
Template System in Attack on Titan!

Rakesh was an average boy who died in a Truck accident, However, that was not the end at least for him see how he gets reborn as Eren Yeager and changes the course of event . Note- English is not my mother Tongue there may be many grammatical mistakes. Note- Pic is not my property and all credit goes to the Original Producer.

Akros_Zero · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Seducing Misha I seem to become a Harem Protagonist

(Author's Note: Sorry Guys for not releasing a chapter for so long, I just didn't have any motivation to continue this story, and thus decided to focus on my others but now when someone sad very bad about my other fanfic it discouraged me, so instead of continuing that or a while I will continue this, anyway so will you be grateful who said that? Lol)


3rd Pov

Carla woke up and saw her head lying on her own son's chest, finally remembering all that happened yesterday she blushed and felt ashamed of herself as a mother,' Why did I do that?! Ugh, He already has Mikasa and that other girl! ', she felt guilty due to the act she technically made him cheat on Mikasa.

"Carla are you awake?", Eren said, his words broke Carla's thoughts, and looking at his cute and handsome face she blushed and thought,' Leave it, what is done is already done, past cannot be changed and I love him so much, I will try to make Mikasa and Misha accept our relationship somehow ', she then said," Yes Eren I am awake".

She then stood up and looking at him apologized," I am sorry Eren for doing this even if I am your mother, and I hope you accept me", she bit her tongue nervously waiting for his reply, Eren felt guilty since he was the one doing wrong.

[Host Stop feeling guilty about every damn thing, just accept it and progress your relationship otherwise this guilt will just break your relationship], said System in Eren's mind.

Eren hearing that his determination became firm and he sat on the bed and looking at Carla seriously said," I love you Mom, and we both have done wrong but I don't care, I love you and if you love me as well then it is all that matters". Carla's eyes became teary hearing that and she hugged him and started crying,"*Sniff* *Sniff* I am so lucky to have you as my son".

Eren caressed her back and said," And I am very lucky to have you as my mother and woman", hearing him saying she is his woman she blushed and hugged him harder.

The system said astonished,[ Host Damn! I mean wow (⊙o⊙)Those lines were so smooth, are you sure you aren't a Harem Protagonist? ]

Eren's eyebrows twitched hearing that and he complained,' You just ruined the mood '. System hearing him apologized [Sorry Host just couldn't help myself anyway I won't disturb you, go and seduce you are aunt! Until then Bye Bye! ].

Eren sighed at System's tactics, he then hugged Carla for a longer, and after that, they broke their hug and talked for a bit and then bathed themselves and wore new clothes, Carla accepted that she was by now his own son's woman.

As for Grisha? He died and it's better on focusing the present than on some Deadman. If Keith knew a brat outclassed him in the battle of love he would have gone into a coma.


Mikasa saw Eren hug him and sniffed his smell making Misha who was seeing these embarassed, Mikasa found another woman's scent on him, and knowing whose it was she didn't say anything, in the end as Eren's No. 1 woman it was her duty to take care of him and find worthy women for him and keep away hoes, for her Eren's mother is worthy and it is better since having a good relationship with Eren's mother, her Mother-in-law, whom Eren loves dearly.

In a way she just gained a lot rather than losing anything, while she was thinking this while sniffing Eren's smell, Misha came near her and took her away forcefully from Eren and reprimanded her," Mikasa! what are you doing?! You are a woman and should behave properly!".

Mikasa's eyes became teary seeing her mother break her Koala hug from Eren and pouting said," Mother! I want my dose of Erentolin!" Misha sighed hearing that and Carla chuckled seeing this and said," Misha let her be, it just shows she loves him very much and as long as they don't do something outrageous in public it's fine".

"But", Misha said, she was a very conservative woman and one can say she is the perfect wife who will completely dedicate herself to her husband. She looked at her daughter and sighed," Fine, Mikasa just doesn't cross the line okay?", she said and left Mikasa who like a cheetah ran to Eren and hugged him like a koala.

