
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Good Luck

Qi Xia licked his dry lips and picked up a piece from his hand.

Lin Qin's pupils dilated instantly when she saw it was a white piece.

"Qi Xia... I can only lie... you must not trust me..." Lin Qin shouted in her heart, hoping for a miracle that would allow Qi Xia to hear her.

She was very scared now, afraid that Qi Xia's trust in her would lead to his downfall.

"Do not trust me..." Lin repeated in her heart.

Qi Xia pondered for a moment, did not ask a question, but instead took out a black piece.

Lin Qin's brows furrowed; she knew that whether it was a black or white piece, she could only give the opposite answer.

Qi Xia slowly raised the black piece, bringing it close to Lin's eyes, and said, "Lin, tell me..."

Lin reached out to cover her mouth, on the verge of collapsing.

She didn't want to tell Qi Xia that it was a "white piece," but if she didn't lie, the mechanism on the glasses would be triggered.

Qi Xia seemed to sense something and said faintly, "Don't be nervous, Lin, keep your mind working, it's not over yet."

Lin nodded in despair after hearing this.

Once he was sure that her emotions had stabilized, Qi Xia asked,

"Lin Qin, tell me, what color would Old Lu say this piece is?"


Lin Qin and Old Lu were both taken aback, and the Pig-Man also shifted his gaze.

"Listen carefully to my question, Lin Qin, I'll ask again," Qi Xia repeated, "What color would Old Lu say this piece is?"

Old Lu...?

Lin Qin glanced back at Old Lu, her mind racing.

Her glasses felt cold to the touch, which meant she was bound to lie. And the Pig-Man hadn't lied so far, which meant his rule was absolute, so Old Lu would tell the truth.

In that case, Old Lu would say the piece is "black."

As Lin Qin was about to say the word "black," she suddenly thought of something—

Since she must lie, she couldn't tell Qi Xia the answer was "black."

Even if Old Lu said "black," she would have to say "white."

Wouldn't that bring everything back to the starting point?!


Lin bit her lip and finally said with difficulty, "White."

At this moment, she felt as if she were the one strangling the throat of "truth," all the truths would eventually become lies once they passed through her mouth.

Old Lu, annoyed, covered his forehead, feeling that everything was lost.

"White...?" Qi Xia turned his head as if looking at the piece in his hand, then his mouth curled up slightly, and he said, "I see."

The Pig-Man pondered for a while, thinking to himself: "What are you going to do, Qi Xia? The person you trust the most told you the piece in your hand is white. What choice will you make?"

Zhi Xia slowly put aside the black piece in his hand and then picked up the other white piece.

He extended the white piece forward, handing it to the Pig-Man.

"Oh? You've made your choice?" the Pig-Man asked.

This time, the Pig-Man, having learned from previous experience, deliberately made his tone as flat as possible.

In this way, Qi Xia would not be able to judge the color of the piece in his hand through his language.

"Yes, I've made my choice," Qi Xia nodded and said, "But not the one in your hand. That white piece is yours."


Ignoring the Pig-Man, Qi Xia held the black piece in front of him and said, "The black piece in my hand is 'life,' and the white piece in your hand is 'death.' The game is over."

To everyone's astonishment, Qi Xia slowly took off his eye patch.

Everything was just as he had anticipated.

The only thing that felt a bit uncomfortable for him now was that the eye patch had been on for so long that he was sensitive to the light.

"You..." the Pig-Man trembled with excitement, "Are you joking..."

Qi Xia opened his eyes and looked at the Pig-Man, saying, "I've bet my life with you, how could I be joking?"

Then he pointed to Lin Qin and Old Lu, "Let them go, as agreed."

The Pig-Man stared blankly for a long time, then sighed in frustration, took out a remote control from his pocket, and pressed a button aimlessly.

Old Lu and Lin Qin only heard a 'click,' and the mechanism of the glasses was released.

The two quickly took off the deadly devices and threw them aside.

"Qi Xia! You're really something!" Old Lu shouted excitedly, walked up, and slapped Qi Xia on the back, "Have you won the lottery before?! What kind of luck is this?!"

"Luck...?" Qi Xia shook his head, "I didn't rely on any luck in this life bet, it was just that the Pig-Man underestimated me."

After hearing this, the Pig-Man turned his head silently and said, "I underestimated...?"

"That's right," Qi Xia straightened his clothes, slowly stood up, "I've told you a long time ago that smart people don't rely on luck, but you didn't take it to heart."

"So you're saying..." the Pig-Man stood up in disbelief, "All of this was part of your plan?"

"Yes," Qi Xia nodded, "My strategy was very simple, as long as you gave me one black and one white piece, then I would win, and it would be a hundred percent win, with no accidents."

The Pig-Man's eyes widened, and his pupils dilated continuously.

This was the first time he had lost so thoroughly since he became the 'Pig.'

"In order to make you give me one black and one white smoothly, I even told you 'it's easier for me to choose after you've chosen,'" Qi Xia reached out, picked up two black pieces and two white pieces from the table, holding them in his hands as if simulating the Pig-Man's psychological activity at the time.

"You must have struggled for a while, right? And in the end, you found that no matter how you chose, giving me one black and one white was the safest."

A voice of disbelief came from inside the Pig-Man's mask: "You even calculated this..."

"Should I say you were too cautious or too careless?" Qi Xia weighed the two white pieces in his hand, "If you had trusted your first instinct and given me two white pieces directly, I would be dead now."

The Pig-Man said no more, only glaring at Qi Xia with resentment.

Qi Xia continued, "When I held two pieces of different colors, just by asking like I did just now, I could know the color of the piece in my hand with a hundred percent certainty."

After hearing this, Lin Qin quickly thought it over.

A moment later, she opened her mouth wide in realization.

The question Qi Xia just asked was incredibly clever.

No matter whether the person being asked would tell the truth or a lie, as long as Qi Xia held a black piece, the other person would all say "white."

When he asked Lin, Lin Qin knew that Old Lu's answer was "black," but due to her characteristic of lying, she changed it to "white."

When he asked Old Lu, Old Lu would directly say Lin's answer, "white."

Even if, by a long shot, the answer Qi Xia received was not "white" but "black," he would immediately know that the other piece in his hand was the correct answer.