
Temptation of Billionaire's Secret Lover: A Tale of Love and Revenge

“You are a selfish, insecure, and jealous person, Esme. I'm sick of you. I want you out of my life,” Julian Ray, my fiancé yelled at me. Selfish? Insecure? Jealous? I only tried to keep that bitch away from him. Was he expecting me to sit idly and watch her snatch my fiancé? Julian removed the engagement ring and threw it at me. “We are done.” He just ended our relationship, smashing my hopes and shattering my heart. I loved him since I was a child and grew up with the dream to be his wife. I was overjoyed when I was finally betrothed to him two years ago. Julian was always ambitious. He did not want to settle down and married so soon since he wanted to be successful in his career. I did everything I could to make him happy and achieve his goal. When he finally got his desired job and position, he forgot about me and cheated on me. He had forgotten my favor, my sacrifices, and my love for him. “I love you, Julian. Please don’t break up with me,” I begged. He didn’t listen to me. He coldly asked me to get out of his life. “I never loved you, Esme. Just get lost.” I was devastated. This was not the life I had imagined. He simply couldn't leave my life after ruining me and breaking my heart. I decided to teach him a lesson for cheating on me. I hooked up with his boss, Silas Sullivan, the handsome billionaire, the desire of every woman. And guess what, my ex-boyfriend crawled back to me and begged my forgiveness. “My heart is breaking, Esme. I-I want you back. Please forgive me.” I let out a soft chuckle, shaking my head with disbelief. “Are you kidding me, Mister Ray? Forgive you! No way.” I smiled triumphantly as I won the game. Julian would regret hurting me, and he would come after me for my forgiveness. But little did I know I had already made a grave mistake by meddling with Silas Sullivan. =============== His imposing figure towered over me as he pressed me against the wall in his office. “Playing games with me, Miss Shaw. With Silas Sullivan! You have no idea who you have provoked. Prepare to face the consequences." He gripped my neck, digging his nails into my flesh. I trembled in fear. I could see hell in his burning, dark eyes. ================== You can check on my other books. Accidentally Married to Mr. Billionaire (Completed) The Billionaire’s Sick Wife (Completed) The Contract Bride of Mr. Reid (Ongoing) My Ex-Husband Begged Me To Take Him Back - Ongoing, daily updated.

Angelica2511 · Urban
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435 Chs

A long list of Silas’s ex-girlfriends.

"What? All of them?" Esme exclaimed in disbelief.

Emma shook her head. She had just told her not to speak loudly, but Esme forgot it. She replied flatly, her expression unchanging, "Yes, all of them. They still call him despite his lack of interest. They're nothing but trouble. Got it?"


Esme didn't get it at all. It was not just one, two, or three women. The sheer number of names on the list left her incredulous. She couldn't comprehend that Silas had dated so many women.

"Mr. Sullivan will not talk to them," Emma continued. "You will deal with them."

"Me?" Esme exclaimed, utterly bewildered by the unexpected responsibility.

"Shh, keep your voice down," Emma scolded. "You can't talk here loudly."

"I'm sorry, I was just surprised," Esme apologized, trying to lower her tone.

"Anyway," Emma dismissed with a wave of her hand. "I used to manage them. Now it's your job."

Esme's eyes widened as she stared at Emma, her mouth agape, as she tried to wrap her head around the daunting task that lay ahead of her. She couldn't believe that she was expected to handle all of Silas's ex-girlfriends. It was only at this point that she understood why Emma had been complaining about the workload.

Esme could already feel the pressure. She blinked and looked at the list of names, feeling a knot form in her stomach as she contemplated the potential fallout from these women. She imagined how persistent they could be, constantly calling and texting Silas, demanding his attention. The thought of having to deal with them made her anxious.

"I am not asking you to climb Mount Everest." Emma's voice brought her back to reality.

"All you need to do is tell them that Mr. Sullivan is not available," Emma instructed. "They'll try to make excuses, pull drama, and seek his appointment. You need to stay focused and ignore them. Don't pity them. Are you getting me?"

Esme nodded reluctantly, understanding the gravity of her responsibilities. She knew that she had to be firm and assertive when dealing with these women, but she still felt uneasy as she thought about the daunting tasks ahead.

Emma continued with her instructions, explaining that Esme would receive calls and messages from various numbers, all of which she needed to ignore. "When you turn them down, they'll yell at you, curse you, and maybe even threaten you," Emma warned. "Don't take it personally. Just tell them firmly that he's not available."

Esme felt a twinge of disappointment creeping up her spine. If she had known that her job would involve dealing with Silas's ex-girlfriends, she might have reconsidered her decision to work for him. But now she was committed, and she knew that she had to put her best foot forward and do her job to the best of her ability. Esme took a deep breath, steeling herself for the challenges that lay ahead.

