
Tempest of the Steel Mecha

Suppressing miracles Concealing the truth Eternal fervor and passion An immortal legend of tyranny!

Daoist5LB6oW · Games
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98 Chs

Xiao Jin’s Shocking Appearance

"My friend, don't be crazy today. Come sing with me. I have invited some nice girls to introduce you to. If you keep going like this, even after graduating high school, you won't be able to get rid of your virginity!"

Mark posed as a savior, making Li Feng shake his head endlessly. Every time, Mark used this to bring him down. Is being a virgin really such a terrible thing?

"No, I can't skip my workout."

Once a habit is formed, Li Feng feels terrible if he doesn't exercise for a day.

This time, Mark was serious when he said to Li Feng, "We are brothers. I'm also advising you for the last time. That girl is not suitable for you. Love is a double-edged sword and you will get more and more deeply involved. You must be careful."

Li Feng patted his shoulder heavily. He knew that Mark was good to him, but he was not as he imagined. He didn't deny that Tang Ling was attractive, but he had his own life goals.

Watching Li Feng's figure leaving, Mark shook his head helplessly… Oh my god, he used so much force that his shoulder was swollen. Mark could only seek some comfort in the embrace of the beautiful women.

Not long after leaving school, a shiny Mercedes KLR5 stopped next to Li Feng. The car window slowly lowered, revealing Tang Ling's angelic smile. "Are you Li Feng?"

Even with the composure that Li Feng had honed, he couldn't help feeling a bit nervous in this situation. This reaction couldn't be hidden from Tang Ling's eyes, and she felt slightly disappointed.

"Yes, Tang Ling, is there something you need?" This nervousness didn't last long. Rather than being nervous, it was more like excitement.

"Hehe, come inside and talk."

The driver quickly got out of the car and opened the door. Li Feng had nothing to worry about and confidently got into the car. A soundproof barrier was raised, and only the two of them were left in the spacious back seat. This was Li Feng's first time being so close to a girl. A faint fragrance filled his olfactory nerves.

The two of them stared at each other without blinking. Actually, the moment Li Feng entered the car, Tang Ling felt a soul-stirring sensation. He gave her a lot of pressure, but she didn't show it. Why did this person feel ordinary but give her such a feeling?

Tang Ling wasn't sure if it was an illusion or not. In the end, it was Tang Ling herself who couldn't help but smile gracefully and say, "Li Feng, next Sunday is my birthday, and I'm planning a small party. Would you like to join me?"

After speaking, Tang Ling felt like she was a bit too… submissive. Perhaps she didn't need to be.

The sudden invitation surprised Li Feng, but he wasn't as ecstatic as he had imagined. "It's my honor to be invited. I'll definitely attend on time."

Even after getting off the car, Li Feng still felt a bit dreamy. It wasn't until he looked at the golden invitation card in his hand that he realized it was real, and the diamond on it was also real. GAD's extravagance was truly extraordinary.

When his brain regained normal functioning, Li Feng suddenly realized that he had a lot of questions… How did Tang Ling know him? Why did she invite him? What could he do at such a top-notch party, and what should he wear?

The questions overwhelmed him. Oh my god, sometimes good luck could be a kind of trouble. Li Feng decided to use exercise to temporarily forget about it.

He opened the door, but Mark wasn't there. This pervert wouldn't be back until late at night. Li Feng increased the gravity fourfold and walked in shirtless. Only with that level of pressure could he feel something. But his mental state was too excited today, he needed some intense exercise to calm down!

Just as Li Feng was about to pick up the dumbbells, a flash of lightning passed through his mind, and he suddenly passed out. A dim light floated out of his body.

Self-check: Recovery is slow, activating sensory system…

Master check: Low level, good condition, planning is possible.

Connecting… the master's will to become a powerful mobile suit, receiving… configuration… entering simulated combat state… countdown three seconds, three… two… one, start!

At this point, Li Feng was not unconscious. Instead, he appeared in a vast space. He pinched himself hard, but it didn't hurt… Weird, was he hallucinating?

Well, he had even bumped into a meteor, so encountering a hallucination wasn't a big deal.

Observing the sensation of reality and illusion, Li Feng felt that he was most likely in some kind of all-weather virtual space, somewhat similar to a game in a cosmic battle.

"Is anyone there? If so, make a sound?"


The sudden sound startled Li Feng. He turned around and saw a spherical metal ball with a pair of wings… or rather, a mechanical toy.

"Excuse me, did you just make a noise?" This robot is quite obedient.

"Greetings, esteemed master. I am Xiao Jin, the eighth generation of the KFBT Maya toy series, with the serial number 9638. You may address me as such."

Li Feng's mind raced as he wondered if he was dreaming or experiencing an illusion. Slowly reaching out towards Xiao Jin, he discovered he was touching thin air.

"Where am I? How did I get here? What is Maya, and what is KFBT? And what are you?" Shocked, Li Feng bombarded Xiao Jin with a series of questions, but he instinctively knew that this was related to the meteor and his unusual physical state.

"Master, Maya is a civilization originating from Earth and the most powerful force in the universe. I am a product of the Maya civilization, and KFBT is my model, which stands for Fully Intelligent Combat Control Exercise Education Toy. I am your toy, Xiao Jin."

Although he performed poorly in his studies, Li Feng never doubted his intelligence. Earth was correct, but there was no Maya civilization on it. There seemed to be a Maya civilization a long time ago, but they were certainly not capable of producing such a thing… and what kind of toy would be named Fully Intelligent Combat Control Exercise Education Toy? It was all a bit nonsensical!

But Li Feng still understood to some extent that this thing was indeed from another civilization. Earth might just be its temporary translation system, but that wasn't the main point. The main point was why it brought him here!

"Ahem, Xiao Jin, am I in your space now? Can you let me go back?"

Dear God, he didn't want to be abducted by aliens. He might as well die beneath the peony flowers than face such a fate.

"Apologies, Master. The system has detected your request and initiated the training system. Before the training is complete, you must stay in this space. The ratio between here and reality is one to ten."

Xiao Jin still replied in a stilted language.

Li Feng was about to pass out. This was impossible. When did he make such a request? Besides, he was the master. Didn't he have the right to change things?

"Xiao Jin, since I am the master, can I make a change and wait until later to train?"


"Apologies, Master. The system suffered severe damage when traversing parallel spaces, and your request cannot be executed. Please choose to wait or exercise."