
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Kings in Shadows

The earth-yellow sun of the third day once again climbed into the dark red sky. It should have been another day of stench and tranquility, but Lin Qin and Zhang Chenze in the massage parlor were in a panic.

Because Qi Xia was gone.

They searched every corner of the massage parlor and could even feel the cold Qi Xia's blood on the bed blown by the wind, but they couldn't see his figure.

In the deepest part of the corridor, the aborigine was still massaging the dry house, which made people feel very uneasy.

"He's gone..." Zhang Chenze looked at the direction outside the door and seemed to be lost.

"Just like he said, he was tired and gave up."

"No, it can't be, right?" Lin felt a bit unbelievable, "He might be too worried about us, so he went to the game himself..."

"Twenty 'Dao' are all here." Zhang Chenze picked up the small cloth bag on the bed and waved it at Lin, "Qi Xia didn't take a single 'Dao', how can he participate in the game?"

Lin Qin was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Where could Qi Xia go?

He is injured now, and there is no 'Dao' on him. What can he do with this heavily injured body?

"Lawyer Zhang, are you willing to participate in the game with me?" Lin settled down and said slowly.

"The two of us?" Zhang Chenze was slightly stunned, "Are you sure?"

"I am definitely not as strong as Qi Xia, so let's try to find some 'human-level' games. If we win, it's a bonus, and if we lose, we won't die. If one day Qi Xia can come back, we also have enough 'Dao' to accept him again."

After hearing this, Zhang Chenze thought for a moment, then nodded his head.

Can Qi Xia come back?

There are only seven days left until annihilation. Qi Xia's injury will only get worse in the next few days and it is impossible to recover.

Can he really come back?

The two packed up their things and walked out of the massage parlor facing the new sun.

Qi Xia was holding a map drawn in blood and running on the street.

He never thought that excessive blood loss would make his hands and feet disobedient. After only more than an hour of walking, he was already sweating profusely.

He looked down at the map in his hand and knew this was the last hope.

"Heaven's Mouth."

After three days of probing, Qi Xia had a general understanding of the situation here.

Wanting to collect three thousand six hundred 'Dao' in these games is no different from climbing to the sky on the spot.

After all, the rewards of each game are too scarce.

Even if the 'human-level' game can be played with the zodiac to increase the benefits, the 'earth-level' game has no chance to gamble with life, and the participants will encounter fatal danger in the game itself.

In other words, whether it is a 'human-level' or 'earth-level' game, if you want to get more benefits, you have to fight for your life without hesitation.

The most dangerous game Qi Xia has seen before comes from the black bear hunting of the earth cow. If it were not for the existence of Qiao Jia and Zhang Shan, it would have been a game of certain death.

But in such a dangerous situation, everyone can only get up to twenty "Dao" at most.

If Qi Xia really wants to collect 'Dao' by participating in the game, then a dangerous game like that of the earth, you need to participate in a hundred and eighty people continuously in a 'full win' state.

How many people will die during this period? How many injuries will be suffered?

What confidence does he have to hold on to the last moment?

Qi Xia calculated all night and couldn't figure out the probability of his survival.

Thinking about it, only 'Heaven's Mouth' is the best place to go.

Zhang Shan once said that they saw someone escape from here and even found the notes of the 'escapee', and now the notes are in the hands of the leader Chu Tianqiu.

Qi Xia followed the map left by Zhang Shan at the time and finally arrived at the headquarters of 'Heaven's Mouth' at noon.

This is an abandoned school.

Because the school's plaque is already dilapidated, Qi Xia can't tell whether it is a primary school or a secondary school. He can only see the teaching building and basketball court that come into view.

A man is standing outside the school gate, looking around vigilantly.

He is wearing a sports vest and has a braid on his head, and he looks only fifteen or sixteen years old.

Qi Xia tightened the bandage on his shoulder and walked towards the young man in front of him.

Seeing someone coming, the man became more vigilant and asked, "Liangren?"

"Liangren?" Qi Xia felt that the man in front of him had a strange accent, but he could only nod, "I am Liangren. Do you need help like that?"

The man in front of him not only had a strange accent but also strange grammar.

"I..." Qi Xia thought carefully for a while and said, "I want to see Chu Tianqiu."

"See Brother Chu..." The man frowned slightly, "May I ask your name?"

"Qi Xia."

The man thought for a while, nodded at Qi Xia, and said, "Brother, please wait a moment."

He went into the school gate, locked the gate, and then ran towards the teaching building.

In the classroom at the southernmost end of the first floor, a man in a black shirt and glasses is 'brushing' something on the blackboard.

Not far from him, a woman with extremely beautiful looks is sitting in her seat, applying nail polish.

"Brother Chu! Sister Yun Yao!" The braided boy shouted at the door.

"Come in." Yun Yao didn't lift her head and said indifferently.

The boy pushed the door in, looked at the two people, then bowed and said to the man in the black shirt, "Brother Chu, there is someone outside who wants to see you."

Chu Tianqiu continued to write, casually asking, "What's the name?"

"Qi Xia."

"Qi Xia?" Chu Tianqiu stopped writing and moved two steps to the left.

He was looking for something in the dense text on the blackboard.

Soon, he found that line of text.

"Number: 87, liar, spring bamboo shoots after rain, death from the sky, cunning snake.

He drew a horizontal line under this line of text, then lowered his head and thought about something.

"What's wrong?" Yun Yao asked, "Have you heard of this name?"

"This is an extremely powerful person." Chu Tianqiu smiled, "The three zodiac signs responsible for the interview of No. 87 are all people with one foot in the 'earth'. What kind of game do you think they will design?"

Yun Yao was also slightly stunned after hearing this: "Isn't that an interview where everyone dies!

"No." Chu Tianqiu shook his head, "Because this young man named 'Qi Xia' survived nine people in this interview.

"Everyone survived, is that possible?" Yun Yao raised a pair of bright eyes and looked at Chu Tianqiu, suddenly thinking of something, "'Qi Xia', isn't it the good person that little glasses has been talking about these two days?

The braided young man seemed to understand something, nodded, and said:

Brother Chu, I'll bring the person in now.

"No..." Chu Tianqiu stopped the young man with his hand and said, "Jin Yuanxun, you help me ask him a question.


"Yes." Chu Tianqiu nodded, "You help me ask that person named Qi Xia 'Which day did you come,

"Brother, but if I ask him a question, will he not understand it?"

"It doesn't matter, you can take this opportunity to practice Chinese." Chu Tianqiu said with a smile.

The young man named Jin Yuanxun was a bit confused, but he knew that Chu Tianqiu always thought carefully and could only nod and go out the door.

"I don't understand." Yun Yao dried the nail polish and then twisted the cap, "You clearly said that the person named Qi Xia is an 'extremely powerful person', but you are not preparing to take him under your command?"

Chu Tianqiu smiled slightly: "Yun Yao, this is 'King in Shadows'.