
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasy
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120 Chs


At this point, the tattooed man raised his hand and looked at the goat-headed man: "Hey, referee, how do we account for someone with a pseudonym? Does that count as lying?

The goat-headed man neither nodded nor shook his head, but merely said indifferently: "I will no longer participate in any of the process. You just need to write down the name according to your own thoughts. Just remember that 'the rules are absolute.' In the end, I will personally 'excute' the loser."

The word 'excute' was spoken with such force that it sent a chill down everyone's spine.

"This, this means I'm not lying, right?" Tiantian shouted in a hurry, "If I were lying, I would be dead by now, wouldn't I? Even if it's a pseudonym, my pseudonym really is 'Tiantian'!"

No one answered her. Now is the critical stage of life and death, and any doubt cannot be overlooked.

"Then it's my turn to speak next." The tattooed man curled his lips, looking reluctant, "If this lady's story doesn't count as a lie, then mine definitely doesn't either.

My name is Qiao Jia Jin, and I live in Guangdong with no particular occupation. Before I came here, I was collecting a debt."

Qiao Jia Jin's Mandarin was quite poor, so everyone had to listen carefully.

To say that people nowadays are really interesting, they agree to everything when they borrow money, but when it's time to pay back, they start crying about their misfortune."

"Damn it, they call us debt lender devils, heartless."

"But that guy should think from another perspective. When he was most helpless and in need of money, it was me who gave a helping hand. When no other institution would lend him money, it was me who lent it to him. To him, I am not a devil but a savior."

"But how does he treat me, his savior?"

"He goes around crying about how hard it is for him, saying he was cheated out of two hundred square meters. He also denounces us debt collectors as heartless, trying to use the sympathy of his neighbors to solve his predicament. But we signed a contract when he borrowed the money, and all the interest was clearly explained to him. Is it our problem now that he can't pay it back?"

"Last night, I was going to teach him a lesson. I took him to the rooftop of a tall building, but unexpectedly, there was an earthquake. I didn't want his life, but this jerk actually took out a knife in the chaos, ready to kill me!"

"In the midst of the chaos, he pushed me off the rooftop, and I hit a billboard. I can't remember what happened after that."

Everyone frowned after hearing the man's story.

And Tiantian seemed to have noticed something, sneering in anger: "Look! I said you were trying to smear me! So, you are the one who is lying!"

"What? Why do you say I'm lying?" Qiao Jia Jin said fiercely.

"I'm in Shanxi, and you're in Guangdong!" Tiantian pointed at him and said, "Your story is just a copy of mine! There was an earthquake where I am, and suddenly there's an earthquake where you are. I was hit by a billboard, and you also hit a billboard! If that's not lying, what is?

"I don't care where you are? I just encountered an earthquake." The tattooed man said, glaring, "If I had hidden it and not said anything, that would be lying! As for the billboard, there can't be only one billboard in the world, can there?"

"In any case, you are lying!" Tiantian pointed at Qiao Jia Jin and said, "Your job is one that only bad people engage in, so it's no surprise that you would lie!"

"Heh, how is your job any better than mine?"

Qi Xia looked at the two people who were arguing fiercely and felt that this matter was indeed a bit strange.

Not because either of them was lying, but because he also experienced an earthquake.

He was neither in Shaanxi nor in Guangdong, but in Shandong.

Are there earthquakes that cover such a large area in this world?

The earthquake spanned half the country, involving three provinces.

If what they said was true, wouldn't this be an unprecedented disaster?

"Stop arguing, let's just get this over with." The strong man sitting across from them stopped the two, then looked at the next girl and said, "If we really have to judge who is lying, let's wait until everyone has finished speaking."

After hearing this, both of them gave a cold snort and fell silent.

The woman next to Qiao Jia Jin nodded timidly and began to speak: "Um... My name is Xiao Ran, and I am a preschool teacher."

It seemed that the girl named Xiao Ran was quite frightened, her voice was soft and trembling.

"Before I came here, I was waiting with a child for their parents. The child was usually picked up by their mother, but later I heard that the mother was seriously ill, something grew in her brain, and she needed surgery... So recently, the father has been picking him up, but it seems that he often forgets to come..."

"It was already past six o'clock in the evening yesterday, and actually, I had already finished my work hours, but for some reason, the child's father never answered the phone..."

"I don't know the child's home address, so I couldn't take him home. I could only stand at the intersection and wait with him."

"In fact, I also had other things that evening... I had an appointment with a psychologist. I don't feel very fond of my current job, and I hoped the psychologist could help guide me."

"But I didn't expect to wait for several hours, and the appointment I had in the evening was also canceled."

"Just as I was distracted, the ground suddenly shook, and I was terrified... It took several seconds before I realized there was an earthquake..."

"The feeling of the earthquake was different from what I had heard... The earth did not jump, but swayed from side to side. It felt as if I was standing on a table, and someone was constantly shaking that table..."

I immediately hugged the child beside me, but I didn't know what to do. I saw the three pagodas of Chongsheng Temple in the distance had cracked... Fortunately, we were standing in an open space."

"Then, I saw an out-of-control sedan speeding towards us. I could only stagger and run to the side while holding the child, but the shaking ground made me fall with every step I took."

"In the end, when I fell, I hit my head... and then I passed out. When I woke up, I was already here."

This was a narrative without any particular highlights.

The only thing that struck Qi Xia as strange was the 'Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple.'

These three pagodas are located in Dali, Yunnan.

Qi Xia gently stroked the card on the table. Although he covered the three characters with his hand, he knew what was written there was 'The Liar.'

So, could there be multiple liars?

If 'the rules are absolute,' then what the goat-headed man just said, 'there is and can only be one liar,' must also be absolute.

Since he drew 'The Liar,' it proved that no one else could be the liar. The liar was only one person.

They were all telling the truth.

But the stories that spanned three provinces were subtly connected.

It's not just the earthquake, but even the content of their narratives was linked together. Isn't that too strange?

At this moment, everyone's gaze turned to the next person, the middle-aged man in the white coat.