
Temptation of Billionaire's Secret Lover: A Tale of Love and Revenge

“You are a selfish, insecure, and jealous person, Esme. I'm sick of you. I want you out of my life,” Julian Ray, my fiancé yelled at me. Selfish? Insecure? Jealous? I only tried to keep that bitch away from him. Was he expecting me to sit idly and watch her snatch my fiancé? Julian removed the engagement ring and threw it at me. “We are done.” He just ended our relationship, smashing my hopes and shattering my heart. I loved him since I was a child and grew up with the dream to be his wife. I was overjoyed when I was finally betrothed to him two years ago. Julian was always ambitious. He did not want to settle down and married so soon since he wanted to be successful in his career. I did everything I could to make him happy and achieve his goal. When he finally got his desired job and position, he forgot about me and cheated on me. He had forgotten my favor, my sacrifices, and my love for him. “I love you, Julian. Please don’t break up with me,” I begged. He didn’t listen to me. He coldly asked me to get out of his life. “I never loved you, Esme. Just get lost.” I was devastated. This was not the life I had imagined. He simply couldn't leave my life after ruining me and breaking my heart. I decided to teach him a lesson for cheating on me. I hooked up with his boss, Silas Sullivan, the handsome billionaire, the desire of every woman. And guess what, my ex-boyfriend crawled back to me and begged my forgiveness. “My heart is breaking, Esme. I-I want you back. Please forgive me.” I let out a soft chuckle, shaking my head with disbelief. “Are you kidding me, Mister Ray? Forgive you! No way.” I smiled triumphantly as I won the game. Julian would regret hurting me, and he would come after me for my forgiveness. But little did I know I had already made a grave mistake by meddling with Silas Sullivan. =============== His imposing figure towered over me as he pressed me against the wall in his office. “Playing games with me, Miss Shaw. With Silas Sullivan! You have no idea who you have provoked. Prepare to face the consequences." He gripped my neck, digging his nails into my flesh. I trembled in fear. I could see hell in his burning, dark eyes. ================== You can check on my other books. Accidentally Married to Mr. Billionaire (Completed) The Billionaire’s Sick Wife (Completed) The Contract Bride of Mr. Reid (Ongoing)

Angelica2511 · Urban
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435 Chs

New responsibility

"Dinner with your parents?" Esme blurted out, taken aback by the unexpected invitation.

Silas winced and hissed in response. "Lower your voice. You'll make me deaf."

Esme immediately shut her mouth, mindful of Emma's advice not to speak loudly. She took a deep breath and composed herself, trying to process the unexpected request.

"Why are you so surprised?" Silas queried. "You signed the agreement, didn't you? You're my girlfriend, and my parents wish to meet you. We need to maintain the facade of a serious relationship."

Esme knew she couldn't avoid it, even though she was nervous. She just had to act and pretend to be Silas's girlfriend. It was just an act. There should be no problem. She took a deep breath and nodded, trying to push aside her anxiety.

'It's all right,' she told herself, trying to convince herself that everything would be fine. 'I can do this.'

"Are you still hesitating, Miss Shaw?" Silas inquired. "I already mentioned you can't back down now that the game's started."

"I'm not backing down," she replied instantly. "I'm just mentally preparing myself. This isn't easy for me. I'm nervous. I don't even know you, and you're taking me to meet your parents. How do you expect me to act casually? It won't happen right away."

"I get your point," he said, nodding understandingly. He set the cup down, rising from his seat and moving toward her with deliberate steps. "What do you suggest then, Miss Shaw? Should we spend time getting to know each other?" He closed the distance between them, leaning in closer.

Esme forgot to breathe. His proximity increased her pulse rate. She could feel his warm breath on her skin, making her shiver. His proximity caused her heart to race and her legs to tremble. She tried to step back, but her feet seemed frozen in place. Her knees shook as if they were going to give up at any moment.

"Um, no, I-I didn't mean that," she stuttered, her voice as low as a whisper. She stepped back, trying to maintain some distance.

"You've just complained that you don't know me," Silas said huskily, a teasing smile tugging at his lips.

"That was not a complaint," she explained.

"You're right, Miss Shaw," Silas said, his voice low and husky. "We don't know each other, yet I'm asking you to pretend to be in love with me. That's not fair. Mom and Dad will see through our act in a minute. We should get along to make our charade convincing."

"I... I don't know." Her breath hitched as he grasped her arm, pulling her nearer. His warm breath brushed against her ear, sending tingling sensations down her spine. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She wanted to push him away, but her body went numb. She remained rooted in her place, holding her breath.

"Let's start with a little practice," Silas said, his voice low and seductive. "We need to get used to each other, don't you think?"

