

Pamela continued with her assault on his nipple, she eyed him with distaste.

Did this womanizer really think she would throw herself at him? she scoffed 'Never'

"Open your eyes."

Simon eyes flipped open at the sound of her voice. She tried to keep her voice cool like she didn't want to just kick him in the balls right now.

She leaned closer to his left ear, standing on her tiptoe with her thumb ontop of his nipples and her index finger under. When she was sure that she was close enough to his ear, she slightly parted her lips, intentionally blowing hot air into his ear.

"Fucking.." She pulled away and looked him straight in the eyes. "Dimwit!"

Gathering all the strength, courage and anger she was feeling at the moment. She twisted her fingers with everything she had and pulled his nipples aggressively.

Simon yapped in pain and quickly backed away from her. What was wrong with this woman? He stared at her in disbelief.

Her eyes were sparkling with mischief and anger, a triumphant smile graced her beautiful face.

"You..you..wow.." Simon rubbed his thumb on his poor brutalized nipples. "You are really something Pammy."

"Refer to me as 'Your highness or princess' or at least have the decency to call me Pamela," Her eyes slowly traveled from his head to his toe then back to his eyes. "Who do you think you are to give me a nick name without adding my title to it? Huh mere peasant?"

Something flashed in his eyes but it was gone like it was never there to begin with.

"No need to get worked up Pammy."

"What you don't like when I refer to you as peasant? but that's exactly who you are."

Simon looked down and smiled. There was no way he would let this spoilt princess make him loose his cool.

"Perhaps yes I am a mere peasant, your highness," He made no attempt in hiding the sarcasm in his voice. "But this mere peasant has accomplished so much in his life compared to an entitled little princess."


"What? does that hurt our little entitled brat's feelings? but that's exactly who you are." He mimicked her.

Pamela stared at him, the triumphant smile long gone from her face. Different emotions played in her faces, at a point it looked like she was going to cry. She raised her head and closed her eyes, drawing in small heavy breaths.

"Not today."

With that she turned and walked away without sparing him another glance.

Pamela walked slowly this time, not rushing like before, she counted her steps absentmindedly. Her gaze fell on a certain red hair beauty and her mother walking and chatting casually. She didn't know why her heart felt heavy at that moment, she did not hate Mary but she couldn't help but feel jealous and the fact that her mother was giving Mary her whole attention. She gritted her teeth in anger, if only Mary was not so perfect and graceful in everything.

"Hello Pamela."

Pamela blinked and noticed she had been standing in the same spot glaring at Mary absentmindedly. She mentally face palmed herself.

"It's princess Pamela to you."

Mary opened and closed her mouth but no words could come out. She knew it wasn't going to be easy to familiarize herself with the royal family but Pamela was definitely not making it easy for her. She felt a bit angered at Pamela's rudeness but she brushed it off and feigned a smile.

"Pamela! do behave, Mary is family now and can refer to you without your title." Mrs Dankworth chirped in. She grabbed Mary's hand gently and added. "We will be on our way now and change out of that indecent cloth. Look at Mary, she dresses and acts so gracefully and properly."

Mary felt her heart sink all the way down to the pit of her tummy. The last thing she wanted was to be compared to the princess, who she was sure did not like her. In fact she did not like being compared to anyone at all, her sisters had hated her for that. They had tagged her as the 'Royal modest bride' since it had never been a secret in her family that she was going to be married into the royal family. While her sisters went to school and lived their best lives, Mary had been home schooled and locked away from the outside world. Whenever her sisters would all gather around to talk about boys, they had never allowed her to join even if she begged that all she wanted to do was sit with them and listen, they claimed that they did not want to spoil the royal bride and with that she would go up to her room and cry herself to sleep since she was an outcast in her very own home.

"My Queen, the clothes aren't bad."

Mary locked gaze with Pamela as she said this. She wanted Pamela to understand that she was in no way trying to take her place in the royal family.

"Nonsense Mary, she is a princess and should act like one. Thank goodness you are the new crown princess, rest assured we will not be having any more scandals regarding her irresponsibilities!"

Mary bit her tongue to stop herself from talking, she noticed that Pamela's eyes were now blazing with immense anger.

Pamela stared at her mother for a while, tears stinging her eyes as she tried her best not to blink and have them falling down her cheeks like waterfalls. She slowly moved her eyes from her mother and her gaze fell solidly on Mary.

Mary held her breath as she saw the intense hatred sparkling in Pamela's eyes. Way to go Queen! Mary sighed bitterly, this was definitely not how she had expected things to go.

"Do not call me by my name!" Pamela said as she walked past them.

"Just ignore the brat dear, you said you wanted to see the royal farm? come, I will show you the farm."

Mary allowed herself to be pulled away by the Queen, even though her mind was no longer interested in seeing the farm she definitely could not risk getting on the Queen's bad side. A feeling of dread and unease slowly settled in her stomach as she looked back to see if she could catch a glimpse of Pamela's retreating figure.