"Don't worry mother! I won't do anything outrageous!", saying that Mikasa perversely started sniffing Eren's scent and rubbing her head on Eren's chest. Misha seeing this became speechless and Carla started laughing.

Eren seeing the harmonious environment became happy, he then remembered about Armin and looked around and asked," Aunty Misha where is Armin?". Finally, someone remembered the poor guy whose presence by now has become as low as Drax.

Misha hearing him replied," Ah, Armin? He early morning went to the town saying he got some temporary Job and won't return for two days". Her words made Eren glad, knowing that he got a perfect chance to strike Misha, he doesn't want his friend Armin knowing his relationship with the older woman at least not now.

He thanked his friend who is a real bro, and thought,' Don't worry your sacrifice won't go to waste! ',. If Armin heard his thoughts and knew what he did and was going to do he will beat him to death.

Eren then smiled and said," Aunty Misha how about I stay today with you? I haven't spent time with you in a long time!". Misha hearing him became cheerful, but being the understanding woman she is she looked at Carla and asked," But don't you have to spend time with your mother?".

Carla hearing her shook her head and said," Don't worry Misha, I know you two like are friends and haven't met in a long time, it's fine you can spend a day or two with Eren", knowing she approved of it Misha became happy.

If Carla knew Eren's thoughts and planning she would have never let Eren be even near Misha.


Misha, Mikasa, and Eren spent a wonderful day, early in the evening after Mikasa ate the food she went to sleep lying that she is tired, Eren who saw this was very happy that he has such an understanding woman as Mikasa and swore to treat her better.

It was late at night, and Misha and Eren talked to each other, joking occasionally.

Misha laughed and said," Ara, Ara, to think Eren you will become such a playboy *sigh* the little cute Eren that I knew has grown up into a fine young man", she looked nostalgically at Eren's face.

She knew Eren was very mature at least for his age, he is also the savior of her and her daughter, she likes him very much and they are very close like Best friends, she is closer to him than even Mikasa and Carla.

Eren also smiled and replied," Can't help it, Aunty, I am the prince charming of every girl in the scouts, and when that girl first approached me I thought she was the same, but later on I found she loves me and finding her attractive and likable I decided to get into a relationship with her".

Misha hearing that became serious and asked," Listen Eren, I don't care about that girl and your relationship with other girls, I just want to request that please keep Mikasa happy, she loves you deeply and I don't want to see her sad".

Eren nodded and said seriously," Don't worry Aunty I won't do anything like that, and I will always try to keep her happy". "Try?", asked Misha as her eyes narrowed.

Eren didn't flinch and replied," I won't lie, I am a human being and everyone does mistakes, also it's impossible to do everything, at most I can try my best and correct my mistakes and try to not do it again".

Hearing his words Misha's eyes softened, and she happily said," I am glad that my daughter meet you Eren".

Eren then comically said," Just your daughter? And here I thought you were happy meeting me too". Seeing his antics Misha chuckled and said," I am too happy that I meet you Eren, you are the best son-in-law I can hope for".

Eren nodded hearing that, and then said," I love you Aunty!", his killer smiled making Misha skip a beat and she blushed and said," Eren you shouldn't say something like that what if people misunderstand?".

Eren stood up and came beside her and said," I don't care about what others think, and I am not the one to not admit my feelings". Misha's blush became redder and she said," Eren! Do you know that just sounded like a love confession?!".

"Because it is Misha", said Eren as his gaze became serious, yes this time he decided to do it directly, he decided he won't use any indirect like Lust Aura, and he came to terms with himself, he decided he will use other sex-related skills as not being able to please his woman is one of the causes of dissatisfaction in a relationship and he won't do that.

But he won't lust Aura to make women Horny to fuck them, still, if there comes a time when it saves his life or prevents a serious situation he won't hesitate to use it. But using it on the woman he really loves is not something he likes. What's the use of loving them when he gonna use it to just fuck them?

