

He was the last of his kind, a hunter of the night, a slayer of beasts. He had no name, no family, no home. He had only his mission, his silver bullets, and his trusty rifle.

He had been hunting werewolves for as long as he could remember, ever since they killed his parents when he was a child. He had seen them tear apart innocent people, ravage villages, and spread their curse across the land. He had sworn to eradicate them all, or die trying.

He had tracked down many of them, one by one, following their trails of blood and fur. He had faced them in their human forms, and in their wolf forms, and in their hybrid forms. He had shot them, stabbed them, burned them, and beheaded them. He had seen them beg for mercy, curse him with their dying breaths, and sometimes even thank him for ending their misery.

He had lost count of how many he had killed, but he knew there were still more. He had heard rumors of a hidden pack, a secret society of werewolves that lived in the shadows, plotting and scheming to overthrow the human world. He had spent years searching for them, following every clue and lead he could find.

He finally found them in a remote forest, in a hidden cave. He saw their eyes glowing in the dark, their fangs dripping with saliva, their claws ready to strike. He saw their leader, a massive beast with black fur and red eyes, who spoke with a deep and raspy voice.

"Welcome, hunter. We have been expecting you."

The hunter raised his rifle and aimed at the leader's heart.

"I have come to finish what I started. You are the last of your kind, and I am the last of mine. This ends here and now."

The leader laughed and shook his head.

"You are mistaken, hunter. We are not the last of our kind. We are the future of our kind. We have been waiting for you to join us."

The hunter frowned and pulled the trigger.

"Join you? Never!"

The bullet flew towards the leader's chest, but it was too late. The leader moved with lightning speed and dodged the shot. He lunged at the hunter and knocked him down. He pinned him to the ground and bit his neck.

The hunter felt a surge of pain and shock. He dropped his rifle and reached for his knife. He stabbed the leader in the side, but it was too late. The leader's venom had already entered his bloodstream.

He felt a wave of heat and cold wash over him. He felt his bones crack and his muscles stretch. He felt his skin tear and his hair grow. He felt his eyes change and his teeth sharpen.

He felt himself transform into a werewolf.

He screamed in agony and horror.

The leader smiled and licked his wound.

"Welcome to the pack, brother."


"Ryan", wake up his mother called, your father's home. excitedly he jumped out of the bed and rushed to welcome hia dad

Ryan always looked up to his father, who was a brave and kind man. His father worked as a forest ranger, protecting the wildlife and the environment. He taught Ryan how to respect nature, how to track animals, and how to shoot a gun.

Ryan loved spending time with his father, especially when they went camping in the woods. They would set up a tent, make a fire, and roast marshmallows. They would tell stories, sing songs, and watch the stars. They would also go hunting, but only for deer and rabbits, never for wolves.

Ryan's father had a secret that he never told anyone, not even his wife or son. He was a werewolf hunter, one of the few left in the world. He had inherited this duty from his grandfather, who had taught him everything he knew about the creatures of the night.

Ryan's father had seen the horrors that werewolves could cause, how they could slaughter innocent people, infect others with their curse, and threaten the balance of nature. He had sworn to stop them, no matter the cost. He had a special rifle that fired silver bullets, a knife that was blessed by a priest, and a necklace that protected him from their mind control.

He would often go on missions at night, when Ryan and his mother were asleep. He would track down the werewolves that lurked in the shadows, and confront them in their lairs. He would fight them with skill and courage, and kill them with mercy and justice.

He never told Ryan about his secret life, because he wanted to protect him from the danger and the burden. He wanted Ryan to have a normal childhood, to be happy and free. He wanted Ryan to love him as a father, not as a hero or a monster.

But one night, everything changed.

Ryan was 12 years old, and he had a nightmare. He dreamed that he was in the forest, surrounded by wolves. They had red eyes, sharp teeth, and long claws. They growled and snarled at him, ready to attack. He tried to run away, but they were too fast. He tried to scream for help, but no one heard him.

He woke up in a cold sweat, and realized that it was not a dream. He heard gunshots outside his window, and saw flashes of light in the dark. He heard roars and howls, and smelled blood and fire.

He got out of his bed, and ran to his parents' room. He saw his mother lying on the floor, unconscious and bleeding. She had been bitten by a werewolf that had broken into their house. He saw his father standing over her, holding his rifle and his knife.

He saw his father look at him with tears in his eyes.

"Ryan… I'm sorry… I have to go…"

He saw his father run out of the door, chasing after the werewolf that had escaped.

He saw his father leave him alone.

He never saw his father again.