
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Demon OX

"How do we earn 'Dao'?" Qi Xia asked again.

"We found an ox game. According to the rules, it can earn a lot of 'Dao,' but the game requires twenty people to start, and we are still five people short. Do you want to join us?" the man in glasses said.

"Still five people short?" Qi Xia was taken aback, "You've already gathered fifteen people?"

It seems that there are indeed many participants here.

"That's right," the man in glasses nodded, pointing into the distance where there were indeed many people.

Qi Xia thought for a moment and said, "Okay, we'll also take a look."

"Great! I'll wait for you over there!" The man in glasses left considerately.

"Hey!" Qiao Jiajian felt something was amiss, "We're going together?! What if it's a violent gang? Do you want me to show you my skills?"

"It won't be," Qi Xia said, "Each room can have a maximum of nine people. Under these circumstances, it's too difficult to form a gang of more than ten people. Not to mention these strangers, even the ones who came out of the same room as us may not fully trust each other."

After saying that, he glanced at Lin Qin, as if there was an implication in his words.

Lin seemed a bit displeased. She didn't understand why she was being doubted, was it just because she didn't recognize the 'leaflet'?

Walking through an old road, the four of them arrived in front of a large building.

As the man in glasses said, there was a man wearing a water buffalo mask standing in front of the large building.

Many participants outside the door were gathered in small groups, deliberately keeping their distance from each other.

Although these people were all strangers, seeing so many normal people together, Qi Xia and the other three felt a sense of reassurance they hadn't felt in a long time.

Even if these people looked unpleasant, they were living, breathing people.

"Not bad, little glasses!" A middle-aged man patted the man in glasses, "You managed to bring four people at once!"

Qi Xia looked at the ox-headed person in front of him and walked up to ask, "What are the game rules?"

The ox-headed person said indifferently, "Ox game, each person's ticket is one 'Dao,' and it requires twenty people to start. Players will be eliminated during the game. When the game ends, each player remaining on the field will receive the same number of 'Dao' as the number of players who passed."

"The same number of 'Dao' as the number of players?!" Qi Xia was taken aback, "You mean, if there are twenty people left on the field in the end, then these twenty people can each receive twenty 'Dao'?!"


Qiao Jiajian was also astonished when he heard this:

"Wow! That's not just a one-time deal to get rich, is it?! That's four hundred 'Dao' at once!

"Can it be that easy...?" Tiantian felt a bit incredulous.

"Hey, Mr. Ox, you won't default on the payment, will you?"

The ox-headed person was silent for a while after hearing this, then shook his head and said:

"Please allow me to correct you, I am not 'Human Ox.'"

"Not 'Human Ox'?" Tiantian looked puzzled at the big man in front of her, "But aren't you all called 'Human' something?"

"I am 'Demon Ox.'" The ox-headed person said indifferently, "If you think I am 'Human Ox,' it will leave you with no way to back down."

The group then noticed that the 'Demon Ox' in front of them was indeed different from the animal masks they had seen before. His mask was very clean, as lifelike as a living ox, and his black suit was spotless, as if it had been specially ironed.

But what's the difference between 'Human Ox' and 'Demon Ox'?

"Demon Ox..." Qi Xia scratched his head, not understanding the relationship between them.

He raised his head and asked again, "Demon Ox, what is your game?"

The Demon Ox paused for a moment and said, "Pay the ticket, and you will know the content."

"Pay the ticket..."

What Qi Xia cared about now was that if all four of them participated in the game at the same time, the tactics they had previously discussed would be invalidated.

The four of them would be thrown into an unknown game at the same time, which was extremely risky.

However, if they were participating in a game with such high stakes, the risk and reward seemed to be proportional.

"Cheater, what type of game do you think 'Ox' will be?" Qiao Jiajian asked on the side.

Qi Xia pondered for a moment and replied, "I guess it's the type I hate the most."

"Oh? You still have a type of game you hate?" Qiao Jiajian immediately became interested, "What is it?"

"The 'Ox' is born to work hard. If I'm right, it should be a 'physical' game," Qi Xia glanced at Qiao Jiajian, "It might be more suitable for you, a brute."

"Ha!" Qiao Jiajian rolled up his sleeves, revealing his strong and tattooed arms, "Finally, it's my turn to show off... Wait, who are you calling a brute?"

Qi Xia shook his head helplessly and said, "If it weren't for the sake of 'Dao,' I probably wouldn't enter the room of the 'Ox.'"

"Don't worry, if you call me 'big brother,' I'll get you through all the ox games." Qiao Jiajian said with a mischievous smile, "Sounds like a good deal, right?"

Qi Xia turned his head and looked at Qiao Jiajian in front of him: "You and I seem to be about the same age, at most twenty-six or twenty-seven years old. Why should I call you 'big brother'?"

If you put it that way, I'll have to settle the score with you!" Qiao Jiajian scratched his head, "Which year were you born?"

Qi Xia always felt that Qiao Jiajian had a fearless aura about him, and he could still joke around in such a depressing environment.

"You'd better warm up instead of wasting time," Qi Xia said indifferently, "So you don't cramp up later."

"Hey, don't do that."

Qiao Jiajian was in high spirits, "Come on, tell me! If you're older than me, I can also call you 'big brother!"

"Ugh." Qi Xia couldn't stand Qiao Jiajian's persistence and could only sigh, "Alright, then you first, which year were you born?"

"1979," Qiao Jiajian said with a grin.

"1979... Is that supposed to be funny?" Qi Xia frowned, "You're really going to all lengths to get this 'big brother' title, I don't want to talk about this topic with you anymore."

"Why?" Qiao Jiajian looked puzzled at Qi Xia, "Come on, tell me which year you were born. Are you younger than me?"

Tiantian also shook her head with a smile on the side. It seemed that being with Qiao Jiajian was a good choice; his personality could dispel some of the gloom that had settled over everyone's hearts.

Qiao Jiajian called out to Qi Xia a few more times, but when he realized the other party was completely ignoring him, he could only shake his head helplessly.

Several minutes passed, and the current number of people was still nineteen.

It seems that although there are many participants here, they are not everywhere. It is indeed a bit difficult to gather twenty people in a short time.

"Isn't he here yet?" The middle-aged man asked the little man with glasses beside him, "Did he oversleep?"

"I don't know, he promised to come this morning," the little man with glasses scratched his head, "Otherwise, I'll go out and pull another person in."

"Forget it..." The middle-aged man waved his hand, "We're already at nineteen people now, let's wait for him. I don't want to die in vain."

Their conversation was overheard by Qi Xia not far away, word for word.

"Die?" Qi Xia frowned, "What does 'die' mean? Can someone die in this game?"

Before he could figure it out, a lazy figure appeared in the distance.

He was bare-chested, revealing a body full of scars, wearing camouflage pants, stretching while moving towards them.