A relationship should be based both on sex and love, if it's just based on one of these then it would just hurt the ones in the relationship. So he would try to build a relationship on both things.

Thus, he decided to be direct and confess to Misha rather than using some skill, if she accepts him then all good, if not then she will be just his lovely Mother-in-law, and as for the quest? He already has enough power to clear this world, thus it doesn't matter to him if he gets an Op Template right now.

He looked seriously at Misha who by now was baffled by the current situation and asked," Er-Eren? You? are confessing to me?!", Eren nodded and said," Yes Misha, I love you as a woman, and I know it's wrong but I have these feelings and I don't want to regret anything since the world is a cruel place thus I want to make sure to not have regrets before I die".

Misha became silent upon hearing that and Eren continued," Misha I love you as a woman, and please answer my confession, I don't care if you don't see me in the same way I do, all I need is an answer".

Misha after hearing that said, "But what about Mikasa? She is my daughter and I can't-", Eren cut his words and said," She is okay with it and that's why she left us alone", his words made Misha's eyes wide.

Thinking for a bit she realized he was right, not to mention Mikasa didn't care about having Eren's relationship with another woman, she also weirdly went to sleep early despite loving spending time with Eren. She thought,' Ugh! That unfilial daughter I will punish her by lapping her butt tomorrow but for now, think Misha! What will you say to Eren?! '.

As for why Eren said that to Misha, because not like he wanted to put blame on Misha but he didn't want to Misha have anything holding back while she answers to his confession, he wants to know the truth. If she loves him like that then hooray if not then he will leave any such thoughts about her.

Misha was in turmoil not knowing how to reply to Eren,' Should I accept it? I mean I really love him so much and even see him a bit differently but my morals won't allow this and if I deny him he will be broken, I can't see him sad! ', she didn't know what to do.

Then she recalled Eren's words about how the world is a cruel place and he didn't want to leave any regrets, and then thought about it seriously, Eren is currently a cadet and he desires to become a scout, she knows that Death rate of the scouts was very high, although Eren said after being a scout for a while he would leave it.

But what if he dies? What if she is unable to see Eren again? She should cherish every moment with her loved ones. For her, Eren was the closest male other than her husband who died. She still remembers how he saved her and then begged his parents to accept them.

If not for him, she wouldn't have any place left, as a woman who knew nothing else than doing Miscellaneous tasks, raising her daughter would have been very difficult she would have to sell her body probably to make out a living. It might be possible that even her daughter would have been trapped in this.

Or worst case scenario someone else would have kidnapped them, rap*d them, or sold them, if not for this boy she and her daughter would have experienced hell. She loved Eren, she saw him as a son, a friend, and even as a man but her morals didn't allow that.

But recalling everything her eyes became teary and she looked at Eren, she finally made a decision,' I don't want to regret it ', she hugged Eren and said," I love you Eren!". Her words made Eren breathe in relief and he also felt very happy.

"Misha I love you too! And I swear to take care of you!", his words moved Misha's heart and she looked at him with love, Eren seeing the chance moved his lips near her and Misha closed her eyes and kissed him.

Then they had a french kiss, and soon things escalated. Eren heard System's voice about how he completed the task, but ignored it and continued with Misha and spent a passionate night with her.


The next morning, Misha woke up and saw her chest on Eren, and then sitting on the bed she looked at Eren's sleeping face with love but remembering about Carla she panicked for a bit before she took a deep breath and held Eren's hand and brought it to her face, feeling the warmth of his hand she looked at him obsessively.

' I don't care about it any longer, I will make Carla accept our relationship somehow, I don't care about my previous morals, all I know is I can't live without this man ', she thought and an obsessed look formed on her face.

Unknown to Eren he gained another Yandere, what to say? Mother-like daughter, both are made of the same mold.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed the chapter, now that my writing skills have improved I have tried to make his approach to Misha better, and I think I did it fine, even so, please comment me about your thoughts! Building Criticism will be much appreciated! And again thank you to all my readers! Till we meet next time Bye! Bye!)