Sensing Esme's hesitation, Emma attempted to reassure her. "This isn't your only task, Esme. You have other responsibilities, too. His schedule is on the following page. He arrives punctually at nine o'clock, drinks his black coffee within ten minutes, and takes lunch at 1 p.m. His driver brings his food, and it's your duty to serve it. At 3:30 p.m., he has another cup of coffee. If he's in a meeting, he'll skip the coffee, but it's essential for him in the morning. You must ensure he gets it hot and on time."

Esme went to the next page and checked the schedule.

"Following that, you'll find his meeting schedules," Emma continued. "You need to remind him about them. Clear?"

Esme nodded, her ears ringing. Her brain was about to shut down as she checked the packed meeting schedules. She had never realized how hard-working the seemingly flirtatious man was—meetings upon meetings, with hardly any breaks in between. And yet, he still found time to date those women. She shook her head, trying to focus on the task at hand.

A sense of dread washed over her. How was she supposed to keep track of all these meetings and appointments? She wondered how Silas managed to take a break from work.

"One more thing," Emma remembered another important point. "There are no dates for the next two weeks. If someone seeks his meeting, schedule it after two weeks."

"Alright," Esme said, trying to sound confident. She hoped that she wouldn't mess up Silas's schedule.

"Check the folder too. The following is a list of business ventures in which our company has invested this year. Check their profits and provide a report." With those final words, Emma turned to the file she had taken out to check.

Esme let out a long sigh as she put the diary aside and checked the folder. She felt like she was drowning in responsibility.

The commotion in the hallway drew her attention. Esme lifted her head and spotted Silas striding down the corridor, engrossed in a phone conversation, accompanied by Caleb. Her breath hitched as she took in his striking appearance. There was something about the way he carried himself, with one hand casually tucked into his pocket, that radiated elegance and charm. Her heart raced without her permission.

Silas's eyes met hers, and for a brief moment, they locked gazes.

"Good morning, sir." Emma greeted him with a polite smile on her face. Sensing Esme's distraction, she pinched her under the desk, bringing her back to reality.

"Good morning," Esme echoed, jumping to her feet, her voice trembling slightly.

Silas acknowledged Emma's greeting with a nod but deliberately ignored Esme's. Instead, he directed his attention to Emma. "I hope you can handle your inexperienced new assistant," he said, his voice tinged with sarcasm.

"Don't worry, sir," Emma responded, unfazed by Silas's jab. "You find me an assistant; that's enough for me."

"Smart," Silas smirked, his eyes briefly flickering towards Esme. "Bring my coffee." With that, he disappeared into his cabin, leaving Esme both embarrassed and nervous.

Esme sprang into action, swiftly locating the espresso machine adjacent to their desks. Within moments, the coffee was ready, steaming in the cup she held in her hand, prepared to deliver it to Silas's cabin.

"Wait." Emma's firm voice stopped her in her tracks. "Take the diary with you," she instructed. "Remind him of today's schedules. And take dictations if he has any."

Esme nodded, feeling a twinge of apprehension. She grabbed the diary and entered Silas's cabin. She found her boss seated behind his desk, his gaze steady and piercing.

Esme's steps faltered under his intense scrutiny, but she refused to show her nerves. Summoning her courage, she approached the worktable. "I brought your coffee," she said, extending the cup towards him.

Silas raised an eyebrow, his eyes flickering towards the diary in her hand. "Ah, perfect. What is my schedule for today?" he asked, his voice deep and commanding.

Esme swallowed hard, flipping open the diary to the relevant page. "Yes, um. You have a meeting with the marketing team at 10 a.m., followed by a conference call with the overseas office at 11 a.m. After lunch, you have a presentation at 2 PM and then a meeting with an ad agency at 4 PM."

Silas listened intently, his expression unreadable. "Postpone that meeting with the ad agency," Silas interjected. "I am meeting someone in the afternoon. Call the ad agency and check with them if they will be able to meet me at 7 p.m. at the Lucky Club."

He took a sip of the coffee, and immediately, his expression shifted. It was sweet, contrary to his preference for black coffee without sugar. Initially considering putting it aside, he hesitated and took another sip, the sweetness spreading across his mouth.

It was not bad. In reality, he liked the taste. Silas continued sipping the coffee without objecting.

"Do you need anything else?" Esme asked.

"No. You can leave now," Silas replied curtly.

Esme released a relieved sigh, eager to depart swiftly from the tense atmosphere. She was nervous around him and was desperate to leave as quickly as possible.

"Miss Shaw." As Esme pivoted to depart, Silas's voice halted her in her tracks. She closed her eyes momentarily, wincing at the timing of his call. 'Can't he say it sooner?' she muttered to herself.

Masking her inner turmoil with a forced smile, she turned back to face him. "How can I assist you, sir?"

"It's only you who can help me in this matter," Silas stated with a sly smile. "You'll be joining me for dinner at my parents' place this weekend."