
Moving in

"If I remember correctly, you said you weren't interested in moving in for the wedding preparations." Howard paused and eyed his brother in suspicion. "Moreover the wedding isn't until another five months, she still needs to be trained properly."

"Did she sleep in the same room with you?" Maxwell asked completely ignoring Howard's first remark.

"And if she did?"

Maxwell moved aside to create space for one of their servants who was carrying his belongings.

"It's not proper, she is not officially your wife."

"Coming from you?" Howard scoffed. "Oh please."

"A separate room was arranged for her," They both turned to look at princess Pamela who just came outside to join them. "Mother made sure of that. She's mother's little untouched angel."

Maxwell could sense a bit of jealousy in Pamela's voice. She was used to being the center of attention.

Princess Pamela was a real beauty. She had gold hair just like Lewis, she had puppy like black eyes unlike the rest of them and that has always given her an advantage.

Maxwell and Howard eyed their sister as they took in her physical appearance. She was putting on a skirt that stopped really far from her knees and a shirt that exposed her tummy.

"And where do you think you are going dressed like this?" They both asked in unison.

"I'm going shopping." She chirped and tried to walk pass them.

"Ay..come back here young lady." Maxwell grabbed her by the ear and pulled her back.

"Ahhhhhh c'mon Max, this is how girls my age dress these days." She pouted her lips, closed her eyes and opened it almost immediately then gave Maxwell one of her most adorable puppy like looks.

"Girls your age? You are almost three hundred, your so called 'girls your age' are like your greatest grand daughters. You are a granny compared to them," Maxwell stated plainly, his hands still on her ear. "Your eyes doesn't work on me."

She turned to Howard and increased her cuteness from fifty to a hundred percent.

"Doesn't work on me too."

She crossed her hands on her chest angrily.

"I am going shopping, let me go!"

"Okay, just one thing Pamela." Maxwell finally removed his hand from her ear.

"And what might that be Max?"

Maxwell slipped his hand inside his pocket, he fished out a pen and slowly dropped it.

"oh dear, I dropped my pen. Be a darling and help me pick it up."

Pamela knew where this was going.

"Fine!" She turned and walked back inside the palace, more like thumped back to the building.

She thought of using the back gate but decided against it. She couldn't possibly use the back gate, that would mean that she would walk all the way to the mall. Still fuming with anger and completely unconscious of her surroundings, she bumped into something as hard as a rock.

"What the fuck?" Pamela cried out as she stumbled backwards.

"Watch where you are going little Pammy." Simon said and wrapped his hand around her waist, stopping her from hitting the tiled floor.

"Ewwww..get your hands off me!"

"As you wish princess."

Simon released her from his grip and watched her hit the floor with a thud.

Pamela helped herself up and eyed Simon with anger.

"Don't ever touch me in that manner again."

"I was only trying to help princess," Simon pinched in-between his brows. "Or maybe?"

"Maybe what?"

"Maybe you feel something when i touch you, ohh naughty naughty, you're such a bad girl."

Pamela's eyes widened in shock. This man must be crazy to think that she would feel anything for him.

"I have known you all my life, never."

"Really? you are a hundred percent sure?"

"Of course!"

Simon walked towards her, he moved with grace and elegance with his hands crossed together behind his back. He had a wicked yet sexy smirk on his lips, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Pamela backed away from him slowly until her back was resting against the wall. For some reason her heart was hammering inside her chest, she didn't know why.

"W_what do you think you are doing? you better not..." her voice trailed off as he placed his hands on both sides of the wall blocking her from escaping.

He leaned in and sniffed her neck. She smelt like roses and everything girly. He didn't know why, but teasing her always gets him excited.

"You smell nice."

"Really?" a flirty look appeared on her face. She bit her lower lip and looked up at him with her big round eyes.

"Mhmmm." He mumbled as he got mesmerized with the way she bit her lips. She had no idea how sexy she looked. She was slowly driving him crazy and every self control he had was about to be thrown out the window.

She drew circles with her index finger on his chest, he felt cold and yet hot from her small touch.

What was happening to him? He shouldn't be doing this or feeling anything from her touch. Maxwell made it clear to him that his baby sister was off limits.

He closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath to clear his mind. He slowly started to feel better, more in control.

He raised his hand to stop her until her hands slowly found its way to his nipple. Her thumb rubbed and massage him there, taunting, tormenting and gradually driving him nuts.

He felt her add more pressure, little by little. At this point Simon knew that if they did not stop, he would forget his promise to Maxwell and just go ahead and have Pamela.

"Open your eyes."