
America's A*s

(Note- If I hurt the sentiments of anyone please ignore it as it isn't my goal to hurt your feelings, just enjoy the chapter)

3rd Pov

System: Ding! Task received! Carrying out the task... Drawing out a Template...Succeeded!

Eren: What Template do I get?

System: Congratulations to the Host for getting...

3years later

Eren: ahhahhahh!

On plain grassland one could see a boy running, the boy had brown hair and emerald-like green eyes. The boy was continuously gasping for air and finally fell to the ground.

Eren: Ahahhhahaah!

Eren Pov

I have finally finished running 25 km and my Template Assimilation went up by 0.2%.

Eren looked at his Status

Eren: Just a bit more and it will become 30%.


Name- Eren Jaeger

Age- 4 years old

Templates Assimilated-0

Currently Assimilating- Captain America[29.6%]

Strength: 4.6 {4.6 times an Average Adult}

Stamina: 3.5 { 3.5 times an Average Adult }

Flexibility: 1.23 { 1.23 times an Average Adult}

Vitality: 3.44 {3.44 times an Average Adult}

Wisdom: 12th Standard Level.

Intelligence: 2.3 {2.3 times an Average Adult}

Dexterity: 2.9 {2.9 times an Average Adult}

Endurance: 2.5 { 2.5 times an Average Adult}

Charisma: 5.2 {5.2 times an Average Adult}



Superhuman Strength(Passive): Grants Super Strength.

Superhuman Endurance(Passive): You can Endure more than an average Human Adult.

Super Stamina(Passive): More Stamina than an Average Adult Human.

Super Charisma(Passive): You attract the Female gender more.

Pleasuring Tongue(Active): Your Tongue will provide sexual pleasure to women and make them moan like a b*tch in heat.

Pleasuring Fingers(Active): Your fingering will provide sexual pleasure to women and make them moan like a b*tch in heat.

Alpha's Aura(Passive): Your Women will like to be dominated by you and they will take even your suggestions as Orders and fulfill them wholeheartedly.

Alpha Male Mindset(Passive): Your mentality will slowly change into that of an Alpha.

Calm mind(Passive): Your mind will automatically calm down when needed.

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[Multiversal Travel{Locked}]

Eren: So this is my stats right now huh. Anyway, I am too tired now I should rest under the tree.

I slowly walked toward the nearest tree and it was the same tree on whose shades Original Eren was sleeping when Mikasa woke him up in the First Episode of From 2000 years to you.

I lay down near its shade and looked and the sky remembering all that happened 4 years ago.

First I got my First Template which is Captain America Template and as a bonus, I got America's A*s.

Yes, the same divine A*s after which the whole Hydra after was.

According to the System to Assimilate any Template I need to use the powers that I get from the Template or Skills I get.

Captain America Template gave me 4 new Skills and all of them are Passive Skills also as I assimilate the Template of any Person I also get stats of them and if I assimilate it every 10% Mark I get a huge boost to my stats compared to previous 9% of it also System told me that 50% Mark and 100% Mark give an extremely Huge boost compared to other 10%.

I also need to Assimilate a Template at least 70% and only after that I will get a new Template. currently, I have assimilated about 29.6 % and my stats are a bit lower than should it be at the same level is due to my underaged body. According to System, it's about 15% lower and it will be like till 13 years of age.

Eren: I am already 4 years old and still I have assimilated only about 29.6% even if it's Only Captain America Template!*Sigh* It's really hard but thankfully Captain America's Strength will be enough to save Mikasa's Family and my mother who may be in the future gets trapped under the rubble when the walls get broken.

I may already have assimilated more than 40% if not for my mother. My mother unlike the original is overprotective and shows more affection than in the Original Plot. If I wanna guess why the butterfly effect happened is because of my skills which are affecting her.

For my mother, I am her Starchild and gets easily worried even If I get a scratch and she only lets me go out alone when I was 3 years old so it is only about 1 year I started Assimilating properly although I assimilated before it was only about 2.56 % since my mother doesn't let me do any exercise.

