
Tempest of the Steel Mecha

Suppressing miracles Concealing the truth Eternal fervor and passion An immortal legend of tyranny!

Daoist5LB6oW · Games
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98 Chs

A Small Test of Skill

This issue has attracted the attention of countless people, but more than that, it's a challenge. Almost everyone thinks it's just a coincidence. After all, if you play the game enough, there will be one or two miracles that occur. The previous record of the Blade Warrior was one thousand three hundred and twenty-one defeats, which is considered rare in the game. Suddenly using Thomas's Twist Shot is too suspicious.

However, what people can't help but notice is that the Blade Warrior's opponent is not a weakling, but rather very fierce. Even when facing a weaker opponent, he still uses all his strength. The other party is most likely a professional soldier. Only professional soldiers will use all their strength regardless of their opponent's strength. This is also a basic quality.

At this moment, a young man in a smart military uniform with a rugged build and delicate features is staring blankly at the screen. It shows that this person is thoughtful, but he can't figure it out!

As an Evintar, a member of the Big Dipper Seven Stars, he only intended to try out the ordinary human model and see what level these players are at. The first 25 victories were all against challengers with higher levels than him. The only two defeats were to two colonels with much higher model enhancements than him. He is confident that if he uses the same model, he can defeat his opponent within ten moves… but he never expected to lose to someone using a BS001 rookie model. He chose the Blade Warrior because of his high popularity and didn't pay attention to the opponent's record.

But he lost… Although he felt a little careless, being defeated by someone using BS001 and using Thomas's Twist Shot really dealt a heavy blow to his self-esteem.

"Hey, why are our handsome Jiang Yan from the Kai Yang Star looking so gloomy? Are you playing that boring game again?" A slightly glamorous female voice sounded, but she was even more glamorous.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Yan couldn't help but furrow his brows. It was Zhang Linjing, the only daughter of the Iron Curtain Zhang family, one of the four major families of the Evintar, and also one of the Big Dipper Seven Stars, the Yu Heng Star. Although she has a bit of a bad temper, she does have some skills.

"Ah, you lost. Who did you lose to?"

Zhang Linjing glimpsed at the screen, but Jiang Yan quickly closed it. The Big Dipper Seven Stars are the most renowned seven individuals of the younger generation at NUP. Some are students, while others are already soldiers. However, they don't always see eye to eye. Zhang Linjing, who comes from an aristocratic family, and Jiang Yan, who comes from an ordinary household, do not have compatible personalities.

Zhang Linjing didn't even look at Jiang Yan as he turned and left. She has shorthand skills and had already jotted down her opponent's information before Jiang Yan shut down the screen. Whoever could make Jiang Yan, one of the Big Dipper Seven Stars, so depressed, must be fascinating.

Meanwhile, Jiang Yan was still contemplating the slow-motion footage from earlier. From the selection of the battlefield to the final attack, everything was impeccable. But he couldn't imagine how his opponent could have used the Thomas's Twist Shot in that situation. It was too far-fetched!

Jiang Yan wasn't the only one puzzled. Li Feng was also staring blankly at the test results. Everything was normal except for a ten-pound weight gain, but there was no visible fat. It was really strange. However, the feeling of performing the Thomas's Twist Shot was exhilarating. Could it have been a fluke? Li Feng was eager to find out.

He logged back into UWAR, and as soon as he connected, a barrage of even more intense information bombarded him. Some were challenges, while others were requests for learning. There were even love letters from girls. Li Feng ignored all of them and entered his personal practice area. He controlled the mobile suit, took a deep breath, and recalled the key points of the Thomas's Twist Shot. His fingers moved quickly over the controller, and BS001 immediately followed the operator's movements and performed the entire set of actions again.

As he watched the mobile suit recover, Li Feng couldn't help but howl like a wolf. Damn, he was so cool! The tides have finally turned in his favor. Although he didn't know what had happened, Li Feng felt that his strength and physical response had improved significantly. Controlling BS001 was extremely comfortable, and the enormous weight hardly hindered his movements. That's why he was able to complete the action so smoothly.

Although it was only for a short time, Li Feng's disappearance still caused quite a bit of discontent. Some believed that the timid Blade Warrior, who had always failed, had become cowardly. But Li Feng just smiled at these remarks. He didn't care much about success or failure itself. He just wanted to gain experience in driving mobile suits.

Individual practice alone cannot guarantee success, as everything must be tested in actual combat. Therefore, Li Feng quickly chose a second lieutenant from the challengers. This was Li Feng's first time fighting against a player of such a high level, although there were even higher levels, Li Feng felt that this level was more appropriate for him, after all, he did not have a tendency for masochism. The feeling of winning for the first time was very good, and he couldn't wait to have a second round.

In this fiery battlefield, his opponent was a veteran player with an overwhelming mobile suit, the Wolf Demon V2, with a record of 590 wins, 238 losses, and 25 ties. The Wolf Demon V2 is a game version of the mobile suit that enhances flexibility and control, while also increasing firepower. He belongs to the pure gaming players.

Players are divided into two factions: one advocates for slightly modified versions of basic mobile suits based on reality, while the other is a fantasy faction that ignores exaggerated equipment updates. Both sides have their own positions. The former emphasizes improvement based on reality, while the latter pursues the thrill of high-performance combat.

The battle between BS001 Blade Warrior and Wolf Demon V2 immediately gained widespread attention. Players were all drawn in by Blade Warrior and did not know if he could perform another miracle.

The battle between a private and a second lieutenant actually attracted more than one million people to watch online at the same time, which was already a miracle for the existence of the cosmic war game for several years. People always have an uncontrollable passion for miracles, and the official of the cosmic war game also did a certain degree of promotion for this battle.

Li Feng was really not used to getting so much attention for the first time, but as soon as he stepped onto the battlefield, his heart became calm. This was a long-term self-training that has now become particularly calm. This time, he did not choose the desert battlefield, but a rugged rocky terrain. Regardless, Li Feng did not mind. He believed that a true warrior should adapt to any environment and any battlefield, as well as respond to emergency situations, even if it was something he was not good at. Only in this way can he become a truly qualified warrior.