

Mark woke up during the night to the sound of his girlfriend talking. However, instead of the usual quiet mumbling, her voice was louder and panicked.

"Lee?" The man asked, still half asleep.

"Please... stop, stop!" She mumbled, her voice trembling as she shut her eyes tighter.

At that, Mark's head shot up, unaware of the fact that she was simply dreaming. "Lee, what is it?" He asked. However, as he looked to the girl and noticed her still sleeping, the pounding in his chest grew quieter.

"Get off of me... ... !" She mumbled, begging the person in her dreams to stop in a mix of Portuguese and English. "Stop... don't! Please..." She was now crying and moving around in her bed, almost like struggling to break free.

"Lee, sweetheart." Mark called out, putting a hand on her shoulder. At that, Helena quickly opened her eyes, her head shooting up as she took panted. As she looked around, her eyes filled with fear, the man took her into a hug. "You're ok. It's just a dream, you're ok."

As Mark held the girl, she felt her small frame trembling in his arms. When she moved to wipe her tears away, she pulled away from him, now calmer.

"Mark, I'm... I'm so sorry I woke you." She whispered in the darkness of her room.

"Hey, it's fine, doll. It's fine, I've got you." He answered, putting a hand on her cheek. "Wanna talk about it?"

"I'm fine, honey, don't worry. I'm ok, just go back to sleep." She reassured him, putting her head down on her pillow, facing away from her boyfriend. The man looked at the back of her head for a few seconds, worry on his eyes, before he let his head flop down on his pillow.

"Good night." Mark whispered back to her, closing his eyes.

As she heard her boyfriend's breaths becoming deeper, she let a few silent tears run down her face, taking her hand to her mouth in order to keep quiet.


As Helena came back to her room after showering, Mark still in the bathroom, she saw Derek in it, measuring the room. The man had moved in a few days before.

"Hi!" She greeted, a bit startled.

"Hi, sorry." He apologized.

"What are you doing in here?" She asked, clearly confused, as she took the towel off of her damp hair.

"Oh, just getting measures for the new bed." He answered, getting back to his measuring.


Just then, Mark came into the room as well, planting a kiss on the girl's cheek.

"Yeah, I'm thinking this could be the guest room, when you move out." Derek explained, casually.

At that, both elements of the copule looked at him, confused.

"When I move out? am I moving out?" Helena asked, her brows furrowed.

"You're moving out?" Mark asked, turning to the small girl.

"Meredith didn't talk to you?" Derek questioned, seemingly as shocked as the girl.

"No! Why am I moving out?" She insisted.

At that, Derek simply made a noise, leaving the room with a puzzled expression.

"So, turns out I'm moving out, I guess." She sighed, starting to apply mascara as the man put on his shoes.


Sitting down next to Meredith and Cristina in the auditorium, she handed each a coffee.

"So, I'm I moving out or not? I kinda need to know if I'm apartment hunting..." The short girl let out.

"I don't know... Derek wants you all to." The blond answered.

"Since when does he say jump and you jump?" Cristina scoffed.

"Well... I'm happy." Meredith let out.

"No matter what you decided to do, just let me know if I need a new place, please." Helena asked, turning to look at the article she had printed.

A few moments after, the chief's voice boomed through the room. "Listen up! I know we're busy people so I'll try to be brief. I am implementing a new teaching protocol here at Seattle Grace. Some of these rules are new, some are old and are going to be newly enforced. First, second and third year residents will no longer be allowed to de facto specialize."

At that, both Cristina and Helena let out small noises, as complaints. "The practice interferes with the development of a fully rounder surgical education. No more. Personal relationships, personal loyalties and personal favorites will no longer be a factor in our training program. Attendings, you will spread your wealth of knowledge equally amongst all of the residents. In addition, we will refocus our attention on patient communication and bedside manner. For some of us, this means learning the long loss art of humanity and compassion. Others, this means learning how to treat patients without becoming emotionally involved with them. This is a surgical program. Psychiatry is on the fifth floor, let's not confuse the two. In addiction, residents."

At that Helena perked up a bit. "Your interns reflect on you. If they fail, you fail. If they succeed, you succeed. Attendings, that goes for residents as well. Teach with enthusiasm. Learn with enthusiasm. We're surgeons, we cut off malignancies. Let's start at home, people."

"I hate the new rules..." Helena muttered, pouting. "Why can't I just been on peds and neonatal?"


As a result of the new policy, Helena was on neuro with Shepherd. Out of all the specialities she could have been put on, she couldn't exactly complain, since she did enjoy neurosurgery. Her patient was a man with persistent and extreme headaches. Now, they were trying to figure out how to cure them without having to cut off a big portion of his brain.