
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
120 Chs


This time, the silence lasted for several minutes as everyone was coming to terms with the unbelievable reality.

A moment later, Officer Li was the first to turn over his identity card, which indeed read 'Liar'.

Everyone else also revealed their cards one by one, and they were all 'Liars'.

"You're quite impressive..." Lawyer Zhang cast an approving look towards Qi Xia, "But how did you figure out that we were all dead?"

Qi Xia pointed to his draft paper and said, "It's not difficult. I've been thinking, why is the room sealed? Why are there lines drawn on the walls and floor?

Why is there a grandfather clock placed in the center of the table? And why did the goat-headed person force us to take a 'half-time break'?"

"The normal air consumption is about 0.007 cubic meters per minute, which amounts to 0.42 cubic meters per hour. There are a total of ten people in this room, which means the hourly air consumption would be 4.2 cubic meters."

According to what the goat-headed person said, we have not only been asleep in this room for 12 hours but also played a game for nearly 1 hour. If you multiply 4.2 cubic meters by 13, you get 154.6."

Qi Xia circled the '54.6' on the draft paper with a pen and said, "This is the amount of air we should have consumed."

He also looked around the room and said, "But how much cubic space does our room have in total?"

The others followed his gaze.

"The organizers have left us clues, they have divided the walls and floor into many squares with lines, and each square has a side length of about 1 meter."

Qi Xia pointed to the marks on the wall, "The number of squares on the wall is 3 by 4, and the floor and ceiling are 4 by 4. The dimensions of this room are 4 by 4 by 3, totaling 48 cubic meters."

"And how can a 48 cubic meter room accommodate 54.6 cubic meters of air?" Qi Xia said with a frown, "It's been so long, and logically, the air should be becoming thinner, but we don't feel any signs of oxygen deprivation..."

Dr. Zhao pondered for a moment, took Qi Xia's draft paper, and pointed to the '49.14' on it, asking, "What does this number mean?"

Qi Xia looked at Dr. Zhao with a very serious expression and replied, "This also represents the amount of air that needs to be consumed, but it's calculated for 'nine people.'"

"Nine people?"

Dr. Zhao was taken aback, as there were clearly ten people in the room consuming air, yet he was calculating for 'nine'?

"I made a bold assumption," Qi Xia said expressionlessly, "What if the goat-headed person 'isn't human,' would our air supply be enough? Obviously, it wouldn't be enough."

"You're some kind of madman, aren't you?" Dr. Zhao murmured, "To make such a bizarre assumption?"

"Is it hard to understand?" Qi Xia pointed to the headless corpse on his right, "Dr. Zhao, you should be very familiar with skulls. Generally speaking, is it possible for a human to smash a skull with one hand?"

Dr. Zhao did not answer because he knew it was completely impossible.

Needless to say for a human skull, even smashing a rabbit's skull with one hand on the table is not an easy task.

Qi Xia retracted his gaze and looked at the crowd again, saying: "Time is running out. I have written down my choice. Now it's up to you, but remember, if there's even one person who disagrees with me, everyone here will be 'punished'."

Everyone felt a bit intimidated.

A monster capable of killing at will is now to be 'voted out' by them.

Is he willing to accept this?

Qiao Jiajin glanced at the goat-headed figure with his peripheral vision and noticed that he had been motionless all along, with his deep gaze piercing through the goat mask, seemingly contemplating something.

"Screw it, here goes nothing!" Qiao Jiajin swung his hand and also wrote down the word 'Goatman'.

After a moment of hesitation, the rest also wrote down their answers.

Qi Xia looked around, and without exception, they all wrote 'Goatman'.

The clock struck one, and the game was over.

The goat-headed figure slowly approached and said: "Congratulations to all of you for surviving the 'Liar' game. Next, I will personally 'punish' the loser."

Before anyone could react, the goat-headed figure pulled out a handgun from his pocket, turned the muzzle to his own heart, and pulled the trigger.

An unimaginable loud bang echoed in the narrow room.

The sound was hard to dissipate in such a confined space, and everyone felt a bit of ringing in their ears.

Following that, the goat-headed figure clutched his chest and began to scream in agony.

The loud screams quickly overtook the reverberations of the gunshot, continuously echoing within the room, chilling everyone's hearts.

The goat-headed figure screamed and spat blood while the sound lasted for more than a minute before it gradually subsided into painful groans.

"What... What's going on?" Qiao Jiajin stared blankly at the goat-headed figure, "Is he serious?"

After a few more minutes, the groaning sounds also ceased.

The nine people sitting there suddenly found that their legs were regaining strength.

Dr. Zhao was the first to stand up, walked over to the goat-headed figure, felt for his carotid artery, and discovered that it had stopped beating.

"Hey!" Dr. Zhao shouted at the goat-headed figure, "The game is over, how do we get out of here?"

But a silent corpse could not provide any answers to Dr. Zhao.

The rest of the people also slowly stood up.

The room remained unchanged, except for the addition of a corpse.

"It's really strange... Are we really dead?" Tian Tian seemed to still be grappling with this question. She extended her slender palm and slapped herself hard.

"Ouch!" Tian Tian cried out in surprise, "It still hurts... Why can I still feel pain even if I'm dead?"

Qiao Jiajin shook his head helplessly: "What, have you died before?"

Tian Tian was slightly stunned for a moment, "It seems I haven't actually died before."

"So, who knows what happens after death. Judging by the situation, maybe this place is hell," Qiao Jiajin looked at the two corpses in the room and felt uncomfortable all over. "I can not only feel pain but also smell the stench."

"So, what are we? Spirits?" the writer Han Yimo asked.

After hearing this, Dr. Zhao also checked his body and found that his heartbeat, body temperature, and pulse were all normal, and he was breathing normally, but he was not consuming oxygen.

It seems that death is indeed a mysterious thing, something that no medical knowledge can explain.

"No matter what we are, I don't want to be trapped in this small room for the rest of my days," Officer Li said, "Let's find a way out."

Officer Li walked over to the goat-headed figure, casually picked up the gun that was beside him.

This action startled everyone, and they subconsciously moved away from him.

Officer Li skillfully opened the chamber of the gun to take a look, then ejected the magazine and found that the gun only had one bullet, which was now empty.

This was both good news and bad news.

The good news was that they didn't have to worry about someone using the gun to harm others again, and the bad news was that they could not protect themselves when facing other dangers.

Qiao Jiajin, being very brave, slowly reached out and removed the goat-headed figure's mask, revealing a man with a completely decayed face underneath.

His eyes were rolled up, showing no signs of life.

"What a terrifying face..."

Lawyer Zhang echoed from the side.