"En… I don't know what you are talking about." His touch sent waves of electricity through her body, and she struggled to keep her composure.

"Look at you. As stiff as a stick," he teased, a wry smile curving his lips. "How will anyone believe you're my girlfriend?"

Esme looked at him with surprise, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew that she had to do this, but she couldn't shake off the feeling that she was betraying herself. She was pretending to be something she wasn't, making her feel sick to her stomach.

Silas pulled her closer, his body pressing against hers. Esme could feel his heat, and it made her feel weak. She closed her eyes, hoping that this would all be over soon.

"You are coming with me to the Lucky Club," he murmured, his lips almost brushing her cheek.

Esme shuddered, the flutters in her stomach intensifying.

"You will be taking notes in the meeting," he continued with the same low and husky voice. "Got it?"

Esme nodded, her voice barely audible as she spoke. "I get it."

As soon as he released her, she dashed out. She escaped him for now but knew this was only the beginning.


At the Lucky Club...

The meeting was well underway. Silas sat attentively, listening to the young lady opposite him explain the details of the impending photo shoot. Beside him, Esme diligently transcribed essential notes, capturing the critical elements of the discussion.

As the meeting drew to a close, the lady expressed her gratitude to Silas for not canceling the meeting, which had been postponed multiple times before.

"We're grateful your company chose us for the shoot," the lady expressed warmly. "We are eager to work with you."

"Hmm," Silas responded with a thoughtful hum and nodded to Esme. "You can directly reach out to her if you need anything. She is going to handle the things."

The unexpected declaration sent Esme's gaze darting from her diary to Silas. Recently hired, she hadn't anticipated spearheading the photo shoot of the company's newly launched jewelry sets. How was she going to handle everything? The weight of the responsibility descended upon her shoulders, sparking a mix of irritation and apprehension.

Silas, noting Esme's perplexed expression, wore a subtle, sly smile. "Miss Esme Shaw is an incredibly hardworking individual. You can trust her."

Esme tightened her grip on her pen. She understood why he was doing this. In the interview, she said that she was a hardworking and dedicated person. She knew that Silas was testing her abilities, and the thought made her even more anxious.

With each passing second, Esme's anxiety grew. What if she messed up? What kind of punishment would Silas dish out? Her mind raced with questions and doubts.

The young woman beamed with enthusiasm, pleased with the turn of events. "Yes, that's great. I won't need to bother the receptionist to reach out to you," she remarked. She turned to Esme and stretched her hand toward her. "I'm eager to kick off the photoshoot."

Suppressing her anxiety, Esme conjured a smile. "It'll be a pleasure working with you, Miss Green," she replied, reciprocating the handshake.

"Call me Susan," the young woman insisted.

"Sure thing, Susan."

Silas observed the exchange, a knowing smirk gracing his features. Seated comfortably, he leisurely sipped his drink, reclining on the sofa with one leg crossed over the other. Saying goodbye to them, Susan left.

Glancing at Esme, Silas's smirk widened. "I admire your confidence, Miss Shaw."

"Confidence?" Esme shot him a sharp look, her tone laced with tension. "I am nervous. I have no idea how to manage this. You could have given the responsibility to Emma. I'm fine assisting her under her guidance. But entrusting me to manage the entire photoshoot is insane. How am I supposed to pull that off?"

"Miss Shaw, you did mention your confidence in your abilities," Silas gently reminded her. "You expressed your dedication to achieving success in your career, didn't you?"

 Esme felt a knot tighten in her stomach. Her heart raced as she met Silas's gaze, her anger and determination battling within her. She knew it. She knew that he had picked up on it, and now he wanted to see how dedicated and serious she was. Annoyance surged within her, but she was ready to confront this challenge head-on, determined to prove her worth. 

Silas attempted to ease her worries. "It's not as daunting as it seems," he assured her. "All you have to do is look after the photo shoot crew, make some necessary arrangements, and take care of the jewelry sets. Don't worry, you won't be alone. A couple of staff members will be there to help you."

"How generous of you, Mr. Sullivan," Esme scoffed, her tone tinged with sarcasm. "I'm truly flattered."

Silas chuckled, moving closer to her. "Call me Silas," he said hoarsely. 

"Uh?" Surprised, Esme raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? Wouldn't it raise suspicions if I suddenly start calling you by your first name?" 

"You're my girlfriend," Silas asserted. His eyes locked onto hers, his pupils dilating. "You can call me Silas when we are alone."

"Fake girlfriend," she corrected him.

"We still need to make it look convincing," he argued. "Since we can't display it publicly, private practice might help." His finger traced her arm, leaning in closer.