Eren: The system told me that I will get all the Superpowers in the template the moment I assimilate it but the stats remains the same and I have to Assimilate it to get stats at the same level as the Template.

There are three ways to Assimilate any template first to do work that the character of the template does, Second use the skills of the template in a fight, and third to exercise using the skills.

Since I can't do Hero Job-like Caps and fight even wild animals and I don't have a dungeon due to it being Template System, not Gamer or Solo Leveling System. Thus all I can do is exercise and since my skills are passive all I can do now is to exercise to increase the assimilation of the template.

Eren saw his stats again and smiled since despite being only 4 years old he has more strength than 11-year-Old Mikasa.

His stats represent how many times it is then an Average Adult Human unlike other value like points since it's Template System, not Gamer System so it also represents stats differently.

Strength represents just like say overall Strength of a Person.

Stamina represents his capacity to do work.

Flexibility represents his flexibility of bones, joints, muscles, and overall body.

Vitality is like Health Points and represents his current health.

Wisdom represents the knowledge he has and unlike another status, it is represented by standards. For example 1-9 School level, 10-16 college level,17-19 Library level, 20-22 genius level, and so on.

(Please don't pay attention to wisdom stats its not necessary for now and I will improve its order later on)

Intelligence represents his calculating and problem deducting skills.

Dexterity represents his ability to do work through his body like his hands.

Endurance represents how much his body can endure against heat, cold, pain, wounds, thunder, etc.

Charisma represents how attractive a person is.

Luck represents luck or the probability of happening phenomena that is in my favor or my wish. For some reason, it shows an error in luck stats and when I asked System about it replied me to that it is because of my last skill.

I was worried if it causes bad luck but the system said me not to worry since I am at least 10 times lucky compared to the average person.

( Author's Note: Fate doesn't affect him so he won't have good luck but he also won't have bad luck so 10 times luck is the probability of phenomena happening in his favor is without luck itself.)

I slowly stood up from the ground and saw it is already evening and since I don't want to worry my mother I started going the way the Home.

Eren: Thankfully after some persuasion she let me go out alone and the fact that even child kidnappers kidnap women or females mostly lessens her worries about me being kidnapped and I am at least well known in Shiganshina due to being Grisha's son who is a famous doctor and savior like figure ensures my safety at least somewhat. Everyone is also kind to me due to that fact.

Eren: I also tried to find Arnim Zola's lite version aka Armin Arlert but couldn't find him I guess since I haven't explored the whole Shiganshina I haven't met him yet maybe soon in the future I would be able to meet him.

I soon passed through the outer door of Shiganshina which connected the Wall Maria and the Inner Region of it or the outer Region of Wall Rose.

After Few minutes

I reached my home and I stood in front of the door and knocked on it.

Eren: Mom! It's me Eren!

Soon the door opened and I went inside the house and looked upwards at my mother who had a worried look she crouched toward me and inspected me carefully.

Carla: My baby did you get hurt somewhere?!

Eren: No Mom I am completely fine.

She carefully checked my whole body making me feel a bit ashamed due to having an older mentality. After she was sure that I wasn't hurt she sighed in relief and kissed my face.

( I am making her Character like this for Harem after all you pervs won but it will be a long time before you guys get to see R18 chapters of Carla)


A torrent of kisses attacked my face making several lip marks appear on my face and making me shy and ashamed.

3rd Pov

Eren: Mom! stop doing that!

Carla: You are my beloved son how can I not kiss you? I show my love by kissing you.

Eren sighed and thought that he is still a child in front of others so his dignity won't be harmed now and let her mother love her after all he knows what future he has to face. So he let her enjoy and he appreciated her mother's affection.

Eren: Okay Mom! I am going to wash my face now!

Carla smiled at him and went back to check the food if was ready or not.

To be continued...

(Author Here! I hope you guys like the Chapter and please comment)

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