
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasy
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120 Chs

My Name is Li Shangwu

My name is Li Shangwu.

I lied.

On May 22, 2010, my colleague and I received a mission to guard a fraudster.

This fraudster was named Zhang Hua'nan.

He was very cunning and had several previous convictions.

What's more difficult is that Zhang Hua'nan had an extremely high level of counter-surveillance awareness.

He had evaded the police several times, and in this fraud case, Zhang Hua'nan was also quickly listed as one of the important suspects, guarded by my colleague and me day and night.

"Officier Li, have one?"

Xiao Liu took out my favorite Cordyceps sinensis cigarette from his arms. He was not a rich man, but he always carried cigarettes that cost more than fifty yuan, and he didn't usually smoke them himself, but often offered me one.

"Xiao Liu, how much money do you make a month?"

I didn't take the cigarette, but took out the Red General from my own pocket.

It's cheap and strong, eight yuan a pack.

"Two thousand seven," Xiao Liu said, "Don't you know, Officier Li?

"You make two thousand seven a month and smoke Cordyceps sinensis?" I put a General in my mouth, and Xiao Liu quickly offered a lighter.

"Officier Li, where are you coming from..." Xiao Liu quickly smiled and said,

"How could I bear to smoke Cordyceps sinensis? This is for you..."

I helplessly shook my head and said to him, "We are criminal police officers, whoever can handle the case is the best, you should learn less of that set in the workplace."

"Yes, yes... You are right, Officier Li." Xiao Liu put the Cordyceps sinensis in his arms, and took out a Changbai Mountain pack for six yuan, "Am I not learning from you how to handle cases?"

To be honest, Xiao Liu is very smart and has a good understanding.

It is said that he has always been at the top of the class in the police school, but I don't know how his parents educated him.

At a young age, he learned a greasy set of official skills, and as soon as he joined the police team, he made us seniors very headache.

"Officier Li, do you think we can get to Zhang Hua'nan?"

I thought for a moment, "Why do you care? As long as the top lets us guard here, we just have to follow the order."

We parked the car across the street from Zhang Hua'nan's house, focusing on the only entrance and exit.

This kind of guard is usually a team of two people, which is convenient for one person to rest and change shifts.

But we don't know how long we have to guard here, and this unknown suffering will increase the desire to smoke in an invisible way.

"I knew I should have brought a pair of pants..." Xiao Liu said.

"What for? Are you going to change your pants here?"

"Haha!" Xiao Liu laughed it off, "Just kidding, Officier Li, have another one?"

We smoked one cigarette after another in this closed space, and because we didn't dare to let Xiao Liu open the air conditioner to ventilate every once in a while, otherwise, the chances of lung cancer would be nearly 100% in this environment.

A whole day has passed, and neither of us has closed our eyes.

Because I often stay up late, I feel that I can still hold on, but Xiao Liu is already dozing off.

"You should rest for a while," I said, "I can watch alone."

"Officier Li... Can that work... You haven't rested yet, how can I sleep first..." Although he was insisting verbally, his eyelids were already fighting.

It's okay, you sleep, and I'll call you at night.

"Well, then... I'll just take a nap for half an hour..."

Less than twenty seconds later, Xiao Liu's snoring sounded, and it seemed that the child was really tired.

After making sure he was asleep, I slowly took out my mobile phone from my pocket and looked at the unread messages.

Among the four messages, three were sent by Xuanxuan.

"Dad, are you coming back for dinner tonight?"

"Dad, grandma said you went on a mission these two days, you should be careful!"

"Dad, there will be a parents' meeting next Friday afternoon, can you come back then?"

I frowned slightly and still sent a message back to Xuanxuan.

"I will go home in a couple of days, eat well."

After sending, I opened the fourth unread message.

That strange number only sent three words: "Still there?"

I glanced at Xiao Liu who was sleeping beside me again, then moved to the other side, and quickly replied: "Don't fucking talk nonsense, hide well."

After doing all this, I put away my phone, slowly reclined the seat, and prepared to take a nap.

The new car bought by the team is really a bit high-end, and the seat is actually electric.

It will recline slowly and won't suddenly fall like the previous car, causing people to sprain their waist.

As for guarding Zhang Hua'nan...

I don't know how long it took, and I was suddenly awakened by a violent shaking.

I hurriedly opened my eyes and found Xiao Liu looking at me nervously:

"Officier Li! How could you fall asleep too?"

"Hmm?" I just woke up a bit sleepy, and it took a while to understand what happened, "Oh... Are you awake?"

"No good! Team Li, we both fell asleep, what if that kid Zhang Hua'nan shows up?

"It's okay, he can't run."

I rubbed my eyes and returned the seat to its original position.

"Can't run?"

"Oh... I mean I just fell asleep, it shouldn't be that coincidental..."

"Ah..." Xiao Liu still looked worried, he patted his face hard and said, "I knew I shouldn't have slept, now it's bad, made a mistake on the first mission.

"It's okay, kid." I patted him on the shoulder, "I'll take responsibility if anything happens."

It's strange to say, but from this moment on, Xiao Liu seemed to be filled with chicken blood and didn't close his eyes for two days.

I have slept several times in the middle, but every time I wake up, I can see Xiao Liu staring straight at the building opposite.

"Do you want to die of sudden death?" I asked with some concern, "Now that I'm awake, you should sleep for a while.

"No way." Xiao Liu's dark circles under his eyes were very heavy, and he looked a bit haggard, "Team Li, I won't rest this time, I have to wait until Zhang Hua'nan shows up."

Just then, the phone in my pocket rang again.

Even the Nokia 6300 is running out of battery now.

I opened my phone and saw that the kid Zhang Hua'nan actually sent me a text message again.

I quietly leaned to one side to see what the other party sent, but Xiao Liu suddenly asked behind me, "Is there an order from the team?"

"Oh, no." I smiled, holding the phone in my hand and hiding it to the side.

I know that ordinary people can't ask such rude questions, Xiao Liu is now due to the lack of sleep for a long time, and the whole person is a bit dazed.

Seeing his appearance, I suddenly came up with an idea.

I put my hand into my pocket, moved the cigarette from the cigarette box into my pocket, and then took out the empty cigarette box and shook it in front of him.

"Xiao Liu, go buy a pack of cigarettes.

Buy cigarettes? There is no convenience store nearby." He was stunned and said.

"But I don't have a cigarette left." I put the cigarette box and phone into my arms and said to him, "If there is no nearby, go a little further, it's not good to stay up late for a long time without cigarettes. Moreover, the mineral water and bread in the car are almost out, and you can buy a little more if it's convenient."

He was stunned and thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, Team Li, I'll be back soon."