

They don't have the divine powers of flying or escaping through the earth, but they are developing in a strange direction.

Han Yimo can summon disasters, Jiang Ruoxue can forcibly establish logical relationships between two unrelated things, and Officer Li can take out things that don't exist.

And the woman named Xiao Xiao, when killing Qiao Jia Jin and Tian Tian, was motionless, just eating a bowl of meat, and everyone fell to the ground.

Qi Xia remembers her "echo" was called "scapegoat."

In that case, we can boldly speculate that Xiao Xiao did poison, but she didn't need to put the poison in everyone's bowl, just in her own.

At that time, she will "scapegoat" her own poisoning and complete the murder.

Qi Xia revealed a wry smile. If someone made such a deduction in the real world, they would definitely be a madman, but in the "Land of the End," this inference is inexplicably convincing.

"I'm a bit sleepy." Han Yimo stretched, "Aren't you going back to sleep?"

"We'll have another cigarette, you go first." Officer Li said.

"Okay." Han Yimo nodded, "I'll go first, and you rest early."

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the brightly lit teaching building. On the way, he seemed to meet Zhang Shan again, and the two chatted and disappeared into the distance.

Now only Qi Xia and Officer Li are left, and there is nothing to hide anymore.

Qi Xia turned around and asked directly, "Officer Li, do you still remember your 'echo'?"

"My... 'echo'?" He frowned, as if recalling something, "Did I 'echo' last time? I only remember that I smoked a cigarette and lost consciousness."

"The problem lies in that cigarette." Qi Xia said, "You took out a clean 'Cordyceps' from the old cigarette box, do you remember?"

Qi Xia knew that this question was a bit difficult for Officer Li. His condition at the time was very bad, not only bleeding a lot but also accompanied by severe pain and blurred consciousness.

"I seem to have some impression..." Officer Li nodded, "Cordyceps is a special cigarette from our Inner Mongolia, and a pack costs a hundred yuan. I vaguely remember that I smoked 'Cordyceps' before I died, but I don't know where it came from."

"What about the lighter?" Qi Xia touched his pocket and found that the lighter was no longer there, so he could only gesture, "A well-used Zippo lighter, it looks like a common style."

Officer Li was taken aback: "How do you know about this lighter? That's a gift from Xuanxuan with her lucky money... I always carry it with me."

Qi Xia nodded: "Then I understand. Officer Li, I suspect your 'echo' is very powerful, and you can conjure up anything you want out of thin air."

"What are you talking about?!" Officer Li's eyes widened instantly, "Are you saying that I not only 'echoed' but also conjured up the lighter that Xuanxuan gave me?"

"Yes, I, Lin Qing, and Lawyer Zhang once saw your 'echo' with our own eyes, but now apart from me, there are no other witnesses."

Officer Li lowered his head, his expression very complicated.

"What's wrong with you?" Qi Xia asked.

"Qi Xia, only 'echoers' can retain their memories?"

"I heard that's the case."

"And I... hear 'echo' when I'm dying?"

"Yes." Qi Xia nodded again.

Officer Li slowly raised his head and said, "Qi Xia, I seem to have found a way to escape from here..."

"What?" Qi Xia turned to look at Officer Li, "What's the method?"

"Find a way for me to die." Officer Li looked up and said earnestly, "Put me in a dying state."

Qi Xia frowned: "Are you crazy?"

"No, I'm not crazy."

Officer Li's eyes flickered constantly, as if he was always judging the feasibility of this plan in his mind. After a while, he said:

"I will try to take out three thousand six hundred 'Tao' when I'm on the brink of death, so you can all get out! Although I don't know exactly how to activate this ability, I will definitely sense it when I'm dying!"

His eyes were very serious, not at all like he was joking.

"If you don't make it once, try twice, and if you don't make it twice, try three times." Officer Li said earnestly, "I will let everyone survive."